/gg/ - guitar and bass general

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: clairo frens: part IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII qt acoustic kween edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Old thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


remember that one day you will end up a hobo playing with only three strings wondering where it all went wrong
you will do your best stuff then, but nobody will notice and then you will die

Dang I want to put my penis inside of that girl


omg bassed

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>tranny porn destroyed my brain

Shut up about this ugly untalented whore

u guise liek guhtar

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is there any danger to playing an amp on my bed? like could it overheat or anything

just get an acoustic

i dont like acoustic, user


im just trying to save you time user

excuse me


you're scaring me


holy shit I thought this was that girl who would send random nudes to me on instagram

>she didnt want to fuck, just wanted me to buy her shit

i'll never get over this advice provided ITT

oh my
this place doesnt change even after months

>waiting for anons to start shilling Gibsons as best

vocaroo.com/i/s0EEsKj0rLJX what do you guys think of my playing??

ain't clicking that shit

Fuck off and die you fucking retard

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answer me

It’s just that one user who uses his guitar brand to compensate for his tiny dick

image is of most useless pathetic guitar playing pop waifu in history of music shilling - apart from grimes.
kys OP

i suggest you try dipping your guitar in oil

y not

And the larping faggot breaks all the OP links

>they don't like pretty girls

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this is guitar general tranny.
you posting clairo memes makes you king imbecile of /mu
and we all hate you - i dont need to ask every other poster here for that request

he mean af yo

>water flowing underground

For me it's the Jazz lll easily

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Try the jazz 4

i miss the vocaroo threads on this board,
listening to everyone playing guitar was nice and it was one of the things that motivated me to improve

omg bassed and CUTEpilled!

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oh well i guess its time for you to move on

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>/gg/ in a nutshell

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>He uses drop tunings

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E flat tuning is best

no lol.

DADGAD is the most epic tuning because it's what vikings used to tune their guitar to.

don't ask me how i know it ^^

>what vikings use

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the revolutionary is a doomed man

what's so funny? is that her boyfriend?


you havent posted one yet, faggot

yeh im thinking thats pretty based

dont tell me shes going billy eyelash style

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>be me
>playing my first gig ever with my frens
>our bass player and me are goofing around a little while before the show
>he has his based and i have my gutter
>"hey user it would be cool if you did this little lead thingy at the end of such and such song"
>we practise the outro together a few times
>the drummer walks in and says hey guys thats pretty cool i bet i can make that work lets do it that way tonight
>we go to end our last song as previously stated
>everyone forgets about the slightly extended outro except for me
>i end up playing this goofy ass little lead that sounds utterly retarded while the rest of the band is completely silent
>all these eyes are one me thinking i made this big goof up
i feel fucking silly anons. as i i was hanging around after our set i heard one dude (sarcastically) say lol nice ac/dc outro

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Can you play better than Cairo?

What does it say of me that i think my friends intentionally play badly around me because they think it would hurt my feelings to know that they are better than me? I mean i go out of my way to make it obvious that i don't think very highly of my own playing.

Man fuck those haters you shoulsve went full ham and kicked the bass drum before tossing off your guitar and jumping into the crowd

It won't be the first or last time you mess up on stage

Im suprised they play with you at all lol

>Some composer asked for an arranger on a facebook group
>I pm'd him yesterday
>He replied hours later telling me to pm him on another app
>Didn't open the conversation out of anxiety
>Today he calls me on messenger to nudge me
>I send a wassup on the other app he asked
>Sup my bro, all chill? You just saw my reply now bro?
What do
Help /gg/bros


me to dude. im pretty soi irl.

I play extended range so I don't need to drop tune

Well if your soiiiiii ass dont get some confidence in your soilf your playing will probably suffer and eventually they wont!!

I could just whatever and go with it but I'm afraid he'd not want to work with me anymore

She wishes she was billie eilish

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Why? She's better than Billie.

