Attached: image_readmed_2019_548240_15637114553835511.jpg (500x823, 411K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Jihyouggo.webm (632x1080, 2.95M)


what happened to my pure hyuna

20/10 feet

Attached: EAAANlcUIAEvOiH.jpg (1005x1503, 140K)

buy a realdoll

it is sad

i got rid of the jisooshitter for you guys

ayy lmao

Attached: ayy_lmao.jpg (960x1280, 197K)

Eyedi is best kpopfu

Attached: eyedi 3.jpg (1080x1350, 102K)


Post Eyedi pics and songs. She's cute and I need to research more to see if I should add her to my collection.

any yeseo bros

fucking traitors laughing about escaping exo

Attached: kekkles.gif (480x378, 3.17M)

>tfw all the blinks got mad at the meaningless brand ranking

Attached: archer hwasa.webm (456x442, 1.37M)

Attached: jiheon and birb.jpg (960x540, 69K)

what happened

Attached: 1563410188559.webm (1920x1080, 2.93M)


Attached: EAIhU7DU8AAk31h.jpg (1365x2048, 266K)

it was literally just some filter though, which she deleted instantly
it happened to be liberation day or something though so she got flak for like 3 different things

escaped with their lives desu

whoa that's a big bird

Was this a twitter thing? I don't know what you're talking about.

oh frick naky is stacked

I don't know who they are but i don't like the way they laughed.

judging by the hwasuggo gif, probably

Comeback when

nature fact in star live

she really isn't

Attached: jisun40.webm (1080x1146, 2.65M)

She just released a song

i love my tight little yuna so much bros

Attached: 1562028604308.jpg (800x1200, 238K)

yeah it was twitter shit, hwasa got first and jennie wasn't listed so they threw a fit


idiot leave reality out of this

I'm dead serious. 20 grand to someone who can communicate to JYP to me (I'll give them 100 grand) to let me sniff Tzuyu's dumb dark stupid armpits for 3 seconds. I can give my bank balance, finance etc.

Send me email @ [email protected]

Attached: EAFP4cpUwAAcnJs.jpg (1365x2047, 543K)

Jisun's jisuns seem like they've lost some mass. Sometimes Saerom seems like she's more stacked these days.

>hwasa #1 on brand rep
Just showing how much of a meme brand reputation is

saerom pads because she's jealous

jennie is a lousy performer, lousy personality, lousy work ethic, why people stan this chick is baffling.

I'm a once and I get mad every time I see hwasa's disfigured face

Attached: 1545269803871.jpg (1000x1285, 282K)

Better than yejis version

Oh. I don't have a twitter account. Jennie usually places high on that stuff.

Attached: D7l1knWU0AAzRRl.jpeg.jpg (1024x1820, 260K)

she's so beautiful

Attached: 1556318652935.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)


dude i'll give u like 10 picks of chewys pits for 10 bucks

bro just get vip tickets to the tour some dude literally made a heart gesture together with tzuyu
you get to stand right next to them just sniff away

Idk, right now she is very influential and in a lot of commercials. All the random stuff she eats on I Live Alone ends up a fad.

They're not dark


>100 grand to let me sniff Tzuyu's dumb dark stupid armpits for 3 seconds
> I can give my bank balance, finance etc.

Attached: 1547807871322.jpg (848x637, 59K)

blackpink is the purest group out right now

jang wongyoung, the love of my life

Attached: 1560819275164.jpg (1920x1080, 211K)

Attached: 1535819125083.png (860x1290, 1.16M)

I bought tickets to Blackpink and Twice but was too paranoid to go to either. Kpop for this feel?

what a cutie on the right

I love my tight little wony so much

Attached: 1563364245614.jpg (961x961, 338K)

don't do that to yooa please

Attached: C_3UTS-UIAEY5-b.jpg (900x1200, 73K)

I've heard chlorine gas smells like Tzuyu pit

BigBang - Loser

any sharkman in

stupid weird wony posters

why does she have grey hair

>hey bro we are so rich

leave my bros alone

What show is this from?

jeongers is a shoobie

cute couple

Attached: 1536744863311.jpg (2048x1364, 327K)

She's past her prime

This didn't age well

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-22 at 11.42.15 PM.png (240x232, 55K)


Attached: 2019072310184799500.jpg (530x1113, 124K)

Is this one of the best gaypop songs of all time? I'd say yes.

