How many listens did it take you?
How many listens did it take you?
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0, I never going to listen to this garbage and pretend it's good to appear like I'm so kind of "patrician"
Clicked on the third
I gave it 5 minutes and turned off that garbage lol. Shit album that idiots pretend to like
It took 3 or 4 attempts until I was able to listen to the whole thing.
I don't know what this is, nor do I care.
And people say this is good music lel
Listened twice, stopped listening to music for 4 years then revisited and it clicked
What you consider good music is different than what others consider good music. It's a hard thing to understand I know.
Absolutely based
same here, i was hooked after the 5th time
2, turned it off after Frownland my first listen.
Just one. I don't understand people who dislike this.
1, I know shit when I smell it
i can't get past 30 seconds of the first song
literally liked it in the first listen
second one was better cause you put more attention to the songs
by the third one i loved the shit out of it
nanoseconds of listening, just like the length of time it took Don to compose it.
The start of Frownland. The album is nothing but charming. Banana is harder to appreciate imo
It hasn't clicked but I understand why it's so well regarded
I listened to it a fair amount back in like 2012ish, but these days I rarely listen to it. It has several really good songs such as Moonlight on Vermont, Dachau Blues, Ella Guru, My Human Gets Me Blues, and some more that I've forgotten with time, but its way too fucking long and has too many songs that I just don't enjoy anymore. I went through a kick of these weird acts from the 70's years back, such as the Residents, the Hampton Grease Band, Cromagnon, and Deviants, but now I just want to listen to music that's simply easier to listen to. Some might say I'm becoming more of a pleb, but I would say I just don't want to lie to myself anymore by saying I like these abrasive, weird, and overly experimental albums more than some more easy listening albums. They definitely expanded my music tastes and made me appreciate music as a whole a lot more, but this type of music is just no longer for me.
3 before I started grooving to it, but I could sit through it while not understanding the first two times. Honestly this album is extremely catchy.
I have listened too many times and some things I really enjoy...
same, its a based album
I listened to nearly every beefheart album except this one
One. Kind of phased off after one too many spoken word tracks, boring.
1 listen
I listened all the way through on the first time and loved it.
listened to it once, never again. i still dont really "know" whether i like it or not
bought it on vinyl, just because i wanted it for my collection. I've tried to listen to it a few times, I don't like it very much, I don't "get it", but it is an interesting piece of music history
1 because by the time i had finally listened i wasn't a rock novice
Just 60% of one listen to know this is dogshit.
The fucking Shaggs is a more rewarding listen.
This album is full of accessible melodies and conventional song structures. Lick My Decals Off, Baby is the real pleb filter.
3 and about a year of not listening to it
Oh, the "give the crazy homeless dude a microphone" album.
I "get" Captain Beefheart. I learned all about him in my Zappa phase. But I simply don't like his music.
0, i knew i would like it based upon its place in culture.
>Oh, the "give the crazy homeless dude a microphone" album.
It's not though. The same experimental sound is there in the next two albums after TMR.
user, they did make a few tracks on tmr with help from homeless people
2. I was 14.
after first listen I liked it, after second I liked it even more. And haven't listened more, or maybe a little, but not fully
Which tracks? As far as I know they composed it in a cabin in the woods over about eight months, and recorded almost all of it in eight hours.
First one, and i was 15 when I first heard it. Is everyone really just this retarded?
If you were 14, you were probably not musically intelligent enough to understand this album
If you were 15, you were probably not musically intelligent enough to understand this album
Second listen I believe. Getting high and listening in the dark alone
i've (tried) to listen to it since i was 15 and i still have trouble past Pena, I'm 23 now
After about 20 listens and a lot of exposure to a wide variety of other music, I finally like pic related.
I still hate Trout Mask Replica.
literally this, based
If you think TMR is hard to get into maybe try White House.
I suppose not but I sincerely enjoyed it.
