Album of the year thread

album of the year thread

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you first

For me it's pic related

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Post your AOTY or fuck off

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Scott Stapp - The Space Between the Shadows
Future - Save Me (EP)
Poppy - Choke (EP)

Such a fucking bad year for music. I think the only thing I listened to more than once was the new Xiu Xiu and perhaps the new Matmos.

gravy in this mother fucker

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gay lol

post your aoty faggot

This album is addictive

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I did

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pic related

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oh you're a shillgor, makes sense

Have sex

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This year has been really lame if you dont like hip hop.

>see, the joke is im assuming the other person is a virgin when i, in fact, am not a virgin and therefore superior
listen to more music

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Might be this

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I'm good not listening to poppy

my nigga


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This and Bandana for me so far.

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Buttered up is a fucking banger

Forgot to post AOTY

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Denzel always has god tier production but his lyrics are so embarrassing


He looks like he fucks underage white girls.

Oh wait he does.

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you do realise standing next to someone isnt sex right,
im sure mommy will teach you on your 16th birthday

lmao he was her opening act

based and checked


Based x2

That hand is way too close to those breasts.

thanks for the find friend

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There is no AOTY this year.

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there are no albums this year

I hope this gets more recognition in 6 months.
Fucking IGOR slayer here

>damn son where'd you find this

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the opening track always puts me in a good mood



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weak shit

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Steve Lacy - Apollo XII



It's a shame nobody's talking about that masterpiece here.

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>weak shit
Certainly also applicable for Bandana and Zuu. Consistently amazed at the lack of quality and genuine creativity in modern hip hop that people still eat up regardless

I’m going to listen to this and all DC albums this week.

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Half the songs on ZUU are literal Yea Forumscore.

I don’t get your point. If you’re trying to say that makes it good, it certainly doesn’t.

based benny

>Consistently amazed at the lack of quality and genuine creativity in modern hip hop that people still eat up regardless
you sound like a fucking faggot, go listen to Kamikaze if you don't like how music sounds. I wouldn't be surprised if you have IGOR in your top 5


Both of those are terrible albums. And you’re still easily impressed by mediocre hip hop. Seethe more.

So sad to see this hasnt caught more traction here. Sure its a live album but the performances on here are breathtaking.
Life Metal is my runner up for sure

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Madeon's upcoming project

only flaw is ET
im seeing him this year

just funny tho

Literally my only 8/10 from this year


what do you listen to then?

jesus christ

could you of picked a more white suburban kid album?

here, let me an actual black person redpill you on this years best hip hop album

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honestly all you fake fucking hiphop heads not talking about lost tapes 2 makes me leave this retarded underaged board for the next few weeks. so i can atleast pretend you are not all fucking retarded faggots. but you are. dont you think different. with your zoomerfaggot music thats not even hiphop. FUCK OFFF


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calm down nerd just because you don't like it

its average, just a bit better than Nasir

everyone has different taste lol



this was shit

yeah, kinda surprising this hasn't been as successful as it should

also is aoty obviously

you fucking homesexual

Sizzling ep by daphini

Idiot, have you forgotten what board this is? Everyone must have the same taste here

“This year is shit because i havent listened to anything”
Based retard

Is this bait? If not you're pretty retarded

For me, it's Spaces

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get fucked, knee grow

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Really a step back for these guys. This album is interesting, but it has not grown on me. It's really flawed

Pic related- the correct answer

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It’s not that good

Go back, fucking ally faggot. Father John Misty already did everything this woman produced, but as it's often the case, better than a woman.

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The new uboa album

>While the events of her abuse were traumatizing, she says what came after was worse, elaborating: "He was arrested for assaulting me and some of my most traumatic memories are from being re-victimized by police, by my school, and by the court. The system is so fucking broken for victims of sexual and domestic violence."
Wonder what she told to the police to be ridiculed. "My boyfriend stuck a finger up my bum when I didn't feel like it waah waah I'm so traumatized". Fucking Western women.

Really? I found it hit-and-miss, and often cramming too many artists on the tracks. As far as compilation albums go, I prefered Revenge of the Dreamers III.

boom. this


these are all solid

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absolutely based

thank you :)

This man is right

unironically this

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Periphery IV HAIL STAN

agreed but I don't think it's been a great year for music

My nigga, ima use this chart for myself too

Jesus fucking Christ this board has gone to shit.

This is the correct answer, at least for hiphop

Reminder that these are the kinds of people who have IGOR as their AOTY

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whom is he referring to? Gibbs?

>being homophobic
>being anti vaxx
these are the retarded things


>get vaccinated
>become gay and retarded
thanks for proving him right

I can get why people would hate faggots but being antivax its just plain stupidity.

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/mu not like Big Thief?

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Dang man I like this album too but chill. Zuu is kinda crap though.

I just have a bias towards beast coast/ua/fbz/pro era because I'm from there and watched them all come up

I mean Freddie getting #1 would never happen but a man can dream.

This board has gone to the normalfags cucks niggers and trannies

Yeah it seems like more a statement on their coming up in the rap game than a cohesive project. Shame because I like everyone on here. ROTD3 was good but really unremarkable, doubt I will ever listen to it again.



I really don’t think Igor is a hip hop album

You all know it's the best album this year

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This is the one for me as well. I love that Zel record too.

is it really AOTY material? pretty forgettable album imo

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I like a couple of songs

tyler is literally homophobic. just cause hes gay doesnt mean he gets a pass for all the homophobic and misogynistic shit hes said

lol being gay is great and fine and literally better than being cishet. its unnatural to suppress and understand oneself and sexuality through such terms-- read foucault you retard.

but vaccinations are a result of the medical industrial complex. again read foucault. this whole anti-anti-vax thing is clearly a campaign of capitalism to domesticate humans

who cares what fags think?

Probably same. Although I felt like the beats on Pinata were better, Freddie sounded better then he ever has before