Attached: 2019072310195027200.jpg (530x997, 104K)

german magazine photoshoot?

Attached: 014t.jpg (1335x2000, 1.75M)

how did that super noona lose out on the final roster after being fucking number 1 for the whole duration of the fucking show

baffles my mind

SBS Ggurugi Life Inquiry Episode 680

Get well soon

Attached: 1519003969812.jpg (1140x640, 62K)

me on the right

Attached: 2019072301001674000141141.jpg (1400x2139, 1.55M)

not true she's only getting more beautiful

Attached: 1549237812976.jpg (1333x2000, 288K)

its a classic here

they just shit-talk her more than anyone else right now

She needs more fructose corn syrup

i'd give her all the sugar she needs

Attached: 1546676306327.webm (462x754, 2.35M)

stop lewding my daughter

who is the most satisfying idol to creampie?

candy candy pop

Attached: TzuyuDance.webm (676x720, 1.89M)

are they missing one


Attached: 1559734361680.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

d.o without question

we can only speculate. i think.

objectively wony


Attached: 1518333238720.webm (480x478, 246K)


based china

Attached: 0c6d43c9b2f6c79a97f3e985e72c728025257d1c.jpg (1500x1000, 178K)

seems like everyone dropped busters after the recent events

Attached: 1563837395952.jpg (418x704, 199K)

Attached: 1544769614995.jpg (1080x1284, 157K)

Attached: 1515929898516.jpg (900x600, 178K)

Why were you paranoid

Hwasa is popular in Africa. In Zimbabwe her photocard can be traded for a chicken

not true i cherished their fancams earlier today as a matter of fact


Attached: 1562729793904.webm (974x890, 2.95M)

40 year old wife kept on telling me red velvet is so fake and plastic. They lip sync during the concert a lot of times. Twice is way prettier and gave more effort in their concert compared to RV. She hates irene too.

Attached: comparison.jpg (1300x1408, 359K)

cutest girl in the multiverse~

Attached: 1559020344438.jpg (716x768, 74K)

Attached: 1546239468923.webm (720x720, 650K)

Attached: 66378322_102958394306090_439749026343183666_n.jpg (1080x1350, 240K)


Attached: tzuyu 000Dvt4uJ3VsAEB8hB.jpg (1367x2048, 234K)

As a twice fan, i don't care about a 40yo roastie's opinion.

Attached: JYPETWICE-1078703078461779968-20181229_012349-img2.jpg (960x721, 111K)

which ones?

doesn't your wife respect the elderly

your wife sounds like divorce material dbh

jennie for sure

Attached: 1561440001429.jpg (1080x1080, 101K)

There's only one real China and that's the Republic of China

she bought me tickets for both concerts.
these ones


you mean mom bro, just be honest

Not even taiwanese care about that meme now after 3 generations.

Because the ass?

I'm afraid to click that

What if it’s both omo

She was right. Twice are all tight, young, and sexy beautiful visuals. RV are all busted and have shit songs

>tfw nayeon and jeongyeon have been bullying tzuyu since they were placed on the same team in sixteen

Remember guys mina is from San Antonio and like all good Texans is under the Christian God. prayers are helpful.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-QjBKIgzN9wD.jpg (1920x1620, 433K)


NEVER come back

don't samefag

Wrong, also...

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣TaiwanFormosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie thePooh劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: 4443.jpg (2048x1366, 263K)

>can't share youtube links by time anymore
>have to add &t=2m23s manually
what the fuck

I just got on the thread a few minutes ago, fuck off.

imagine praying it aint black

dude my wife bro. girls and guys at work are scratching their heads how my wife allow me to watch girls dancing on stage. What is so hard to understand?