If you "get" This Heat or early Devo there's no reason you shouldn't "get" TMR. It's not really as difficult as people make it out to be.
I've never listened to this album, should I do it?
Listen to it
this is the only true redpill for this album.
two. One when I first started browsing Yea Forums regularly and started going through Yea Forumscore and one about a year later, after I had gotten into Safe as Milk and wanted more.
Whitehouse are easy as shit to get into. Especially later Whitehouse where all the shit has a beat. Literally babby's first power electronics. Never post here again.
>I sincerely enjoyed it.
Then you are listening incorrectly.
>If you "get" This Heat or early Devo there's no reason you shouldn't "get" TMR. It's not really as difficult as people make it out to be.
Then explain it.
it's not easy as shit to get into, it's easy as shit to pretend to like just like TMR, both albums are made for retards who smell their own farts
Go back to Radiohead, this is not for you
Go back to the band that uses more theory?
>then you are listening incorrectly
how pretentious do you have to be to think Beefheart meant for people not to like it?
It's an off-kilter blues album influenced by the jazz and modern classical he was into at the time. Pretty much proto-post-punk. It wasn't meant to be some work of conceptual art or something.
This guy doesn't "get it" but is doing a good job pretending
People that dislike this album are so misguided. I'm not pretending to like it. It has great poetry and lyrics, and nice melodies, in between a few manic, experimental sections.
legit the 7 yr old retard kids would make better music, stop pretending to like this shit
What mental illness do you have?
Can you not read?
liking Beefheart I guess
it doesn't have any of the qualities you've listed, you're just pretending. clown
>are made for retards who smell their own farts
you have to be 18 or older to post here
sure it does, you just didn't bother to listen all the way through
lol did it hit a little too close to home you balding hipster retard?
my dad used to listen to this when i was a kid and i FUCKING HATED IT
and he'd listen to it all the fucking time
this or the grateful dead
anyway now i'm an adult i like captain beefheart and the grateful dead and i love my dad but i must have heard this 1000 times before i liked it
Prove it. Chart out the album and show us.
yeah no, but keep up the act, i'm sure you'll get a lot of cred with ur art posse of jobless +30 yr old men that think liking obscure shit music constitutes a personality
I downloaded it in like 2013 and listened to it, and I liked it a lot
then I went without listening to it for like 4 years and I absolutely loved it the next time I heard it
>retards who smell their own farts
Who doesn't smell their own farts? Do you just fart and run away? What an asshole.
epic bait
how about you just listen to it
I can't stop laughing, what the fuck did this thread turn into
>how about you just listen to it
You mean again for the hundredth time?
It's your argument, you need to back it up.
Based redditor
t. non musician
if you'd actually listened to it 100 times, you'd know I'm right
people who don't like Beefheart are pathetic brainlets who can't understand that TMR is just a fun, happy record
Still waiting on you to chart it out. if you knew theory, you'd be able to
Liked it first listen
Loved it second onward
meanwhile I've attempted to listen to Bitches Brew and To Pimp A Butterfly like 30 times each and I hate both.
Sorry we don't have a mental illness like you
t. brainlet and probably NEET too who is ashamed of everything about himself so he makes up liking shit music to feel artsy tartsy
>listening multiple times to albums because they're "supposed to be good"
what a waste of time, if you still don't like it after two listens, you never will
this obsession with listening to some "canon" of music is ridiculous
Wish I could say that but there's a lot of music I didn't like on the first several listens that I now love and it still happens to me from time to time.
Most recent example is Black Sabbath Volume 4, an album I didn't really like but now I think is one of the best of their discography.
Not even gonna lie I keep seeing pretty excellent bait on this site, kudos
and /thread
Zero. I haven't even TRIED that album.
What do you mean?
0, it's so whack I love it
daily reminder that nobody actually likes this album, but pretend to do so to construct a facsimile of a personality
I was. I'm not special.
Oh did you know music theory?
Yes. I understood the album.
