Why can’t I enjoy this album? Is it supposed to be any good? Tell me Yea Forumstants...

Why can’t I enjoy this album? Is it supposed to be any good? Tell me Yea Forumstants, am I wrong for not liking this stuff? All my pleb friends seems to enjoy it so why can’t I enjoy it with them?

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you're probably older than 14

I'm an AiC fan, and this album is probably my 3rd favorite by them. It's a bit single-minded, and some of the more heroin-themed songs tend to drag. Listen to S/T instead, then go back to this if you'd like.

It's probably the most grunge album ever, but it's not for everyone. Some might find it sound irritating and Layne Staley lyrics don't shine too much yet. Overall I prefer self-titled much more than this.

It's a bit of a dirge to get through desu.

Facelift is better

That first track on their S/T sounds way better than everything I heard from Dirt. Why do I feel like Dirt is so gimmicky?

I feel like half the album is really good and other is just meh. Facelift and self titled are not far away from this album IMO. Even not a big fan of acoustic stuff but Nutshell and Rotten Apple are great from Jar Of Flies EP.

Definitely check out Facelift and S/T

I feel like Layne overused his signature drawl on Dirt, maybe that's another reason. He was either in rehab or relapsing for the most part of S/T's recording, and Jerry had to take over a lot of his duties.

Yeah Layne was in pretty declining state during their last album

>doesn't like Dirt but responds positively to s/t
May not personally agree with your assessment of Dirt but you're an alright dude, OP. What was your favorite track off of Dirt, by the way? s/t sounds more like Junkhead and Rain When I Die but you should probably listen to Sap and Jar of Flies in if you haven't already.

It's a hard one to really get into imo. I appreciate it MUCH more years after discovering it.

its just all about fucking drug use/addiction

Attached: cz1mYkK.jpg (900x900, 57K)

You had to be there to appreciate it.

it's a great album but it probably helps if you have addiction problems.

One who doesn't care, is one who shouldn't be

Agree that Dirt is kinda overrated and not enough consisted like first or third album

Sickman and God Smack are only songs I really dont enjoy. But other albums got great tracks too.

Any more songs like Bones?

isnt this band a bit more bluesy than the rest of the gruney guys, the song Put you down is peak blues rock

We die young is comparable to them bones, it's got that heaviness to it

I think you are the pleb in your friend circles.

sickman is a good one


Trying to learn Put Me Down on guitar made me realize Jerry's skill level is quite high, all those fast mutings.

*Put You Down

the production is dated and more than half of the album should've sounded more raw
>overuse of reverb
>bass with a flanger
>glam drums
if it had the production of their self titled maybe you'd appreciated more

also, this beauty got cut

Jar of Flies OP
It's their underrated masterpiece.

Depends on why you don't like it. If it's the vocals, you won't like ANY Alice in Chains stuff. If it's the heaviness, try their S/T or Facelift, they are more grunge and less metal.

I dont know about that. The self titled album is underrated. It’s known that jar of flies is their magnum opus. Dirt and jar of flies are the 2 bigguns

You're a fucking pleb, that's why.

all the heavier 90s grunge/alt rock bands are just the logical progression of blues rock in america
soundgarden is the same way