/gg/ - guitar and bass general

lmao hello s t u p i d s edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Old thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's true. Gibson is using fucking richlite now. Resin-infused paper.

The reason? Out of ebony.

>his guitar isn't all gross and beat up

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Any beginner amps that have distortion and delay knobs into them?

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>TFW when wife says I can play my Gibson in the music shed all afternoon if I give Tyrone a ride over and buy snacks for her son.

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>can't play for shit/gear never leaves the house
Might as well be a Funko Pop collection you got there lad for all the good it's doing anyone

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>tfw you pacifica shitplank has actual rosewood and will fetch gibson prices easily in a few years

No need to be jealous, friend.

epic trole XD

Boss Katana
Line 6 spider

>Yep, now that's the mojo I wish I could have accumulated through shows if I didn't start playing in my 20s. Whatever, time for my pentatonic first box shred.

Then why does Dean and everyone use ebony still

Don't like gettin' called out for being a poser, huh?

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Posting this again because I'm a faggot.

I went busking yesterday, made ten bucks over a few hours and gave it to a hobo. Anybody have busking tips/advice?

you can get anything from a custom shop retardo maximus

Better to die a mediocre faggot whose list of hobbies starts and ends with "fucking around on the internet all day" than a complete nobody

Even if you started when you were 10 you were probably never going to be a rock star. You can have the talent but you need the charisma.

hobbies are for losers who don't have anything better to be doing with their time

This. Never trying > trying and failing > trying too late to have a chance. I don't play guitar, I just tell other people to buy gibsons.

>made in mexico charvel is custom shop
Lmfao dumbass

How do I trem-pick? I try to play Raining Blood but I can't pick the open notes for the life of me. I can get it to sound like a crappy "gallop" at best.

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>HARD cope

>partscaster assembled in mexicio that costs $1500
lol ok retardo maximus

Is In The Aeroplane Over the Sea a good first song tonkearn? Wonderwall? Any other recs?

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Slightly angle the pick and pick from the wrist, not your arm unless you want carpal tunnel

Do you even remember what your original argument was dumbass? Lmfao you lost it stay stupid.

>Yeah if I started earlier i would've been the next steve vai

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lmao you couldn't figure out how why a partscaster assembled in mexicio costs $1500

>Line 6
Are those actually good or just a meme?

Any idea why the new EVH iiiS combos cost more than the iiiS head + 2x12 cab together? Its like a 300 dollar difference
Hell, even the old EVH III combos dont cost this much

Start at a comfortable tempo with metronome, where you're not making any mistakes and just pick open for a couple minutes. I assume you're talking about the reverse gallop, slowly bump up the bpm until you're at speed.

>he plays a baby sized 24.75” scale Gibson “guitar”

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What does that have to do with nigson using richlite?

>being this jealous

The newest one is supposed to be better

>If I bought a guitar a few years earlier and I would have been more famous than buckethead,

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That's out Jcum. Dumb as one of those wheelbarrows full of rocks he has to push around when he cleans up a construction site.

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lmao and martin has started using richlite too so there's another high end guitar manufacture you can rage at because you you can't afford one

Do any of you take lessons or are you too scared of leaving the house and answering the inevitable "what kind of songs do you want to play" question

>Sick gibson bro, that thing is NICE. I wish I had a guitar like that when I started out.
>So dude, what kind of songs did you want to learn?
>Dude what?
>Sorry man I didn't hear that, one more time?
>ho-kago tea time
>Never heard of them. Some J-rock stuff?
>Hold on, let's look them up, I bet there are tabs.
>Jesus christ dude is she 12
>yui is my guitar hero....
>Pffffft ooookay dude so let's start with stairway

If you like the song and it has simple open chords then it's a good first song. Anything decently popular will have a usable tab/ chords on the internet, but listen carefully to the actual song and tweak it if you have to/ it sounds better that way.

Why would i get a martin when taylor is superior. Keep defending cutting corners though.

Not them but just to clear this up for you ebony is running short in supply. Yes, you can still get a guitar with an ebony fretboard but it'll run the cost of the instrument up substantially. This is me hoping you're not really as stupid as you seem, hope it helps.