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Doubt it, don't cover it in blankets or anything and you should be fine

Ive been practicing sweep tapping does anyone have any pointers or suggestions?

Shes a broke joke. Guess who Gibson will sponsor first

>Shes a broke joke
So what does that make you?

I literally don't understand the problem. He wants an arranger and you want to do it?


I’m gonna buy my second guitar here relatively soon, and I’ve got $1,000. I’m really interested in the blackguard style Telecasters. Which models should I look for? I would like it to be pretty authentic to the originals but I’m not overly concerned about that either. I live in a really small place, so unless an opportunity comes up I’m pretty much gonna have to order online...

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too many people get burned buying good gear online. are you seriously not going to go look at it in person?
would never do that
but have fun user

You got to crack some skulls and make your band pay for their mistake.

this desu
they wont learn otherwise

It’s just that I’m basically gonna have to do a 2 day trip if I’m gonna do that. With everything that I’ve got going on right now I can’t swing that. And even then, whose to say I find something when I go?

fuck LOL
never happened to this user
so you never practice huh?
you gotta be tight desu
the whole band be fucking real tight
tighter than a virgin's asshole
tighter than those wet shoelace knots that never ever loosen. that tight.
like really really fucking tight
or you'll be a fucking joke in the local area,
can we make meme of you?

>lose $1000
>have fun

ever play one?

owned one. was A 1988 tele, same colour (was a brighter mustard).
never really liked playing it since i like to shred. It had a slower action and one of the pots was dodgey. it rarely got used.
sold it to buy a car. kept my 2 ibanez instead (JS & RG - both black)

but user we do practice. it was just this one time when my dude waslike yo lets try it this way without actually practicing it first (our drummer was hanging around saying he would he had an idea of what he would do). I thought he were gonna do it but no one else did it.
>link related is the song we played
> we nailed the whole thing except the outro
>our bass player and drummer said to repeat to repeat a bit of the guitar solo at 2:58 just at the end of the song (but for slightly longer than you can hear in the linked version) and it sounded clumsy as fuck.

and the worst part is that we rocked through it almost flawlessly execpt for the outro (the rest of the band did exactly as it goes in the link but i went ahead and played that major lick several times to many thinking we would rock with my little major lick going over this little progression that my band mates and i had settled on). instead i dick the lick and nobody else joined in!

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Save up a little more and get a used 52 reissue, you won't regret it.

i bought used 52 reissue limited edition korina body for 1000 euro which was in decent condition, did i spend too much ?

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I mean, I get what you’re saying. But I also wouldn’t buy something that didn’t have a good return policy on it. I could play it for a longer time than I would even get to at a shop, and if I don’t like it I could send it back.

Not a real one. The best feeling guitar I’ve ever played was one in a similar style, but sadly I don’t know what kind that was. I really connected with it though.

Yeah, the used price range on the 52 Vintage Reissue does seem to be close. That’s probably a good idea. It looks like it’s on the higher end, but now they have the 50s Original, so would that be worth saving for instead? Is there a big change between those two?

Get the 50s original.

thinking of spending $4,000 on a custom shop tele

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Charisma personified

i like 351 heavy bc its big and sexy

who else DAEAC#E


Just like a bassist chick

A grafter with a full time job and a guitar hobby

Is a 100 watt amplifier OK for bedroom practice? Can amps of wattage like this play quiet without a lose in quality? I mean, acoustic level of quiet

I'm too dumb to learn more than one tuning

Solid state or tube? You could probably get an okay sound out of a solid state at low volume but if it's tube you'll need an attenuator. Who the fuck uses 100w amps for bedroom use?

A quick reminder that Gibson sucks

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How do you remember the notes of the strings? For me, I think of yui, saying EAD Good Burger Everyone. I'm not even joking that's just how I learned it lol.