Attached: 65302431_140085903850188_4221697289916863683_n.jpg (682x682, 52K)

too old

Attached: binnicolor salute.jpg (667x1000, 235K)

Are you younger than her? If yes, i guess she doesn't have that much of a choice.

remove safety shorts

Attached: 1562871531054.jpg (568x704, 217K)

natures traitor is pretty good

Attached: 1543850866249.webm (548x800, 2.99M)

great picture and girl

Attached: 1539205301676.webm (720x800, 2.97M)


i wanna follow some izone and fromis fansites but i don't wanna clog up my current twitter feed which is basically 99% twice
what are my options

seulgi in those pants tho

new twitter fucking sucks how do i go back

Jus follow the archive of your favorite members.


Attached: 1542409597522.jpg (1200x1798, 187K)

you don't. i've looked all over the internet for scripts to fix it and there's nothing. just use

this is honestly pretty based

let me hold on to the number 1 spot for 3 months, oh oops guess not


Attached: 1562132586320.webm (778x800, 2.97M)

what archive

What will happen if Mina didn't comeback? During the concert I didn't noticed anything changed in their performance.

Attached: tumblr_odj1woXqb91shjnqco1_400.gif (400x291, 832K)

Attached: PowerlessElectricAmericanavocet.webm (810x1440, 2.94M)

pity votes until the voting reset, when it came down to picking OT1 nobody wanted her

Attached: TenderPaleHerring.webm (810x1440, 2.76M)

They'll disband


fact: knock knock is the pinnacle of cute in kpop music videos

Attached: image.jpg (1200x709, 242K)

why are wizones so autistic

kpop archives are usually run by idiots that don't even save high res pics. the original fansites are always the better source

pretty sure it's a script that is harvesting off their discord

Tell me what this Queendom show is going to be about kpg.

>momo's tummy

Attached: 1555893338333.jpg (1120x1394, 193K)

just follow your favorite members. if you like them it won't "clog up" anything

kino af with the belt and the sneakers

Attached: 1563755007728.jpg (838x1258, 168K)

>fluffy flop

a bunch of nugus compete to see who gets btfo out by x1

Stop posting uggos

you know i tried that with irene a year or two ago but i was just disappointed when new posts showed up and it was just previews for irene when i was expecting twice
i guess i just want the good pics so i have something to post here and im not gonna download some collection because it's just not the same

what an ugly malnourished boy


Attached: 1548520502702.webm (660x800, 2.95M)

even the world heavyweight champion of boxing Anthony joshua was effected by anxiety. in his last fight they said he had a panic attack before the walkout. if one of the most hard people on the planet experience it imagine a soft, asian, introverted, Catholic girl with the pressure of three countries behind her. mina haters need to shut the fuck up

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-cwqYlemlDeu-1.jpg (1854x2697, 3.94M)

Stop using twitter entirely.

what a beautiful healthy woman

unironically discord is your best solution
because they have nazi modding only the good images get filtered into their image galleries there

liking that style

Attached: full.92176.jpg (1000x1500, 772K)

where else are we supposed to get kpics? tistory is kill

its where i get my pics

got a link for izone/fromis?

twatter is for underage women m8

You don't need an account to save pics.

google "kpop server index" and find your way there

bro i clicked the button to use the new twitter because last time i did there was an option to go back to legacy and i wanted to help you by showing you where it is but it literally doesn't exist anymore so now im stuck on new aids twitter and none of my extensions work anymore

i love tzuyu with all my heart

Attached: Tzuyu-5.jpg (2833x1903, 763K)

Attached: 1563384124898.jpg (720x720, 53K)

you can make separate accounts for different groups or just search the idol names when you feel like it

lmao am i supposed to save profile urls in a txt file? literally nothing wrong with having a twitter as long as you don't engage the roasties

my only problem with twitter is that if you make an account they almost immediately lock your account and require you to input a phone number

what happened to nature gaga

she's all yours

if you actually post, sure. but i don't
yep its been rolling with no way to go back

sorry you got it earlier than you were supposed to on my behalf but it would have switched within the next few days anyway

the thing is the only group i basically online stalk is twice and the others i just watch varieties and performances
i just want some pics to post here occasionally

she went back to China to study

how is that relevant

one injured her foot and the other is who knows where

the thing i hate most about new twitter is that it doesnt show you that there's new posts in your feed
fuck these mobile first faggots, there's literally an app why do they have to ruin the web version

Attached: 1541769700420.png (139x33, 2K)

we don't masterbate to twice here friends
only to groups like wjsn and momoland

>“Those who have been here a long time are fully aware that I was the quickest in posting the Mitama Matsuri controversy about Mako, Juri and Miyu, as well as Jurina’s involvement with the Japanese Self-Defence Forces.