Its only one species that is endangered. Weve had this discussion already. Its the one with the darkest and highest percentage of dark wood. Now manufacturers are using "imperfect" ebony. Look at some of the charvel okoume dk24 models. They have ebony fretboards. I have a dark board from my korean dean. Its ebony. New import deans have ebony too. Before only 10-20% of an ebony tree was being used. Were using more now from each tree.

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>defending cutting corners
lmao but jcum you couldn't figure out why a partscaster assembled in mexicio would go from being a $600 guitar to $1500 after an ebony fretboard was added remember? this discussion had nothing to do with cutting corners

>Preamp Send
>Preamp Return
>Amp Return

Anything I'm missing?

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I was talking about the riff at the 0.45 mark, if that helps.
I'll try that, thank you.



Does everyone have these little sacks on their finger tips or am I a freak? They protrude just enough to touch the next string over and it’s fuckin annoying

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>Were using
You're not doing anything. And I have no idea what that you're trying to get at with that jumble of sentences, use your words next time.

No, it's dyed indonesian rosewood. Same shit schecter uses on the diamond series.

>tfw too retarded to get btfo

No its not i hit it with paint thinner and nothing came off.


Do it again, really rub it in, we'll see

This plus choke up on the pick.

>they're using substandard Ebony now that supply is dwindling
No shit Sherlock you aren't even arguing anything here you fucking idiot, you're just reiterating that quality Ebony is in short supply and guitar manufacturers are having to choose alternatives to quality Ebony or drive the cost of the guitar up if they insist on using it

Yeah, that's the reverse gallop and there's tons of stuff on youtube showing how to practice stuff like that. It's all about endurance, you have to start slowly and steadily work it up to speed.

>no Overdrive
>no Distortion

if I buy a stranderg will people catch on to me being a weeb or will they think it's because of plini?

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I feel sorry for the manbaby that bought this.

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>tfw jcum lost another argument in /gg/

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Bros, I like playing Master of Puppets on my Singlecoil Strat more than on my Humbucker LP Copy...

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Oh boy, time to talk in the guitar general on Yea Forums!

>Retarded posts about gibsons vs other guitars
>Whenever someone asks a music theory related question, they get ignored
>Whenever someone posts an example of them playing, instead of constructive feedback they get showered in autistic shitposting about their skill level
>Whenever someone posts a picture of their guitar it gets met with poorfag posting or other autism


fender champion series

>New import deans have ebony too
imagine being dumb enough to actually believe this

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this, every time I read /gg/ it's just crab bucket posting. Fucking lame.

somebody rec me my first amp
>small enough to fit in the backseat of a car
>mostly used to play metal but needs to sound decent on everything else too
>battery powered
>headphone jack
>150 dollar budget is ideal. can go up to 300 if REALLY need to

die phase!

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>Get a job
>Buy Gibson
>Cut off your penis
>Thank me later

None that sound good enough to make you want to play them.

>he still swinging at shadows
lol if only you had the ability to learn amirite

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Trust me i did that. I was kinda looking forward to some light streaking.

Do I really need to buy another amp if I want to get a bass?

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That wasnt me kid

Try getting a job first

lol was i talking about you?
>rent free

>how often should I change my strings?
>how often do you change your strings?
they play well but thelookmaybenotsogood?

non-meme responses please


Yeah for 275 million

No one cares.

Obviously 2 people do. 3 if you count you caring enough to reply to them.

Look on the bright side; at least you’re doing your part by bitching instead of contributing anything substantive.
Have fun being part of the problem!

>buy consumerist website
go take some guitar lessons real talk

i have never used etsy , i was going to buy a violin @reverb but the seller backed-off tho

Nothing fits your requirements.
The thing that comes closest is a used Peavey Bandit. It’s everything but battery powered.

>i was going to buy a violin @reverb
>but the seller backed-off tho
Well that's not the way reverb works so...

Take your meds.

whats wrong with the kakatana or the roland mini cube

What is the best cheap metal guitar?

And no, I don't like Ibanez.

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Don't try to deflect bro, that's the best advice anyone here is going to give you for real

Reverb is full of overpriced shit

I find better deals on ebay

Boss katana air

Schecter C-1

yamaha 120h? ltd viper 10?
whats wrong with ibanez though

>shitty forsale site buys another shitty forsale site.
In other news, fire burns, grass is green, water is wet, and everyone you know is getting older.