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Gain up, master volume down

It'll sound kind of shit. Get one of those lunchbox amps that starts at something like 15w and can be switched down to lower levels, ie: engl ironball 20 goes to 1 watt, EVH 5150 LBX goes to 3.7 watts. With 100w you can't even turn it up and go into the next room if you crank it. It'll still be really fuckin loud.

i suppose gibson only exports their absolute best examples to japan if that's all she had to say about it


lol these people contribute nothing to society. they don't deserve a penny.

still waiting on a modern day robin hood to take pop stars ransom and make them donate 90% of their assets to charity
sadly the security they pay for is too good and local PD and the FBI would actually put effort into that case

Do you know how to arrange things for guitar?
What kind of music is it?

Why do trannies love unattractive "women" with pitiful music careers? What makes them relate so strongly?

A day laborer contributes more when he builds a bathroom where you can't crawl under the stalls, but their profits are just a front for the much larger profits of the publishers that are the entire reason you know about them.

>1 watt is quiet dude


Thanks, it's just that I can get a mg100dfx (solid state) for half the price so I thought it would be a real bargain for a nice budget start. But if it's that loud I'll try something else

Solid state amps don't have to be turned up to sound good. They actually sound bad when they go into natural distortion like that, which is why everyone hates them. They have to be played quiet and the wattage is just headroom so they don't distort more than intended.

But I'm 120% broken socially
Pop rock

So what is the original instrument(piano?) that your deriving the arrangement from?
Do you have the sheet music on file?

So yeah, I'll just play some lullabies with 100w amp, eh?
I need to test it myself cuz it's getting too confusing

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I don't know. The dude is a songwriter and I'm assuming he writes on acoustic guitar, maybe keyboard, and is still forming the recording band

irc that guitar were 29k YEN and mugi reduced from 29k to just 3k YEN so yui can afford
it means that guitar were an orville with a gibson logo

And Yui had a marshall MG16

>no delay pedal
>no delay on my amp

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Congratulations you're a free man

I can't find this video

hey /gg/ I've only been learning guitar for 3 days following Justinguitars beginner course. I'm trying to change between the A D and E chords but obviously at this point my fingers are really starting to hurt to the point I can't press them down.

How often should I take breaks and how long for to minimise the issue? It seems like no matter how long I take a break for 40 minutes - 2 hours, it becomes impossible to press the frets down again after like 2 minutes

have you done a hard day of work in your life? you have girl hands and need to build up strength and calluses.

The fuck do you think, I'm an autist on Yea Forums


how do I figure out the guitar tuning of a song? Currently trying to learn some old american folk songs from the Harry Smith Anthology, and I am not sure if some of the songs are in an alternative tuning or the artists are just playing awkward voicings.

I really fucking want this guitar

It's hella expensive and I probably won't play it enough to justify the price but FUCK

Please tell me I'm fucking retarded

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Stop being a pussy and do it till your hands bleed

buy an epiphone explorer instead. It is the same silhouette unlike epiphone les pauls, epiphone explorers dont have an ugly modification so you end buying the gibson version.

Buy an Epiphone, they make the same kind, except that they only cost like 200-500 bucks.

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C'mon Sambo, dance! I'll throw you a quarter!

imagine the smell

b-but they don't have the slick pickguard that I can mod some day

A lot of the time just listening for the lowest open note and knowing the style can get you there.
Other than that it's just listening for the open notes on the other strings, they'll have a slightly brighter timbre. Also just feel out if there's a slight tweak you can make that makes everything feel more natural. Vast majority of artists aren't going to make a finger-jungle-gym for themselves


Are you the same guy from yesterday? Dude, either buy the thing for the meme name on the headstock or buy a Epiphone Lee Malia Explorer for less.

Buy a dean z instead. The dave mustaine one looks cool too

yeah it's me

yeah I think I'll just dump the money and probably regret it

it just ain't it

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Ok then shutup about it. You already know what you want get it.

Bro the open notes being a chord makes it way easier to play in a certain key, it’s really a fun way to play and write you should look into jt

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What exactly do you find so appealing about that guitar shape? Looks ugly as sin to me.

