Can we get a roxy music thread started? I've never heard of them being mentioned here...

Can we get a roxy music thread started? I've never heard of them being mentioned here. If proto new wave was a thing it would of been Roxy Music.

Attached: Roxy_Music-Country_Life.jpg (220x220, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Roxy Music is great but Yea Forums would rather just stick to talking about Eno

one of my favorite "deep cuts" by Roxy Music

>If proto new wave was a thing it would of been Roxy Music.
What about Pere Ubu?

We talk about Avalon from time to time.

>Now the party's over
>I'm so tired...

They're one of the greatest bands ever. Manifesto and Flesh + Blood are kinda subpar (even those are decent) but everything else is god-tier. My favorite is their debut though. Seeing Bryan Ferry solo in August, pretty excited about it
Holy FUCKING based this is one of my favorite songs by them. Never heard anyone else express any enthusiasm about it. The lyrics and Ferry's vocal delivery and the guitar solo are gorgeous.

Stranded is the best Roxy Music album, bar none. Fight me, faggots.

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Yes, even Zarathustra *clap clap*

Viva! is one of my favorite live albums.

>What about Pere Ubu?
Roxy Music came out a little earlier though

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First heard them on an old CoD 4 montage on YouTube. Never got past that song

I agree, their 2 disco age albums are bad, but the rest fantastic, they have 6 albums so good no one agrees on what is their best album.
They might as well be the best band ever, or at least as good as the best.

2 of my favorite songs that arent "well known"

look at how it transitions into disco-funk at 2:18 basically become a different song


their best album is probably Stranded, every song is very good, and 3 songs are probably masterpieces, very unlike anything any band had done at that point. Mother of Pearl, Song for Europe, and Amazona. If you dont like them you will probably not like Roxy Music.

Brian Eno, who was a member of Roxy Music in their first 2 albums, thinks their best album is Stranded, the first one after he left.

I love them, their first four albums are all incredible. Don’t know what category to even put them in, they have a really unique sound.

Wetton was so good with them live

This is the most active Roxy thread I've ever seen here. Usually they peter out after 3-4 posts. This band is legitimately too good for Yea Forums. Along with Kraftwerk, they were the 70s band that most defined the 80s. They were also Bowie's favorite band at the time as well.

Debut is my favorite but every album is fantastic except manifesto and flesh + blood. Do The Strand is, in my opinion, the most perfect "rock" song ever recorded. If I ever played in a rock band, finding 2 sax players to do a cover of that song would be my first priority.

I'm surprised to see all the Stranded stans here and even more surprised that none of them named Sunset as one of their favorites since it is the clear winner of the album for me.

Fun fact: One of the half naked girls on the Country Life cover is the daughter of one of the members of Can.

I'm allergic to Bryan Ferry.
His voice is annoying as fuck,
His face is so punchable
and to top it all he's a Tory.

the guy isn't good enough to be Eno's roadie.

Proto-New Wave is stuff like Roxy, Sparks, Eno's first few solo albums, the poppier side of Bowie's Berlin Trilogy, The Modern Lovers, Loaded by TVU, and possibly power pop like Big Star if you consider stuff like The Knack to be in the same movement as other new wave.

But getting back into Roxy, what I think is so brilliant about them is that they showed synthesizers could be used in danceable, club friendly rock music effectively. Like before Roxy synths were exclusively for experimental music and trippy prog bullshit. But then they release fucking amazing tracks like Virginia Plain, Ladytron, Editions of You and Do The Strand that are using weird synth techniques prominently but are still catchy enough to play at a disco. Basically every synth pop and electro funk act owes a lot to Roxy Music.

Proto new wave would be something like 10cc

They got mentioned in sharethreads when I requested Avalon and apparently anons like this album.
I got a little bit obsessed over it, one of the most sensual albums I've ever listened, if not the most.

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>Fun fact: One of the half naked girls on the Country Life cover is the daughter of one of the members of Can.

Can I get some deetz?

You sound like a proper dirty ponce

is right trans?

you sound like you want to lick my asshole
I've just taken a shit, gimme a few minutes ok?

Those 2 songs are fucking incredible yeah. I agree that the change and outro of She Sells is excellent. I love the backing vocals on that whole album. A Really Good Time has been one of my top 5 RM songs since I first heard it.
This has always been my all-time favorite:
This one has a change that makes me cum in my pants (starting at 1:50):

Probably my 3rd favorite track by them after Bogus Man and Pyjamarama

One time a guy asked where to start with them, and the first reply was “at the gay bar”

God is laughing at you.