This is the greatest band to ever exist and there's nothing you can do to prove me wrong

This is the greatest band to ever exist and there's nothing you can do to prove me wrong.

Attached: tool-new-album-release-date-1200x632.jpg (1200x632, 33K)

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Gave them a shot, went through all their albums. Something seems off about this band to my ears. There's something about it that I can't get into. I like what I'm hearing but at the same time there's something keeping me from truly enjoying it.

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You might like their techniques but not their music. Try Discipline - King Crimson and see if you get the same feeling.

tool is the rick and morty of metal

Lateralus was such a fucking dissapointed, if Tool cut all their albums in half and cut all the bullshit they'd go from a 7/10 band to a 9/10


the last 20 minutes of lateralus are filler

They are certainly one of the best, but I wouldn't say THE BEST (and this is coming from someone who is an enormous fan of the band).

They are very low energy.

Tell me that on some fungal treats friend

>This has the most annoying fanbase to ever exist and there's nothing you can do to prove me wrong.

I don't get Tool heads. I mean the band is decent but they meander ALOT.


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who the hell are fool

You can't be the greatest if you are pretentious.

i bet you're a fat, long haired guy

they're good but most of their songs tend to sound the same because most of them are in the key of D and tend to use the same patterns

I dig King Crimson and I've enjoyed the few VdGG songs I've heard, but can't really get into Tool. Maybe it's something about their alt-metal/post-grunge sound that turns me off and reminds me of stuff like Nickelback and Imagine Dragons.

>Imagine Dragons
i guarantee that's the first time anyone has ever compared tool to nickelback and imagine dragons. are you sure you're familiar with imagine dragons?
that sounds like tool to you?

based OP

I don't like Maynard's singing that much and many of the songs sound similar. They take themselves too seriously and make for a joyless listen.


Maynard has performed in a tongue and with a giant braw, they have a song called stinkfist, their logo was a dick that looked like a dick.
They don't take themselves to seriously, the fans do

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I listened to 10,000 Days when it came out and thought it was shit
everyone tells me NAH BRO THAT'S THEIR ABSOLUTE WORST ALBUM but I really do not fucking care to listen to the others. Isn't this band just like, Dream Theater meets Korn anyways? Why do people like this?

your loss

>but they only have 4 albums and the 4th was dogshit

Is it the fanbase being so cringey?

god tier drums and bass.
guitar is alright, if a bit uninspired.
vocals are hit and miss.
I'm not really into their 2deep4u aesthetic, but odd time meters and polyrhythms are fun as fuck.

Does reddit like tool?

zoomers will never understand what this video is about

i think they are one of the best of the last rock n roll bands.

there is some new rock bands that are actually pretty bad ass..
but it is hard to find them, or i often forget the names.

Best Zeppelin cover song

Cliché rock vocals = not the greatest band. Thankz.

>Thinking Tool sound anything like post-grunge
I don't even like Tool but that is the stupidest thing I've heard in a while

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What's cliche about them?

10.000 Days is their best album, lateralus is a close second. Ænema is alright, undertow is mediocre and Opiate is criminally underrated

10000 days really is their best album, but saying so really triggers the boomers

>there's nothing you can do to prove me wrong.
I don't have to, their next album will

The vocals do, at least.