>[The Mitama Matsuri is a festival associated with honoring the souls of the ancestors and the dead, hosted by the Yasukuni Shrine - known for accommodating the dead war criminals of World War 2.]

>This branding of imperialistic right-wing images was done in order to remove potential obstacles to my picks from getting through. It was successful on those at Instiz (largely female-based online community in Korea), gullible enough to still bring up right-wing controversies about them.

>He prepared materials in depth to arouse right-wing controversies about AKB members. If any Japanese member entered the top ranks during Produce 48 to threaten his picks, he would release these materials to eat away at their popularity. He used screenshots of the members’ SNS posts and appearances on media. He manipulated captions and the context in order to forge his propaganda.

>His picks have survived and debuted as IZ*ONE members. He managed to eliminate almost all AKB members whom he was campaigning against. There were only 2 AKB members who were not attacked by 뮤조건



Attached: 61895228_762419980822673_4666296380052791469_n.jpg (769x961, 119K)

yea its fucking dumb i dont know why they changed that of all things
these are the only twitter scripts you need and they work fine

i already have a rightclick save script for :orig
what i want is something like this
which downloads a zip of all the files or just the video
i need it for my autism

i use

Attached: D_44g3SXkAYcI5E.jpg (1200x1800, 279K)


Attached: EAFDvIIUYAErcCI.jpg (1920x1920, 597K)

this is what i wanted, thanks
i wasn't actually looking for something that downloads the entire timeline

the directors put them in those clothes and on those floats on purpose......


Attached: 1563341831053.jpg (768x960, 80K)

What kind of poster should I become?
I'm a mircale btw

I just type one letter and firefox shows me my waifus fansites since it remembers everything. click their korean names to get more, pretty simple

jine instagram poster

seems like you lied about the preview thing
other servers look exactly the same so i guess they run the same software

Attached: 1540708651774.png (705x716, 233K)

I mean the member channels, the feed is automated while the member channels have people diligently posting new fansite pics that get vetted

prettiest girl

she likes my unicorn

are you in the most populated izone discord? I don't think they have a feed bot

Attached: 201907231442771317_5d369e95eba48.jpg (2639x2098, 1.54M)

Attached: IMG_20190722_224821.jpg (2000x1333, 220K)

brb buying fila

oh look the real texan
When will Loona release kino again, I’m tired of waiting...

Attached: 25D9B42F-8D8F-4E62-8121-2C2FA8F7DDCB.jpg (971x971, 172K)


they just released the 4k version digipedi vimeo directors cut
kino has returned

Attached: IMG_20190722_225209.jpg (1200x1800, 234K)

If you wanna use the old Twitter UI, install an addon/extension that can change the useragent. For example (for Vivaldi/Chromium):

1. Then go to the extensions page (Options > more tools > User-Agent Switcher > Details)
2. Scroll down to "Site access" > click "On specific sites" > add
3. Open a Twitter page, click the icon (top right) > Opera > Opera 12.14
It should look normal when it reloads the page

Attached: jungtzu.webm (680x620, 1.26M)

Attached: 1561494654917.jpg (560x591, 37K)

quite dead without the blinks here

there's something about this girl that's drawing me in

Attached: 66298013_2174063489550588_6125802399390119996_n[1].jpg (960x960, 136K)

Attached: 1563824615246.jpg (1333x2000, 257K)

fuck bros, i went two days using my shitty laptop because i thought my PC power supply was dead
was about to buy a new power supply but remembered my guitar amp uses the same type of power cable
plugged it in with that bitch and it fucking turned on
power cables never go bad. this is why you should always worship Arin.
anybody need a webm made?