>I don't like Ibanez

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Anyone else legitimately afraid of amplifiers with headphone jacks? Like just imagine having your headphones plugged in and then fucking up having every knob on the amp on maximum and then getting tortured by the sound and then going deaf. Like holy fucking shit

what difference does it make to you? lol you can't afford anything there anyway

dont buy new, instead hunt down a Jackson TH1 thinline ash in satin finish made in japan.

>Jackson TH1 thinline
>having taste this bad

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Edwards super strat or Rhodes copy.

Edwards is trash.

Says the dummy who's never played one

If you're willing to rub solvents on your fretboard (or stupid enough), try other solvents, like acetone or alcohol.

I thought this general mainly bought from reverb. Hell, i never heard of it before I started coming here and people used to rave about it. Im always able to find rare gear I can't get in my hillbilly state. Whenever a seller has an make an offer option I almost always get it a few hundred dollars cheaper. EBay is way too sketchy, too many chinese knockoffs

post your guitars

it is a dean v plus 3 teles parhaps ?

Sorry you don't know trash when you play it.

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That doesnt happen dumbass.

I also tried ethanol (alcohol).

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You're worried about some inlays being off on a budget Jap copy when Gibson's QC has been notoriously bad even on their custom shop shit?

not him but edwards is what poor fag nips play when they can't afford a real domestic esp

Then try acetone. You might have a species of some sort of ebony, or it's dyed - and some dye techniques are "baked" in, so you can rub it off playing it. But it's probably one of the cheaper varieties of "ebony" that isn't banned. If it was imported into the US or UK, it's not the good stuff, that's for sure.

this is gear that never leaves the house

and not a mic or XLR cable in sight either so there's no recording going on

>poorfa/gg/s and their Gibson complex
lmao, every fucking time.

glad your waife allows that little mancave and that sexy mannequin leg


is that like a mix between a waifu and a wife? like, a 2.5d spouse?


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Sounds weird but there's more muscle on the tip of my middle and ring finger than on the tip of my index finger, so they both have different tones. Does this go away after a while?


>tfw your wife gives you permission to buy a new gibson

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I own two Gibsons currently. I've had an Edwards LP and it was the lightest non-chambered LP I've ever played. Seymour Duncan antiquities stock. I actually regret selling it.

full mannequin is trache´s wife

thats why I wrap my cans around my neck while I mess with the settings
I'm more afraid of my amp blowing out my expensive headphones

they have a term for obsessing over something you can't afford like this. they call it neurosis
>edwards is shit
>..b-but b-but.. GIBSON!!
lmao how you sound

I never said it was madagascar ebony. Probably indian. I just got lucky perhaps. But the guitar is like 6 years old

>I own two Gibsons currently
Sure you do bud, we all believe you yep yep yep

They have a term for your condition too. Gender dysphoria.

>Neurosis is a class of functional mental disorders involving chronic distress but neither delusions nor hallucinations
They are delusional though, they desperately want to convince themselves that their $600 chink shitplanks are just as nice as a $2500 American guitar. It actually qualifies as psychosis if you want to be accurate.
>Psychosis is an abnormal condition of the mind that results in difficulties determining what is real and what is not

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good shit

You're on a slippery slope with Gibson and quality.

A Chibson isn't as good as a custom shop (and "good" is relative), but the Chibsons are just as good as Epi's.
I personally wouldn't buy a Gibson made in the last decade. I'd take the money you'd spend at the custom shop for an LP and go to a small luthier, and have a "tribute" made - the quality will be significantly better. Most of them will do it, but they won't advertise it. Slash is the best known pro who's signature guitar was a tribute, not an actual Gibson.

>Believes his overpriced shitplank will make him an anime girl
>Says everyone else has psychosis

The absolute state of Gibson trannys

Those are lies spread by jealous poorfags slash is the greatest guitarist of all time because he exclusively uses Gibson. Total guitar magazine told me so.

>Delusions are strong beliefs against reality or held despite contradictory evidence
ah i see my mistake. thanks

Not a big deal
Pretty sure most people have that, or maybe it's just us amerifats

>Slash is the best known pro who's signature guitar was a tribute, not an actual Gibson.
Slash hasn't played the Derrig Les Paul in 25 years. The guitars he's recorded and toured with for the last 25 years?

