/pol/ was a mistake

/pol/ was a mistake

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Jesus Christ.

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conservashit genocide now

?no shit?? its fucked up Yea Forums beyond all repair


Oh cool, and off-topic shitpost from a /r/politics faggot who has ruined Yea Forums

>Lil B
>off topic
return to r/thedonald

fucking zoomers ruin everything

you have to go back

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Reminds me of how the NPC meme was first about making fun of normalfags, and then /pol/ and alt-kike redditors devolved it into political elementary namecalling.
/pol/ should have died in 2016

back to r eddit dumb faggot

Didn't take long for you to reveal you just made this thread to "XD epic trigger the conservaHICKS magapedes, got em!"

Fuck off and stop ruining mu with politics, go to pol if you want to argue with them


Shit, I'm gonna start using that too now.

stop using the word based

Stop strawmanning everyone who is sick of you ruining this board as a /pol/ MAGApede

You're ruining Yea Forums, fuck off with politics

>trigger the conservaHICKS
clearly OP accomplished his mission, you fucking troglodyte retard

if you want to discuss politics then go to /pol/. Yea Forums is for the discussion of music.

t. /pol/ MAGApede

stop ruining this board

go back to plebbit for real, we can all see that its your real home

they are commie faggots, all they know how to do is strawman

>/pol/ gets liberal panties into a twist just by simply existing
sounds pretty based desu

There's seriously 2-3 /r/chapohouse shitskins who are always making politicla threads on mu and dumping their "FUCK REPUBLICANS!!" spam folder

rent free

>has no other retorts than memetic phrases

people who rewrite and bastardize Lil B's original definition of "based" should and will eventually get the rope.


Uncucked is essentially synonymous with the lil b definition

his definition is completely apolitical and cuck has essentially been mutated into a political phrase

conservatives are pretty fucking cucked though

Yeah, the chemotherapy's the problem, not the cancer itself.

jesus christ amerimutts are cringe

>tfw i'm conservative
>tfw I used based all the time
>tfw this thread shows it triggers shitskins


based traitors beware: the day of the rope is coming.

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there's nothing different about these definitions?

worst thread on Yea Forums right now

This thread sure is full of triggered /pol/ tourist.

EPIC Trigger of the republicans, great thread!


>tfw nonwhites and fatherless 'white' amerimutts get triggered by your very existence

Wash your dick, incels.

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based trips

anyways yeah kill all /pol/fags, me first please

lmao @ unbased /pol/ cuck virgins caring enough to post in this thread and virtue signal about how bigoted they are

Trump is pretty based desu

Everyone who posts off-topic threads should be put to death

so does his dick taste like cheeto dust? please enlighten us

>people observe that certain posters are stupid/annoying/cancerous
How many layers of irony is this?

>Trump is pretty based desu

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only one, but it's all we need

basedgod please lay your curse upon /pol/ and r/t_d

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i love lil b


They're not on /pol/, they're on Yea Forums


conservatives aren't people

based double dubs

>shitty millennial tumblr meme
>being subverted by /pol/hicks
It was deserved


dubs confirm
show respect to Lil B on Yea Forums you fuck


>shitty millennial tumblr meme
Lil B is literally the adoptive father of Yea Forums you absolute heathen


alt-right coined the term "based black guy" because they need to have an excuse to listen to rap music, which they do. constantly. despite saying the n-word. constantly.

if you genuinely think this, you shouldn't be on Yea Forums

Have sex

is this the chapocel thread?

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mad cuz they're right aren'tcha

but seriously any fellow chapofags here

statistically, yes.

rent free

>he says in a thread complaining about /pol/ on Yea Forums
how's it feel knowing that even chapo trap house hates the shit out of y'all

joke's on you I am chapo

what do you mean by "y'all", faggot?

rent free is one of the worst recent buzzphrases, almost as bad as have sex or dilate

"you all"

what the fuck else could they mean

chapo is a random obscure podcast
/pol/ is the biggest board on this site and one of the biggest boards in general anywhere and has huge userbase overlap with Yea Forums

no shit who are you referring to retard

"rent free" lives rent free in your head

130k subs

putcho brain cells together and figure it out, pal
130k members on their subreddit isn't all that obscure

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>unironically knowing the number of reddit subscribers
go back there

holy shit that hurt to read

people who use Yea Forums?
it's pretty hard to guess mate i think you were just talking about a group that doesn't exist

zoomers can't meme

i'm subbed there and listen to the podcast but you can just check you know

>chapocels telling people to go back to r*ddit
u first pal
it's okay, dullard. don't exert yourself, you'll figure it out later.

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ok retard

rent free isn't new at all
have sex is just good advice
dilate doesn't even make sense as an insult

that based face when having sex to dilate my neovagina high on redpills and listening to cringy russian doomer bangers on the jbl pill speaker
"yikes, coping with rent free basement living never felt so good" -me, being cis and getting my egirl pussy pounded

you took time to type that

what is a pede?


it's what (literal) r/the_donald retards call themselves

seething incel