Attached: t_8isPWu2AChIEr-.webm (720x1280, 2.53M)

fuck discord i just followed a bunch of fromis fansites on twitter
can't hurt with more cute girls in my feed
found this lol

purple love. final answer.

Attached: nice.jpg (1280x1920, 370K)

this seems to work too

swamp german

/ourgirls/ live

simple or tedious webm?

not blackpink don't click

who are these nugus these aren't our girls

>our girls
>open link
>it's not twice
>close link

Attached: 1563839497302.jpg (4013x2905, 1.6M)

im a joy boy now...

no jisun don't care

Jiheon is really cute, how old is she?

10 10 6 7 9 8 8 7 9

joy and yeri delivering big time

Attached: yeri.webm (904x720, 2.84M)


doesn't matter.
clips under 18 seconds at 720p without a bunch of moving shit in the background usually turn out the best

she's 16, don't do anything stupid

I bet you didn't even support ohh ahh or cheer up faget bandwagon.

holy shit brb

what if i need a compilation of many things?

ew too old

>white life

Attached: 1550056949571.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

which girls?

#1 succ idol

Attached: 1555566714565.jpg (718x960, 58K)

momo ofc

yeri, i love you

Remember when Hwasa said nigga for no reason

got any anne?

hayoung and chaeyoung for now
i like the fact that there arent 500 fansites like for twice
i followed a few ot9 accounts too, so i might follow other members if i end up liking their pics too

i liked them before cheer up

imagine being a male korean red velvet fan after this

I bet they are like this because of all the ugly fat sponsor cock they gotta take, a simple average guy who isn't a neckbeard gets them wet

lmao this bandwagoner is shaking rn

like clips from different videos? if it can fit into one webm i'll try. i just want to use computer.


Attached: EAAkK7LVUAEmAv2.jpg (3840x2160, 1.28M)

Attached: IMG_20190722_231511.jpg (1367x2048, 254K)

now thats the stuff

im one of the og twiceposter, you better show me some respect or else kid

i dont like that shirt around her waist

i want a comilaption of all the times JiU did this at 0:03

its a tall order, that im planning on doing my self in the far future...

Y I K E S !

Attached: 170122 Yooa Liar Liar Call Of Duty.webm (570x1080, 2.73M)

hayoung has lots of good fansites but they like previews a little too much

These outfits drive me nuts

Attached: jiu.jpg (1280x1707, 183K)

prove it

did i miss anything
if any of them are like deltatrap, please tell me because i can't stand 99% previews and one good pic every 3 months

Attached: 1548204794898.png (906x864, 439K)

its the suspenders isn't it

best fromis

Attached: 1563279192042.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Attached: 1563824427368.webm (1070x1638, 2.61M)

Attached: 1559961952552.jpg (1202x2048, 240K)

suzy no!

whatta beaut

Attached: 1543094084645.jpg (1200x1800, 314K)

is this everglow?

rich man's arin

Wony got some competition

not 99% but about 60%. naky is like 80% previews


not suzy


i think jooe got some surgery or something, she looked kinda decent at the airport

what is the proper way to make a tribute for a kpop idol?

our girl live


Attached: 1535494776949.jpg (1080x1920, 202K)

Attached: 1562876735180.webm (994x1324, 2.6M)

printed pics in a sheet protector

Attached: loooong yooa.jpg (1920x3420, 2.42M)

High waisted skirts that show alotta leg

i made a cheer up webm and some autist here complained about the black bars

... performance was light on passion, or any exceeding talent that would warrant 2.5 billion views on YouTube.


hey you kpop guys
can you tell that ban evader freak in this general to stop getting good VPNs banned for his stupid posts containing mere images?
it's such a waste to see a good IP die because that moron can't be subtle

Attached: 1562556094816.png (663x1044, 613K)

good luck with that we've been trying to get rid of him for years

oh, that bad huh?
oh well, thanks and good luck I guess