Yep, you guess it: genuine Gibson™ Les Pauls.

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No one cares

Hows that Charvel?

That it turns out you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about? I mean, that goes without saying...

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I feel like from a construction standpoint, it's excellent. The matte finish, the neck feel, everything falls into place nicely. I don't particularly think the pickups are good. It's something I'd find in cheaper guitars, so the premium is really for the roasted maple neck I think. Still worth it, but could use an upgrade.

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im stuck guys. i know scales, modes, chords, the CAGED system, sweeping and tapping. whats next. have I peaked? is sweep tapping the only hurdle left?

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I didn't claim that he was still playing it, pinhead. My point, that your low IQ was incapable of detecting, is that quality tributes are around, and better than the crap that Gibson is selling these days.

And, if you think Slash is getting any old random guitar off the line, and also worked over extensively by his techs, you're a bigger idiot than i already think you are.

Writing something worth listening to?

>I didn't claim that he was still playing it
So you admit he hasn't played the Derrig in 25 years! That's great!

Now lets see if you can answer this question: so what has he playing for the last 25 years then, genius? Pro-tip: it ain't ghost built guitars!

Its because it has meme-more duncans. Put suhrs or emgz in that bitch.

He got trips you didnt. Shut the fuck up.

I'll just leave it here.

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String skipping. Multiple finger tapping. Phrasing. Theres lots of stuff you suck at.

Reported. This is an anti commie pro capitalist thread.

Oh no, looks like you got BTFO! Now you can start learning at 12:00 right here!

Notice: ain't no "tributes" to be found!
>tfw only a genuine Gibson™ Les Paul is good enough

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Alright can someone help me develop an absolutely autistic regimen for maximizing progress? I have a lot of free time tomorrow so I'm thinking about practicing all day in blocks. I'm thinking one hour per session consisting of:

20 mins: Reading music theory
30 mins: Playing scales around circle of fifths
10 mins: Rhythm practice with a metronome

How can I make this most efficient? What are some better practices?

All the practising in the world won't help you if you don't buy a genuine Gibson

I already have a Les Paul.

A Gibson?

lol, not cry. It's SABATON.

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Of course


recs for more eastern euro guitar folk albums akin to this? ty in advence


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No one cares. Honestly

When do you start hormone therapy?

me too

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thank you kind sir

That you got BTFO? Let's hope not... for your sake anyway.

oh shit nigga got the tone oil

I see, you're going with "doubling down on retard."
No more (you)s for you.

Clearly a man who knows tone

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Too bad it won't cure his aids

>You will never be his chad

Riiiight. In other words you don't want to answer the question. That's fine. You lose!

so you like meal and dislikes jackson, kinda weird. that ibbi looks like my TH1 altho.

That $2500 american guitar plays like a $600 korean plank.

They used to make some great guitars. They used to be #1. Fenders were buzzy boat paddles. High tech cutting edge superstrats and headless meme guitars didn't exist yet. The absolute best electric guitar you could buy used to be a Gibson les Paul.

Used to. If you can grab an old one (with restrictions, lol norlin), it'll be a great guitar, definitely worth every penny. But the new ones? They're memes coated in lacquer. The stocks of great tonewood dried up. Gibson is making guitars out of scrap and manmade wood substitutes. It's only a matter of time until they start using a manmade material for the body to try and get that one-piece tone out of their guitars again. Guitars that cost half as much are often better to play, better sounding, and better looking. You're paying a premium to stand in front of a mirror and pretend to be slash. You're paying an extra thousand to point at the headstock and say "SEE THAT YOU POOR NIGGER? GET OUT OF MY GENERAL.". Well, while it's still attached. I know you fags don't take care of your shit and lean your guitars against walls and on cheap floor stands.

If you really like the look and feel that much and can't shell out for a kalamazoo gibson, buy a heritage. If it's made in nashville it isn't a gibson, it's a $2500 gibson shaped guitar that 9/10 times will meet the quality standards for a $1250 guitar and 1/10 times exceed them ever so slightly, by about $50 worth of tone.