>knock off explorer
lol how poor are you user


I don't know, it's just the best looking shape to me.
Part of it is I'm tall and explorer shape fits me well since it's yuge.

Also a big hetfield fag

I’m taking part in an “open mic Facebook group” tonight where we post live videos of half hour sets from our living rooms. Looking quite forward to it.

Nothing wrong with getting what you like my dude. But to be honest, you're really paying for the Gibson name on the headstock. You don't even get the usual Gibson appointments on that model. No fret nibs nor fancy inlays.

I'm not gonna bash you for it because it's all personal preference, but it looks like you really want to prove to /gg/ that you have a Gibson.

What if I don't play mathrock?

Bros, I want one of those...

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What makes you want to get one? They really uncomfortable to play sitting down.

better buy a steinberger spirit much better light guitar.

Crack skulls, pffffff, amatures. A real rock god would do all their coke, fuck their girlfriends, and steal their publishing.

>No fret nibs nor fancy inlays.
I very much like the simple dots, reminds me of my classical that I played so long

>you're really paying for the Gibson name on the headstock
That's true and it's bugging me a bit since I usually hate brandfags in everything else

>like you really want to prove to /gg/ that you have a Gibson.
Oh I'm not going to reveal I have a jibson to anyone here, this is just me looking for discouragement and someone to tell me it's going to fall apart and that the quality is shit

I think he wants a guitarist that can come up with guitar parts and record them

dang yall clairo = shred kween

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tacky and ugly

>awkward voicings
What the fuck is an "awkward voicing"?

C'mon Sambo, get those feet moving

>into shred
>tele aesthetic is kino
life is suffering

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>i cant play without pedals covering up my mistakes and lack of talent

i... did not mean to post that picture

I like the look of it and some of my favorite artist used it. Not gonna get a Gibson though, too pricy.
Not a fan of the look, I want that classic black flying V look.

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Just put a 24 fret neck on one.

Besides that, nothing is stopping you from shredding on one in the first place. Flat necks are for fucking manlets anyway. Old v shaped necks are the best with some meat to grab onto. D shapes are for complete manlets with babby hands

die in a fire

Why are they copying dean.


>cannot steadily alternate pick 16ths anywhere above 120bpm

What the FUCK am I doing wrong?

John 5

why r they soe mean sis

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You put the v on a leg what the fuck are you talking about?

idk y they so mean :(

you need a less mass pick plus using EVH picking really allow you to pick better and faster.

>unironically calling another man sis
Kek @ ur life

>assuming all anons are male

they prolly need 2 have sex

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What is EVH picking

Go cry over your dad's bowl of kaka, sambo

Uhm hello?

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Needs a single coil in the middle and it'll be perfect

I think he's talk about how Eddie holds the pick for tremelo stuff.


hate larping faggots

There are no females on the internet dumbass. Only FBI

the Female Body Inspectors?

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Must admit I smirked at your grandad tier joke.

omg is this the clairo thread?!?

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I didnt.

I might pseudo-ironically buy and wear one of those shirts

no you illiterate retard, it isn't


don't be rude dude dude

Well, the quality is shit my dude, you're better off with a Dean. If that hasn't changed your mind, probably just get the Gibson.


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dont breathe retard

wow rude

no seriously. stop
you are taking up oxygen that someone useful could breathe

heck yea sis get in here this is where all us clairo frens hang out (except for all the incels)

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hey stop being mean man I'm just doin my thang

I'm a man, I don't open my legs and put anything between them You trannys might like that but I play standing up.

anyone know of a bass model with a thin(ner) neck, a j-bass vintagey sound, and passive eq?

dang why cain't thye just leave us clairo frens alone we ain't hurtin nobody

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>he can't afford a Gibson because he spent all his NEETbux on sex reassignment surgery

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Try starting your own thread then

thanks for bringing these to my attention. they're pretty reasonably priced and decent looking.

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This is the Anzu thread.

