To the four Radical Left congresswomen who hate our beautiful country and say awful things about Jews and Israel, if you don’t like it... LEAVE!
To the four Radical Left congresswomen who hate our beautiful country and say awful things about Jews and Israel...
They are low IQ individuals, extremely low IQ.
GTFO we talk about music here
>be /pol/
>be against israel and the jews
>help elect the most pro israel pro jew president
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
>They are low IQ individuals, extremely low IQ.
not as low as Chump.
Why is his Twitter so entertaining, lads?
Because he is a clown
Nazi punks fuck off
Haha u likey eat da poopy
>if you don’t like it... LEAVE!
thats not how it works. If you dont like it get elected and try and make changes. Telling citizens to leave is intellectually weak and morally depraved...but its Trump so everyone knows that already
It seems to me this thread has nothing to do with music! Please read the rules if you're new to 4channel my friend :)
>muh nazi boogeyman
Ilhan Omar would run the country better than Trump ever could.
>he's a jew
>he's a nazi
I can only conclude that he's neither and I will be voting for him in 2020.
the post
Yeah she could period on our enemies lmao fag
sounds like somebody's an angry racist. :^)
*juicy poopy slides from butt*
You: yum yum yum! *sluuurrrrrrp*
absolutely based. Finally a president that is willing to adress the growing antisemitism in this country
And that'd still be better than what the Orange Fool is doing.
wrong thread kid. Hows your summer btw? School starting soon?
What does that mean? Is it code for "i like to eat dead flesh from my gay boyfriend's tranny vaganny"? Lmao homo
Fuck Israel and fuck AIPAC
Your brain is the size of your testicle
Kill you are self.
What does that mean? Is it code for "follow me to the gay bar"? No way you gay
Your dad looks cute in a dress
What does that mean? Is it what you say to your gay boyfriend when you want to suck his nipple? Fag
The Secret Service will be visiting you soon.
Trumps a Jew and a nazi
Your parents should have aborted when they had a chance
What does that mean? Is it code for"oh yeah smear AIDS infected poopy on my butt"? Homo
It means your dad is legitimately flattering in a dress. That deep red lipstick looks nice contrasted with his 5 'o clock shadow.
You can be a Jewish fascist
He’s not a nazi but a fascist, he’s not a Jew either obviously but he’s extremely pro Israel
Ilhan Omar is more competent than Trumpy will ever be.
What does that mean? Is it code for "me likey slurp da poopy from my gay boyfriend's tranny vaganny? Homo
I'm sorry for you son, your chromosomes are a mess
It means your dad looks cute when he's stroking his long hair and nuzzling his chin against the shoulders of his old unit buddies.
Is that what you say when an AIDS infected juicy poopy slides from you prolapsed butt onto your gay boyfriend's peepee? Lol faggot
found the 10yr old!
What does that mean? Is it code for "i love getting poopy splashed on my peepeeh hole to give me HIV"? Gay
Yeah keep talking about homo Sex, seems like you are an expert. Though you are getting boring, change the disc
Is that what you and your gay boyfriend say when he riffles through your butt and finds the doll you hid up there? Homo
It means trans people live rent-free in your head and your dad's anus 24/7.
how long have you had AIDS? are you out? or just a closet fag?
What does that mean? Is it code for "i stick AIDS poopy up my nose and blow it up my gay boyfriend's peepee hole"? Haha faggot
Man insult me about anything else, this is getting boring.
Is that what you and your gay boyfriend say when he riffles through your butt and finds the doll you hid up there? Homo
What does that mean? Is it code for "i put my peepee in my gay boyfriend's ear and lick the wax off of it"? Homo
this is about the level of discourse one can expect from a Chump supporter.
Is that what you and your gay boyfriend sat when he puts his thing in your ear then you lick wax off it? Haha gay
rent-free, baybeee
Is that what you and your gay boyfriend sat when he puts his thing in your ear then you lick wax off it? Haha gay
What does that mean? Is it code for "me likey licky da poopy from my gay boyfriend's peepee after he get AIDS from a cow"? Haha faggg
What does that mean? Is it code for "me likey licky da poopy from my gay boyfriend's peepee after he get AIDS from a cow"? Haha faggg
What does that mean? Is it code for "me stick poopy up my gay boyfriend's tranny vaganny then stick my head up there to eat it"? Homo
I'm half Jewish, but I reject the religion because I don't see any value in the Bible, and its sense of nationalism disturbs me (I'm an anti-nationalist). I do take a little pride in how many great thinkers came out of the Jewish community, from Sholem Aleichem and Baruch Spinoza to Murray Bookchin, Noam Chomsky, Emma Goldman, Peter Singer, and Naomi Wolf.
I have gotten into Zen philosophy, and I'm starting to explore Quakerism, which actually resonates a lot with me. I could see myself converting.
I despise Trump, and I'm a strong supporter of Ilhan Omar, AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley. Trump's vitriol toward them is indicative of his fear of them.
That's pretty respectable if it isn't bait.
Faggot snowflake bitch commie SJW retard PC feminazi pussy numale söyboy
I'm also brown, and in yr country. Tee hee.
I don't care about that I care that you're a fedora tipping commie faggot
trans rights are human rights
Fuck you. You will be erased.
fuck off back to /pol/
Voted for Omar here
I would but you probably have too low an IQ to comprehend them. Extremely low IQ.
What does that mean? Is it code for "me stick poopy up my gay boyfriend's tranny vaganny then stick my head up there to eat it"? Homo
Not bait, thanks :)
No, you'll be remembered as a mentally retarded bigot, and people will look back at people like you and laugh.
No, Ilhan is pretty good.
I'm not one of your anime drawings, bahahaha
How does it feel to be on the right side of history?
cool music thread faggot
Fags in body bags
>we can't let brown people into the country, they're homophobic!
>proceeds to be homophobic himself
Do conservahicks simply lack any form of self-awareness?
The should just have a “political post on a hobby board” part of the report page already
I never said homophobia is wrong. Get aids and die, faggot.
Eat AIDS infected shit and die, faggot.
based and nutmegpilled
I really hope you're trolling, because the thought people as stupid and sad as you is depressing.
you're all fucking illiterate shit suckers you took the big libby/sucky demmy/gneo gknotsey brown pill
big ol fucking turds
especially idles spammer i see you bitch
delete this thread
>be a fag
>die of AIDS
Everything is political faggot
No, politics are boring
You should talk to someone.
You should walk off a cliff.
No I shouldn't. That is very rude.
i'll fuck you in the ass
have some tact
if something sounds like the song alluded to in Helter Stupid played straight then it's not good
this isn't pol for registered democrats
everything is political but not all sphere's of politics are universal . just like all squares are rhombuses but not all rhombuses are squares
Hahah u likey eat da poopy xD
based uh oh stinky poster