Would it be a bad idea to get a Xiu Xiu tattoo? Just the logo, very small on my wrist

Would it be a bad idea to get a Xiu Xiu tattoo? Just the logo, very small on my wrist.
also music

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tats are 4 losers

nah it looks pretty cool

yes it's a bad idea

actually looks cool, but people will probably think it's from some anime. alternatively, I'd be embarrassed if someone recognized it as xiu xiu
although, if you are based then you won't care about people's reactions anyway

yes it’s a bad idea
As tattoos go symbols aren’t as bad as most but still a bad idea
tattoos are for sailors, prostitutes, and cultists

I think it's cool desu

go ahead

imagine having a stick this far up your prudish ass

forearm would look better imo

I personally don’t like tattoos but this would look cool. The main problem is that a lot of their fans get this tattooed. If you wanna be unique, then no, don’t get it. Otherwise, sure, why not

They just look bad dude
And it’s a sign you probably don’t have much of a personality if you’re using skin markings as a personality trait like an abo

im not into tattoos personally but if you like them its probaby a good idea
also if you get the tattoo you should send a photo to jamie and he will post it on his instagram and thank you

it'd be a better idea if you just necked yourself, retard

Tattoos are fucking degenerate


you probably masturbate daily. you can't be addicted to porn and call people who get tattoos degenerate. you're probably addicted to caffeine, or sugar too.

Just imagine thinking having some shitty doodle on your skin for life is cool. Fucking stupid they always look like ass.

Who cares. I don't have tattoos and will never get one. You need to stop whining about it. Some look like ass, some are pretty cool in my opinion.

I just want you to imagine the kind of person who is probably making OP and imagine if you personally think a tattoo would look good on them

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I don't worry about it

>would it be a bad idea to...
Yes, always yes

Söyboy detected.

Only if you are gay. (the logo is literally "crossing swords," a metaphor for two dicks).

Gays live rent free in your head. Seek therapy.

You'll regret it when Jamie inevitably gets arrested for trying to bomb an ICE facility.

Most homophobes are gay themselves

Jamie is gay as fuck. You're retarded if you've never seen this metaphor before - there are literally gay sex porn videos under the category "crossing swords."

t. am bi


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Based. Fuck the US.

>Would it be a bad idea to get a tattoo?
Yes, the answer is always yes.

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I literally want to get tattoos solely to piss people like you off.

based as fuck. ameriKKKan """veterans""" should be hunted down and shot like stray dogs

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>pulling the fucking “if u no like gay ur gay” card

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we don't care, if you want to look like a bum then good for you

so fucking based. shame anyone you know who joins or supports the US military aka foreigner death squad

>looking like shit to OWN anonymous users on a castillian bread making forum

I'm fine with tattoos, but getting a minimalist symbol on your wrist is such a basic bitch idea.

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Yea Forums hates tattoos, this is a terrible place to ask anything about them. That being said is correct. I'd get it bigger on the inside of the forearm, or maybe on a peck or shoulder blade

Kek and this is exactly why you'll regret them in like 5 years tops

don't do this.

at least get a better artist's tattoo like metallica or foo fighters

just buy a shirt

>protests a murderous regime by supporting another murderous regime

This thread only confirms that xiu xiu is soicore

This is why mu is so shitty nowadays people like you making shit threads like this that has nothing to do with music, then put something like "also music" hoping to earn some merit. fuck off