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idk man:(
is sad
we just nice frens

As a lefty I feel bad for laughing but I just can’t help it.

>just buy a katana and pacifica bro

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Stop being so fucking lazy. You Gibshills need to out-shitpost these larping tranny cunts. And where the fuck are sam and jcum?

>And where the fuck are sam and jcum?
the puppet show is on, are you missing the sambo posts ?

can we have a moment of peace for our fallen claiot fren

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Should be about 300-400 bucks if you want those. I got my first axe for 90 with amp and all at a musicians fleamarket, try checking your area for something like that?

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omg jannie mean

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>tfw no big titty cat gf

This is a Bat general.

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hey guise i'm back

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Go die

no i must live srry

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You really shouldn’t

but i will

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I don't mind I really like all the Monogatari girls.

then up yours pal

how has this thread been up for this long with nobody mentioning kaka yet? is it okay if I ask a kaka question?

is kaka just shit?

/gg/ IS kaka breh

That is all it is. It's the simple act of farting a turdlog out of your stenchy asshole and onto the fretboard. the grease will help you play really fast, but it's at the expense of the finish of the guitar unless you like stinky kaka.

what is kaka


poo poo

> tfw use your hardtail superstrat to play jazz and classic rock

it's just so comfy and nice to play

you prolly suck tho

this will keep happening for another week or two. play through the pain for 10-15 minutes, but not too hard. definitely don't play until you bleed. the pain will lessen each day until you have the callouses to play effortlessly.

true which is why i need every advantage i can get

easiest way is to figure out the root note, then play the major 3rd and the minor 3rd, whichever matches will be your key. play that scale along with the song to make sure everything lines up and you have your key.

Got a big muff and a blues driver
What next? Can't decide between reverb, chorus, or something else entirely different. $50-75 range. Looking to make indie rock or maybeee noise rock/noise pop.

is there any reason a amp plugged into my wall could start a fire
I kind of have a bad feeling about it and opting towards battery only


I don't understand guys like you. My answer? Anything I can get my hands on. Why do you need asspats? Buy something that intrigues or inspires you, why does what anyone here think matter at all? Are you exploring tone, or just trying to get attention?

not again

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He's not trying to figure out the key, he wants to know if they used things like open D tuning, and whatever the fuck he thinks "awkward tunings" are.

I know this place is one of the most low effort guitar/music forums online, but for fuck's sake.

I want anything I can get my hands on, I want to play with tone. But I don't have the money to go out and buy one of every major type of pedal atm and I'm new to guitar so I'm here asking for advice on if there's any people would prioritize getting over others. I plan on having a chorus, a reverb, a delay, a phaser, another distortion/fuzz, an equalizer, etc. all some day.

rhoads v is better

t. blues dad with awful posture and technique.
classical position is better than whatever your technique, or lack thereof, is

everyone needs reverb and maybe delay
chorus was the pedal i used the least, though it can get you slimy, sludgy or psychedelic sounds if you get creative with it

t. metalfag

Nice tips satan.
Don't hoard shitty pedals, you know those cool-ass big dick 200 dollar pedals you're lusting for right now? Get them, if you can't now, save up.
You're gonna hate yourself for hoarding 30 of the shittest ass Boss and Behringer pedals.

Those are quads you idiot

how different are the older ibanez infinity pickups vs the current quantum pickups?


there's cheap chink alternatives of every fucking vintage pedal, you'll be fine as long as you aren't getting dsp chink pedals like loopers, multi effects, cab sims or anything in that vein.

most transistor based pedal cost less than 50 bucks to make. hell, most fuzz pedals cost like 15 bucks to build.

you can buy a 400 dollar tube screamer if you want, but if you're lucky, it'll sound marginally better than the plastic behringer clone

lmao i want to play guitar not be an electriction fuckboi

Yes user he already got two dirt boxes I was assuming he's been looking at demos of other kinds of pedals that you can't get for dirt cheap from chink sources.

you should become a baker

>rhoads v is better
This guy knows what's up

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I have to confess something, I only play anime and vidya OST's on guitar...