*grab popcorn bucket*

why didn't they want to post here guise

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Like it or not, when you suspend a string between two points and make it vibrate, the material it is attached to will affect those vibrations.


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...still couldn't afford anything better than a two piece basswood body, so tonewood isn't real


hi i made a meme for this specific situation

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>poorfa/gg/ general triggered by the mention of anything that would imply that nice guitars sound different from their basswood ibeenhads and 5-piece "gibsons"


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its all in the tone-cheese


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But K-on said

lmao he wrote all that for two replies

Should have posted it from his Gibson

you cheeky cunt

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>why yes I do play a 24.75” short-scale Gibson guitar, how could you tell?

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you meme about muh die phase but generals live indefinitely in a state of low quality sorry bro

>tfw when you get to play in the music shed all night

I wish Tyrone would visit every night

>*squeek squeek*

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I generally don't get into the whole tonewood thing, but if you're playing with even a touch of distortion, all of that ceases to matter. Distortion colors the sound too much for any nuance from the wood. Then it's all your fingers, and your gear.

I wouldn't exactly call this living.

>t. doesn't understand how harmonics or distortion works

Hey so anyone notice that the mega link with tabs and shit is dead. Anyone have a backup?

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>Still butthurt because his Gibsonfag rebuttle didn't do anything

if your guitar doesn't have a whammy bar what the fuck are you doing

no really what the fuck are you doing

buy an acoustic

But even acoustics have those now


>stock of great tonewood

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werks on my machine

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>tfw the neck profile of my R8 burst is the same size as Tyrone’s girth

>he's still posting and no one's replying
lmao trolled

anons i'm writing a shoegazey song but i'm dumb and need some nice mellow chorus chord(s)
it's in the key of E verse chords are Esus2 A then Asus2 E (I-IV-IV-I)
chorus chords are Asus2 A/E Asus 2 F#m7 (IV-I-VI-ii)

pre-chorus chords whoops

just step on all the pedals at once and play open strings while doing some girly groaning into the mic (also bathed in effects)

If I were to replace the stock EMGs in my guitar with standard sized humbuckers, would they fit in the pickup cavities correctly? I was just wondering since I saw this page: seymourduncan.com/blog/product-news/introducing-the-nazgul
In which an "active size" version of the pickup is also made. However, I think this is for 7 strings, and my guitar is a 6 string.

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yes, but they'll sound w...
...ay better.

>No whammy bar

Just sell it and start over

That guitar is probably worth as much as a set of duncans anyways

shoegaze doesnt resolve you just keep playing dreamchord after dreamchord.

Hi, I want to be able to decipher what I'm playing and be able to name any chord or shape I come across by looking at the individual notes. What music theory sources are there for developing this knowledge? Looking for a sort of reference book that could tell me that such and such makes a major, which has a blah sound as compared to minor, etc., etc. Thanks.

Kek yeah, they're not so great. Thanks user

But I like it user, it was cheap and it feels real nice to play

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i'm already doing that why do you think all those Es and As and that 7th on the F#m is for
what would be a nice dream chord to follow on should i just play like a B and turn it into sus2 or sus4 to not let it fully resolve either
more than anything i'm looking for a good melody

>no whammy bar

As if.

why the fuck does everyone here own a camera from 2002

This but unironically

cuz your mom gives it out like candy lmao

they had candy back in 2002 dad?

yeah real candy. the kind that took your teeth out

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>the kind that took your teeth out
explains your lisp i guess

idk where i'd be without ol' chomper here

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ok you win

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don't play covers and use a looper or backing tracks for rhythm, unless you're playing classical guitar.

don't give money to hobos, give them food, clothes and shelter.

>don't give money to hobos, give them food, clothes and shelter.
sage advice

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>oh shit thanks man i can sell this stuff for drug money

rate my ability

Tempo needs work

string thru sustain > gimmick bar

>selling sandwiches and pants for drug money
yeah I'm sure you'd be good for half a weed syringe every 6 months, not to mention dead from hypothermia and starvation

>falling for the string thru sustain meme

why do stoptail gibsons sustain better?

Because they weigh 20 pounds.

Is this Shrek? Pleasant but feels off because of Keep at it.

