Honestly, on my first listen I thought it's all about meme depression...

Honestly, on my first listen I thought it's all about meme depression. I still add it to collection because it sound good and, well, maybe it's actually genuine, I don't know. I didn't know she's a transgender until Fantano posted a video. I didn't even watched the video, it's just someone made a thread here and I opened it since I recognized the album. And it was everywhere
>but it's a tranny
>it's a tranny
>it's a tranny
>it's a tranny
>oh those damn transfagots always talk about how they're tranny
Now I think maybe it was genuine.

Attached: Cover.jpg (1199x1199, 218K)

why did you start another thread though

If you live in first world and have depression you deserve no empathy, you need to commit suicide


you should learn what depression is in the first place



Why did Fantano make that tweet about trans rights right before posting this review and giving it an 8/10? Seems to me like dishonest virtue signaling
I haven't watched the review though. Does he virtue signal in it? How much of a bleeding-heart SJW does he come off as in the review? Or am I talking shit and it is an honest review that keeps the "muh injustice muh opression muh look how empathic I am" to a minimum?

watched the review, he keeps the sjw shit low and talks about the sound of the album and how experimental and noisey it sounds. melon has always been an sjw shill tho.

The only reason he would have to positively review this godawful tranny shit is to virtue signal

to be honest I don't mind people actually being liberal and my definition of what constitutes a liberal is not as strict as that of the average /pol/ edgelord. what I cannot stand is when people use liberal values merely to adorn themselves and to feel up a high horse

also he doesn't wear the yellow flannel which is more appropriate considering what this album is about

No, the album is actually decent. Wouldn't say an 8, but it's definitely not bad

18+ board

american politics are all about posturing as righteous to win material concessions and bribery
if american and western european twitter was full of groyp gangsters and not deviantart graduates pretending to be social democrats guess who'd still be making discount sam hyde videos and yelling at blenders
youtube is his job and he has to appease these people
i say again, BORING!

When the actual fuck did people start associating "right wing" with being bigoted? this is such a zoomer concept it's ridiculous, I'm so sick of seeing this shit. There is a huge difference between being right wing and being discriminatory

best Death Industrial album 2019

if you're not a solarpunk post-maoist gimp you're a russian o9a incel sleeper agent
this is where we are at in 2019

I liked the loud part but the rest is just lame ambient pop

RW = accepts and promotes hierarchies. If you think everyone and every group is the same and nothing is better than anything else, that’s leftism

I get what you mean. People have bought into the mentality that conservative or right wing is synonym with all things selfish, racist, ignorant, etc. These days anything right of "fuck laws, fuck the constitution, destroy everything that offends anyone, feelings are everything" and you're branded a right wing bigot. I think this is inheritance from 70s hippie culture when idealism became synonym with cool, and as consequence everything else is perceived as uncool.
But there's also a sentiment in the right that if you hold views other than "brown people cannot and should not be removed" you're accused of being an SJW shill. So I feel like both sides have problems understanding that there is a sensible in-between.

>if you hold views other than
>if you hold views like

>brown people cannot and should not be removed
>brown people WHO ARE HERE LEGALLY cannot and should not be removed
also fix'd

they're being gaslit and told not to make compromises
jack dorsey is a war criminal
steven paul jobs is a war criminal

First of all, there are broad swaths of the right that do not "promote" these hierarchies, even if they do accept them. Secondly, because you accept hierarchies does not mean that discrimination, bigotry, or racism are acceptable. That's a massive leap.

I don't see this as much personally, but I'm not American so who knows. I find people are rather accepting when I explain my views and why I believe in them. I'm a fairly staunch believer in capitalism (although I am in favour of harsher laws for corporations that exploit workers/have blatantly eco-damaging practices).

But I would suggest that what you are seeing is a result of a phenomenon I've observed where blatantly uneducated people seem to believe they are expert political commentators due to the internet. Often times these people have studied or read almost zero actual political theory. No serious political intellectual subscribes to these ridiculous binaries that laypeople often argue about.

You don't see people not educated in physics often discussing complex physics theories, yet people not educated in politics will often discuss complex political issues as if they are experts.

>if you think trans are ok you're sjw

I agree that the phenomenon is mostly seen in the Internet. IRL people on both sides are forced to either have a dialogue with an open mind or make complete fools of themselves.
And yes, a lot of ignorant people are thinking they are political geniuses. Lots of teenagers unironically believe they know more about the world than their parents and older people. TV aimed at teenagers seems to reinforce this idea in them. I agree that the energy to make change and ability to oversimplify that is present in young people is important, but the knowledge of wiser, older people should of course never be looked down upon

In that post I didn't comment on whether trans are ok or not. I commented on my perception that Fantano uses leftist politics merely to adorn and elevate himself.
No idea what your intention linking that post is, but he's wrong. Even if he does have a point that you should be glad and grateful to live in a developed society full of peace and opportunity, that's clearly not how depression works. For instance, lot of people who live in scarcity and in a cruel environment still manage to live as happily as possible

>First of all, there are broad swaths of the right that do not "promote" these hierarchies
Yeah, those people all claim to be "classical liberals." Classical liberalism is best understood as a left-wing movement; it was a rebellion against the oppression of the monarchy. It sought to increase equality by getting rid of an aristocracy and theocracy. We have all just moved left after the French Revolution, so now liberals are seen as right-wing.
>Secondly, because you accept hierarchies does not mean that discrimination, bigotry, or racism are acceptable.
Those three buzzwords are just weapons used to dismantle natural hierarchies. Blacks can never and will never perform at the level of whites (on average) unless we make the world flat by force. That is to say: "wealth disparities" "incarceration rates" "educational achievement" -- these gaps will never go away unless the left makes them go away. The people trying to make those gaps go away, that's the left.

You are right. The idea that the state should ensure the conditions in which each individual can change their condition is perceived as right wing. The idea that the state should intervene to forcibly ensure that everyone lives in the same conditions, regardless of capacity or motivation, is left.

The left is based and natural racism is animalistic

Xenophilia is a mental illness.

Awesome news, now I can use your taxpayer money to fund my lack of racism

shut the fuck up

christ why do transgender people upset you all so much lmfao

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I'm sick of having a dozen threads about this mediocre album every day