I really hate anthony fantano...
I really hate anthony fantano
Woah....so Fantano really does have some pull in the industry
Honestly? Based.
not anymore. 2015 Fantano did, but not today's Fantano.
>dude how could you copy someone's music!?
Doesn't Death Grips unironically sample other people's music without permission? What is this logic, you can't be influenced by styles but its okay to lift riffs and segments of other songs?
I don't know, he gave a pretty solid boost to Brockhampton and Jpegmafia. A good score from him guarantees a good bump from those corny idiot redditors, maybe even long-term support. The situation and his fanbase are both pretty unfortunate. It's like they're planning for future self-reflection cringe.
damn. now that i think about it, 2015-2017 fantano really ran shit.
he pretty much encapsulated the popular online music opinion, and definitely boosted popularity for certain artists. like he was the music critic at that time.
he really lost a lot of respect in 2018 but i have no idea what caused it. no one really cares what he thinks anymore
cuz he a HACK
This is honestly the first i'm hearing of Anthony Fantano loosing a bunch of respect in 2018 lol. This sounds made up.
I was hating Anthony Fantano before it was cool
imo it was when he started seriously entertaining meme rap and pop and catering to his larger audience, which you can't really blame him for since its his perogative to get as many clicks as possible, still sucks tho
his popularity declined HARD around 2016-2017. do you know about his YouTube channel "thatistheplan"?
not true
he gave dean blunt an 8
Based? Are you serious? It's very clear at this point that he's being paid to give good reviews to people like Billie Eilish
After being labelled as alt right he started really pushing left wing politics hard. He lost a lot of his original fan base but Reddit jumped on his dick to replace him
I didn’t start disliking him in the slightest, when he started pushing left-wing bullshit, to me it’s just being reasonable and cynical, that’s what you have to do in modern times to earn money. But I started hating him when he gave Igor a 10, that’s unforgivable.
He gave Igor a 9 dude
no wonder that he fell off fuck this guy
I watched the shit out of that channel. Really gave me some insight into his sense of humor.
From what I can tell, while he is technically on the decline, its very, very slight.
His google search trends are unnoticably down, and his subs per month are down, but his views are pretty much exactly what they've always been.
Machinegirl is for skinnyfat faggots
You so fucking delusional I wish your political views would become reality one day so I could push you out of the bridge and get away with it since you're clearly a delusional retard who just repeat the same idiotic nonsense because he likes it even though it:
1. Has nothing to do with reality
2. Extreme exaggeration
>fantano giving someone a boost outside an underage chart discussion forum
these guys are lost
this shit isn't shocking at all, fantano has just always been about giving scores to the "hottest" new music. he has never been a curator of good music. how can you take the opinion of someone who takes hip hop ( " the new zeitgeist " ) so seriously like it has merit?
>he has never been a curator of good music
I don't know about that, buddy. I found out about Dope Body, Altar of Plagues and Murmur through him, and they're far from being hot. Also he was one of the main driving forces behind Death Grips.
>Death Grips
he literally reviewed greta van fleet knowing that they sound like led zeppelin. Yet he still reviewed their new album and even continued to talk about their music. The difference is that gvf related videos get attention, especially if it's a "not good", but machine girl doesn't.
He also said in the yeezus review that it sounded like it was trying to copy contemporary experimental hip-hop (and then showed a pic of dälek and the money store) even though yeezus sounds nothing like the two. Let's face it, he's just one of those people who compare any kind of experimental music to death grips. He knows a alot about other stuff but his takes on anything experimental is completely irrelevant to me.
Wtf are you talking about, he went over the ugly art in one of his YUNO review series lol
He gave the money store a ten and back when they just had exmilitary they weren't big like they are now. He has not always been about reviewing the hottest new music, I don't know why you're making shit up. I don't watch him much but I discovered Stone Titan through him and you don't even know who they are
it's great to see people confirming fantardo is a prostitute that does reviews for cash.