Its fucking Toy Story you peasant. Shrek had a soundtrack, not a score.

Had meant to reference this post

What non metal shit do you guys play? I'm getting bored of playing dad rock over and over

Learn this.

You still haven't figured out how to use your interface? It has a built in metronome, you know.

>Haven't played guitar in years and have no interest in pursuing or making music anymore
>Guitar is selling online for $400 more than when it came out
>Almost worth a $1000 now
>Out of production and most likely will never be reproduced anytime soon

Should I sell now or wait?

It's because of your callouses flattening and hardening, so instead of being flexible around the tip of the finger they create a straighter, flatter angle of skin making it more pronounce than fingers without

You should play again.

Ask /biz/

Yeah get rid of it now, the guitar bubble is about to pop.

>thinking he was me
>thinking that sound quality was an interface

kek. i'm just goofing off on my iphone, no need to be anal retentive

Yeah, I might just sell it now.

I might take a look over there too then.

I think I've "moved on" now. I'm 24 now and just want to focus on going to university next year and getting out of the rut I've been in a while. I like music, but it'd take up a lot of my time and the music industry is shit in my country (Aus) right now, so I could never "make it" as a musician.

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>thinking that sound quality was an interface

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Why does music always have to be about "making it" and being a rock star

It's just self-entertainment and keeping your brain busy so you don't go insane, like filling out crosswords.

>my chemical romance epiphone

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Lol, make it? Just enjoy yourself. It's a hobby that keeps your brain sharp like chess but is even more fun because it's inclusive with others instead of competitive.

I've never seen anyone ever think of strandbergs in an anime sense other than here

like to your ear, that sounded like i got out an interface and recording software and a real mic and sat down and tried to record something for mass media consumption.

no, i just learned to pick out the notes by ear just now and was goofing off. not even 15 minutes of practice. no need to have such severe autism :)

>It's just self-entertainment and keeping your brain busy so you don't go insane, like filling out crosswords.
>instead of competitive
for losers like you maybe

>like to your ear, that sounded like i got out an interface and recording software and a real mic
no retard

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It's competitive but only in actual competitions

In the industry, competition is a race to the bottom. The catchiest, the cheapest and fastest to produce, the least demanding of hard to find talent. That's what wins, and the name of the game for the guys making the real money? Profiting off things other people made.

Nobody in the music industry deserves a dollar and I wish mass shootings and trucks of peace upon every label

>this dweeb thinks he's gonna make it as a metal guitarist just tremolo picking a single note really fast in rhythm

kek. i'm glad people as autistic as you exist to make me look less autistic in comparison

>I've never seen anyone ever think
Well I sure hope not!

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so why in the FUCK did you say "huurrrrrrrr rdurrrrrrrrrrrr ur interface has a built in metronome HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR"


the best part is none of the industry would be possible without copyright laws it lobbied to have extended so it could make more money off them

>to make me look
yeah it's all about appearances

IF you repealed the same laws that allow the music industry to exist, most TV shows, movies, and definitely anime would cease to exist out of low budget art projects.

well i rest easy knowing that i'm actually less autistic than you as well.

Hey that's a good idea! Work on that

I had my heart set on it and to be completely honest, if I make music again, I'd rather do using software instead. I got into playing guitar because I wanted to join a bad in the first place.

Yeah, I know. I wish I got a better guitar instead. But, it's value went up, so I don't mind as much now.

I'd rather use that free time towards getting a good career, hitting the gym, hanging out or playing vidya desu. And I'd just use music making software if I get the itch again one day.

>In the industry, competition is a race to the bottom. The catchiest, the cheapest and fastest to produce, the least demanding of hard to find talent
And that's why if I still cared, I'd rather just produce catchy shit normies like and call it a day.

appearances can be misleading


Lol you'd rather consume some nerd shit than play an instrument? And you only started playing because you wanted to be a rock star?

What a sad individual you are

You couldn't write a hook if you tried. The dunning kruger of this post is insane.

Is /gg/ good enough to play Roselia covers?


