Why doesn't Yea Forums like rhcp?
Why doesn't Yea Forums like rhcp?
Other urls found in this thread:
because Mr. Bungle is better
based and dubs
without frusciante it's nothing
also this
Kiedis is awful.
satan spitting truth bombs
Mother's Milk is GoAT
everything past BTW is kind of samey
a lot of their best tracks are their B-sides
>Frusciante is the only good member
>He's great at guitar and the least dad rock cringe
>He left the band because he knew that RHCP were >saturated with cringe
>Band loses the only good it had
>Cringe of Flea/Kiedis/Chad ensues
Everything after BSSM got less funky and had a more generic boring feel I always felt.
i like the frusciante stuff
Better question is why this board hates Flea.
this board would worship Flea if they knew he jammed with Thom Yorke
I hate his annoying face with that damn gap teeth
nobody hates him as a player, he's a decent bassist
bc mu is full of shut in losers who worship artists that seem that way on the surface, but actually aren't. they can't handle cool dudes who aren't trying to monetize a manufactured sadness. mu also hates music that isn't pretentious and artists that don't try to act like they are geniuses.
>they can't handle cool dudes who aren't trying to monetize a manufactured sadness
so you'd rather worship some dude that traffics in cool? good for you...
>imagine being such a loser that you think it is a requirement to worship someone
grow up faggot and be your own man. you shouldn't be worshiping anyone, especially musicians, after the age of 14
because that's totally what i said right?
look at you, so grown up insulting people on the internet. i sincerely hope you find other sources of joy in your life user
>Why doesn't Yea Forums like rhcp?
not everyone can be cool and unique. why don't you try to pull some of us up with you?
Because it's a known sercret that Anthony kiedis is a huge pedofile and it's only a matter of time before he gets me too'd Catholic school girls rule off of there pretty unknown 2nd album is about having sex with an underage girl it's fucking disgusting
what does based mean
means you get sucker punched by your homies
Hahahahaahaa egg xD lmao soo randimb hahaha lolloloool
hilel slovak was better