Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
I'd rather have that thread than this one
I wouldn't. Why the fuck are people seriously discussing dadrock on this board? Have I awakened in a different universe? What happened to this place?
of all the shitty threads in the catalog
you decide to pick that one...
>Why is this allowed?
>you're young and hip!
Wow, great insult there, gramps. Go post about how you were born in le wrong generation and hate lil gayne.
that's pretty funny
t. Seething zoomer
No, it isn't, don't be stupid.
If you're over 18 and like pop music, you need to genocide yourself and everyone you know.
I tip my fedora to you, good sir!
> thread complaining about another thread on the same board
> image is literally just a screencap of the other thread’s OP
> OP can’t be pissed to just reply to the thread he dislikes and voice his anger (which would already be shitposting), he has to actively make the board worse by creating a whole new thread
> better yet, this new thread is getting replies, and nobody is saging
We’re talking about a whole new echelon of shitposting here, folks. I can’t remember the last time I saw a thread this critically unselfaware outside of Yea Forums.
Stay mad that you worship garbage while men commune with the gods via true rock and metal
Name one rock or metal album as good as Some Rap Songs
suck my taint, princess
Lol Earl sucks tho
>one of the most critically acclaimed artists of the last decade sucks
ebin bait, friendo
>listens to Odd Future
We did it it better in the 90's, your "counter culture" is just pop bullshit
Cry more shit listener, earl sucks duck
idk man I've seen plenty of "true rock and roll" fans in the last few days. Don't know if it's all larping or genuine anymore. A while ago there was a thread about GNR that hit like 200 replies. They are among us.
What the fuck happened to this board? This place used to have the highest discourse and taste on the web. Innovative artists where celebrated while stagnant dudebro dadrock garbage was rightly called out for being trash. The Yea Forumscore chart is honest to god the best music that has ever been produced, and to see the board that made that chart is now posting trash like KISS is a little hard to stomach.
This place is now full of the conservahick pieces of shit that used to harass me in high school. I thought Yea Forums would be an escape from that, but I guess not anymore. Fine, y'all can have this board. I'm done. Enjoy talking about artists that haven't been relevant in over 30 years. I'll be listening to Igor and When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?