This is literally just Brokencyde but with like chipmunk voices. Do people unironically enjoy this?

This is literally just Brokencyde but with like chipmunk voices. Do people unironically enjoy this?

Attached: D73gOzRV4AA5a5_.jpg (1200x1200, 334K)

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doesnt share anything with brokencyde, really. No screamed vocals, very different drums stylistically, more varied, doesn't sound anything like em

>No screamed vocals
Wrong, have you actually listened to it?

Yes some people "unironically" enjoyed 3OH3, Kesha and blood on the dancefloor back in the day too, only difference was it was universally recognized to actually be hot garbage for retards and not given praise by music """critics""

lmao yeah theres screaming during like one bit of stupid horse and the end of 800db cloud, doesnt compare to the constant screaming in brokencyde songs

So what changed since then? Why is this being praised? Genuinely curious.

Pitchfork and the rest of music criticism got "woke" and decided shitty pop music is worthy of high praise especially if made by anything other than straight white men. Hyperpoliticization of social media and the internet as well as there being no real alternative or "serious" music anymore is part of it too.

Brokencyde isn't that bad
open your minds

it's just some fun bubblegum bass with decent experimentation (for pop music). the interludes are kinda lame and randumb, but the actual tracks are cool. plus the runtime is so short it's hard to get bored of it.

gecs is only praised by zoomer rym trannies

i feel like a lot of the dislike for this album comes from fantano giving it a positive review and politics. assuming you aren't gatekept by the vox, there isn't all that much to dislike about the album. it's fairly inoffensive

Fatano gave it a high score as well though

yeah its aoty actually :)

I listened to this yesterday, and liked it. Can't really pinpoint exactly what's attracts me though. I think it's fairly danse and that makes it interesting. Maybe it'll wear sooner than later, but I still think it's a good record.

it's trannycore

It tries to do a lot of things and doesn’t really succeed imo. The genre-mixing is done in a pretty slapdash and lazy way. Some of the melodies and rhythms are good but are never meaningfully developed. The fact that nostalgia for my childhood is being produced for zoomers even younger than me is the scariest thing. It’ll accelerate to the point where we have nostalgia for Baby Shark being sold to fetuses next year

>This is literally just X but with like Y attribute
I hate this meme so much. Stupid people use this approach to pretend something isn’t original in any capacity.
If it’s just X + Y and is so simple then why didn’t you do it before them to get the attention first?

Please stop making threads about this album


>stop making threads about the AOTY
uhh yeah not gonna happen

Shilling always backfires, faggot

based schizoposter

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

musically as well

I find it really ironic how the transphobic people on Yea Forums claim that people only like this because of the trans person when in reality these people only hate this because of the trans person. Same thing as people denouncing an album because fantano likes it

imagine being a talentless hack that has to capitalize on being a tranny and having that be the forefront of your soulless, gimmicky music. imagine shilling your gimmick on Yea Forums. every time i see this shilled on Yea Forums i get intense feelings of 2nd hand embarrassment for you.

imagine thinking any discussion about an album is shilling
You guys are so delusional and schizophrenic it makes me sad, and these people with clear mental issues turn around and call the transgender people mentally disabled. Sad

>capitalize on being a tranny
nigga how

Please stop shilling.

literally none of the lyrical content is about being trans. and when it first got popular most people didnt realize she was trans. its only transphobes who made a big deal about it

These posts are just a disingenuous as the music.

Yeah honestly, I had this album on repeat before realizing Laura Les was trans... and when I found out it changed nothing except for the fact that I knew Yea Forums would hate it, lmao so predictable

Pretty sad that you have to try to make everyone that doesn't buy into the obvious shilling into transphobes. 2019 fucking sucks.

>This is just Brokencyde [...]

OP didn’t make this kinda music either because he doesn’t make music, or he thought the combination of X + Y would sound fucking terrible, which it does.

For trivial and dumb music, this album sets the bar of what all of that should be aiming for

more like 1000 kek

I genuinely don't hear the similarities to Brokencyde. The album embodies that aesthetic, but does it in a more modern and PC Music way

Jesus, gec fans seems like insufferable people. It obviously shares similarities with bands like Brokencyde. Rather than just being aware of this, every fan of this album has basically gotten super defensive about enjoying this hot pile of garbage. We all have guilty pleasure albums, just accept it.

pc music is also trash

yah but i dont like brokencyde, so i assume gecs are different in some way.
nothing on the album really sounds like this:

You only believe that because of your bigotry. Maybe if you and the other /pol/tards stop spazzing out about muh trannies we could have an actual discussion

being a tranny alienates more people than it attracts retards

I consider it a 6/10. There are alot of hooks and overall melodies on that that are incredibly catchy. It's a well written modern pop album, with an ethos of internet age irony that I don't mind in concept. The delivery does get grating though. Gecs can learn to keep their sonic palette and ideas limited, perhaps take notes from Clarence Clarity and Felicita.

Ok you don't like the album, your transmisogyny has nothing to do with it we get it

I fucking hate this band

jesus why is Yea Forums so fucking triggered by this album? it's full of fun ass bangers. gec 2 u is soty

>be tranny
>can't actually sing like a girl
>be forced to chipmunk autotune your voice in order to fool people

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