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tfw no rammuschan gf

lets hear you play something

The mega folder is down. Does anybody have another link?

whats the point of having a favorite guitarist when half the time the riffs and solos were written by the bassist

hell yea dawg i got it right here you want it?

Those pickups suck ass

alright tell me why

Whoever makes the next thread make sure to put the girl in the OP as the OP.



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You forgot the most important one: Squier.

>tfw high end Squiers now cost as much as Mexican Fenders did when I started playing.
Should've voted Democrat.

>when he plays videogame metal covers

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tfw no curlgurl qtgf to travel back in time to 2011 and do it right this time


>starts playing U.N. Owen Was Her?

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Yes please

redpill me on the blacktop jazzmaster
what are some notable flaws and inconveniences of owning one? i've heard that the bridge sucks and should be replaced, common issue with fret buzz. and that the electronics are bad, but is all that a real issue or just myth? is there anything else to note?

saw a pretty good deal at the store, and wanted some input on 'em. i know some of you fa/gg/s own jazzmasters

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tfw starting guitar from scratch with justinguitar because don't know shit despite playing for 15 years (ie just learning songs with tabs)

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Bugera doesn't belong on that list. Everything else does.

do you think febreeze sneaks up behind bad smells and stabs them in the back or is it more like a pitched battle using standard formations


srry i lied

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Why didnt this nasty looking ogre bitch die in a fire in japan too?

I have one. They stop working at the 3 year mark like clockwork. Sounds good while it lasts though. Mine is the 333xl infinium. The proprietary tech makes it pricier to repair to the point where it makes no sense because buying a new one would be wiser.

i dunno? not 2d?


I just need a sanity check on this... Great price but the body finish/pickguard don't match the serial number data or the headstock. It's gotta be a frankenstein, right? The neck seems legit but for all I know the body and electronics are Chinese garbage

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why is every cuck here obsessed with natural finishes

That's where you went wrong. I've got a 333XL, pre-Infinium, and it still works like a charm.

alright so
peavey classic 50 2x12
peavey classic 30 1x12
theyre basically the exact same price

is this a situation where i should just get the extra muscle, or will that the 50w 2x12 be too much altogether for practical home use

i only ever really play with other people in basements and rec halls, would be mostly for fucking around at home

What's the cheapest guitar I can buy right now that isnt absolutely shit?

I'm drunk and this has to be under 150

A 2x12 is just enough for practice that doesn't sound like a transistor radio.


Autism has been reported.

By the way her chest and ass look you could have fooled me.

Any Squier, Dean, Epiphone, Ibanez RG, or Kramer you find is fine these days. You could pick up a Kramer Focus for like $130 new, or a craigslist beater to destroy for $50. Quality is higher than it used to be before 2004 or so.

Does esp make (or used to make) a solid red guitar with a floyd rose and a pointy headstock?

sure bud why not


ESP Horizon?


I win.

Holy fucking burn

Had a spare Kramer neck, so I'm currently working on a Mick Mars Tele I made on a CNC

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drop D is what the gods play

Fuck yeah bro Disturbed rules

it will probably sound really good

>Only gibson is good enough

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I win.

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Casio is cool and all but really I prefer Seiko.

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Cool story. You know they make musical instruments as well.

Sick joke bro. Now you're gonna tell me Yamaha makes something else than bad motorcycles

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I liek to pleh guhtar

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I need a bass for my solo metal project, my current guitar is an ibanez RG prestige, what bass should i go with (no boomer companies)

some kinda Ibanez obviously



>Get a job
>Buy a gibson
>Cut off your penis
>Thank me later

boss katana

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yamah pacific

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for record y/n?


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r u dum

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may bee

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hey, that's a shitpost thread
Someone make a real one

ok real thread over here

hey waynaminit that's the same thread

oh srry. right here

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pls noe i'm soe innocent n fragile

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