This is the technical peak of J-rock

>hoes mad

I will never not be surprised at how disgusting Japanese popular music is, doubly so when compared to their underground scene.

afterglow is the only good band in that game
and what does ran play
you know what ran plays?
a fucking gibson
that's what

only a gibson is good enough

>Hey dude want to be our bassist
>I only play guitar
>No problem

tru dat homie

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>Lol you'd rather consume some nerd shit than play an instrument?
Honestly, yeah. And when I get good enough at programming, I'd rather make games because I have genuine passion for that, not music. I don't hate music, but I just want to focus on making my life as comfortable and rewarding as I can (and playing guitar doesn't do that for me anymore).

>And you only started playing because you wanted to be a rock star?
Yeah, I was a teenager and dumb.

You're probably right because I hate Top 40 music and couldn't make anything like that. If I did start making music again, I'd be fine just making shit for video games.

alright post something you played then

It's better than what people call metal these days. That's pretty sad.

There's no good music left except for jazz.

>I can't write a hook but I can compose a score

wow, this is insane

How exactly is that going to help with you procuring a metronome?

That's what practice is for, user. IF I was ever to do that, I'd study how to write to music, other scores and what makes them work etc. I don't claim to have a gift of some kind.

if you're gonna talk shit you gotta back up your own playing, otherwise nobody will respect your opinion

You not being able to keep time isn't my problem though?

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nigga it's too late

the rate at which people with IQ scores below 130 or so learn this shit is extremely slow and rare neurological quirks are required for decent progression even in the high end of that range, especially for self taught individuals

you are over ten years behind the curve, by the time you are good enough to do that on your own instead of just noodly improv and covers, unless you are a rare talent with an innate tendency towards excelling in this field, you will already have an established career and you will only be at what people who went into music from the start would consider the entry level.

so you keep time even worse than me

thank you, next

nigga every single nintendo song is based on a fucking hook, koji kondo could fish out all the fish in the entire fucking ocean with the hooks he's created for every single fucking mario song, what the fuck

I know, user. It's why I don't care anymore. I was speaking hypothetically before. I'd rather just focus on building a career, getting /fit/ and being happy. I don't need to know how to write music to do that anymore.

>even worse than me
How exactly would that be possible? Lmao I'd have to have tourettes or some kind of neurological condition, wouldn't I?

i'm sorry that you have literally 0 ability to keep time

Pretty much, and it's age dependent. Someone who begins learning an instrument at 10 can expect to be able to perform well for an audience by 15 if they're good. Someone who begins learning an instrument at 15 can expect to perform well for an audience by 25. If they're good. If you start at 25 your playing will be awkward, hesitation-laden, and full of mistakes until you're in your 40s unless this isn't the first instrument you learned, then you might be half-decent in ten years. By rhythm guitar standards.

Music is like learning to speak a second language, only without fluency it's completely useless
-Always stick to your first instrument
-Do not expect anything if you start learning an instrument after your teens

Lmao, now you don't know what words mean either? Who straps your helmet on in the morning?

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i'm sorry you were born with a neurological condition. you can't help it. i'm happy you have a tard wrangler helpful enough to make posts for you.

Well regardless of whoever your caretaker is the least they could do is teach you how to count to four. This is all you'll be needing anyway.

imagine being so much of a pussy you're too scared to post yourself playing because you suck so much dick at all instruments lol.

It's not really that hard, I don't know why you're getting so upset.

the guitar is a virtuosic instrument as it can accompany itself. there is no reason to keep time if you are playing only with yourself, you are simply using complex time signatures.

post yourself doing that in rhythm, faglord

You can even do it backwards, check it out:
But I wouldn't recommend trying it in your current state, you need to calm down a little first.

>being this much of a faggot pussy untalented hack


if i could start over i would have learned the accordion instead

Whoa now, slow down lil' fella! Breathe! We wouldn't want you to blow a gasket getting all agitated!


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>this fag literally cannot play guitar

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Try to breathe like this:

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>cannot play guitar
>posting in a guitar forum
kek. what the fuck are you doing here since you literally cannot play?

Just keep posting, sweetie. 310 here we come!

wuts ur opinin on boss kattna ghee gehh

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lole yameha pasifk 4 aprtment

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noe 4 record

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oh wow 2 many munyz i haz nun


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>cant write down what i play because i dont notice what im playing when i play it

well i do think yes

lole thats it guise

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did you know that you can play any note as a harmonic
its true