>"Hurrr Durrr muh deeper meaning, me aesthetic, I like listenin 2 bs cuz its avant-garde and crap and so different and I get all the beauty out of a vinyl of some bitch ass motherfucker breaking all laws of acoustic pleasure resulting in some drunken clusterfuck of drums and shit melodies that sound like a parody. I'm so speshal x33333 dont bost anymore on my exclusive subleddit ur not as cool and deep and underground and edgy and bitchlasagna as me and my fellow artist nibbas. U must b 18 to post here LOL"
Yeah sure it's easy to get into songs like "a cunt like you" which is basically loud, high frequent glitched noise with no rythm and some spastic screaming shit at you.
I sure wont post here again. This place is spoiled harder by efaggots and post-hipsters than /fa/.
Nobody said they didn't have fun pretending to be retarded or weren't allowed to u bitchfag. It still sounds like shit since it is shit. Can you "antiaesthetic" avant-garde postmodernism faggots finally stop breathing for half an hour?
Then explain it.
i have tried like 5 times, now I can listen until Bella guru, but from there is fucking unlistenable
The first time i didn't get it until the final section. 2nd or 3rd time it hooked me
People on this boars of MUSIC is fucking retarded
what the fuck, is it honestly "unlistenable" for some people here? Is summer THAT bad?
How can you rate an album without listening to it entirely? Nothing is "unlistenable", even the same noise drone for 3 hours is listenable, just pretty unpleasant
But can't you really hold back your childish urges to be pleased all the time? Get a little uncomfortable, faggots.
Maybe you can get a meme before listening to entire thing, but you can't judge it, even if you listened to 90%, you don't have the voice to judge it yet
I likededed it at furst lisens
one time
pic related is a better album though
actually based. a record isn't like eating dogshit. you don't to listen to something 5 times just to try to make yourself like it.
If you like to listen to an album just because it's a challenge and you "need tries to get into it" it can't be good ffs.
>Implying I'm going to indulge time on a Tibetan Mechanical Keyboard forum
>But can't you really hold back your childish urges to be pleased all the time? Get a little uncomfortable, faggots
you seriously think you can't judge any type of art without listening to the whole thing, are you 12? you think critics listen to all of metal machine music without rightfully bombing that shit?
you already browse here retard, don't pretend you have precious time
After a year I loved it though.
>implying I listen to Radiofag
Fukk off nigger
On the contrary. The album is loaded with aesthetic.
1-2. I just like it for what it is, a chaotic album created by a psycho. It's not some otherworldly album like some people make it out to be
not every album is accessible enough to fully understand on a first listen
even for seasoned musicians
though you shouldn't be forcing yourself to like anything obviously
agreed, i still haven’t been able to sit through all of banana but have listened to the shitty meme fish album dozens of times
nobody asked bananigger
like 3 before I started liking it, first two times I got a headache but I really wanted to relisten to it again
summer really has taken its toll
Over twenty years. I brought it on CD. What the fuck? Sold it quickly. Any music that makes you say " what the fuck?" is genius. Whitehouse's Great White Death is a perfect example. I brought Trout Mask Replica on vinyl last spring. Classics stay with you.
Unironically my first. I thought it was very interesting.
Your dad sounds based as fuck desu
One to realize it is complete garbage
One. I had fun with it. If you don't approach this album acting all serious, then it's really easy to get into.
i love that after 50 years, this album is still very discussed
this is exactly what Captain Beefheart wanted
1 \ UNO
some of these people are being completely positive about the album you mongoloid
herp derp
yes i seriously think that
One - it's not even all that weird wtf
Alright, I'm thinkin' he's based.
two,its weird the first time,but after you know what comes next it ceases to feel chaotic entirely and it just becomes a bunch of catchy tunes
based based based
great shitting music desu
Great if you are a pseud too stupid for jazz
although I fucking hate this album, I agree with you user
5864687 and still counting
based user with genuine taste btfoing poseurs.