>ITT: we post sơy repellent
ITT: we post sơy repellent
No surprise someone would go nazi because he don't feel man enough.
Honestly most skinheads/neo nazis/kluxers I've met are just anti-soibois, same breed of male just different side of the coin politically. The main reason for their rage is a lack of self confidence and a need to try and blame their problems on others.
But here is some onions repellent for either side of that whole red vs. blue soiboi shit, cause they're all soi.
ICP fans are white trash betas who are raising Tyrese's kid lol
>being masculine is not something to aspire to
See? Already triggered a pussy ass soiboi
KISS, and Gene specifically, are corporate whores
>not realizing hitler was actually a champion of so'y
I smell your vagina
Smells like pussy!
Carnivore and Type O Negative's first album
>welcome to my twisted mind: rym edition
OP said onions repellant not onions magnets.
The face on that woman with the bike, kek.
i thought i had something on my screen
Something tells me you don't have kids...and probably not a girl either
Tis the life of soibois, chicks don't like pussies, sucks to suck my dude
nu males love retro/vintage heavy metal and kvlt black metal. only repellent in metal is Type O Negative/Carnivore
>tfw this insecure
>only repellent in metal is
power metal
You realize screwdriver fans are the actual soibois, right?
>nu males love retro/vintage heavy metal
No, they don't lol
>you realize
I'm liberal and educated, and I like Pantera, DMX, Ice Cube, and Van Halen.
Everything I listen to is shallots repellent.
What mistakes do you have to make in life to become an Internet nazi?
One thing is limited opportunities. This can be for a variety of factors, including a lack of education, coming from an impoverished economic background, having a criminal record that limits employment and ostracizes a person, or mental/personality disorders (autism, bipolar disorder, antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and schizophrenia are all more common than in the general population).
People who join the far right more often than not come from very white areas, and as such have limited contact with the people they vilify. However, there's also a toxic urban situation in which different ethnic populations live beside each other, but don't communicate or relate to each other in a meaningful way. Not communicating with members of another group can lead to resentment, suspicion, and other negative, tribalistic impulses.
marginally less mistakes than being memed into becoming an internet tranny
Literally never happened to anyone other than CopperCab and Chris Chan
this is apex onions wym
Didn't realise this was a soiy attraction thread.
In that case then pic related
>Implying there is anything wrong with being a corporate whore.
But actually this album blows. He peaked with the self-titled. The mediocrity of M8L8TH, aka Pop Punk gang, has rubbed off on him.
Nice on OP, here is more soi repellent
this is actually pretty good pe, along with brethren's savage inequalities.
You're proving him right, toxicly masculine scum.
lol shut up fag
who's the nigga next to Cube
Literally all of those groups are cringe, if not soi. How much more soi can you get being a Juggalo (furry), liking Eminem, liking Slapcock, AC/DC, 50 Cent, Nickelback, etc. etc.?
Being basic is almost being soi. Basic boys/Plant boys are just as bad as soi-bois.
Arghoslent, Goatmoon, and Fanisk are all good picks but I got into ATG, Nuclear Death, X Japan, and Beherit specifically bc of the trannies and fags I knew on rym
Yes! Awesome! now i know EXACTLY which albums to post to convince you retards while i listen to animal collective, Thanks!
Looks like we knew the same trannies then
rym trannies are either a great resource for finding new shit and write great reviews or they rate nothing but pop singles and make wasteful joke lists
It actually took me a while to figure out just how many of them were trannies, but yeah, they got me into some good stuff so I can't complain. I knew a few who wouldn't even deny stuff like Fanisk and Arghoslent despite constantly bitching about it.
They usually couldn't handle straight up NSBM classics like Goatmoon or Absurd.
the trips align well with the accuracy of this
Speaking of which, this is prime soiboi repellent
Disagree on this one. I was fairly heavy into the noise music scene for a couple years, and noise shows were always filled to the brim with hipster numales. The artists were usually cool though
>Implying you're heterosexual
You could've posted literally any KPN album and you posted the shit one.
Human is a tribalistic animal
There's nothing educated about wanting equality while simultaneously supporting an inherently oppressive system and believing in inherently dividing spooks like gender. Conservatives, Fascists, Anarchists and Communists all can get their desired outcome with the system they advocate for. Liberals factually never could.
A lot of trannies wouldn’t be trans if it wasn’t for the internet.
Itt: we pretend shitty bands are good cuz they virtue signal the right way
I'm a soiboi nu-male and I like most of these albums
All music is onions.
>nu males love retro/vintage heavy metal
No they don't
>and kvlt black metal
No they absolutely don't. They spend time trying their best to get PROBLEMATIC bands banned from clubs and celebrate when bands have to cancel a tour.
What will the soibois do when IDLES get hit with sexual coercion allegations.
no disrespect m'lady you inkcels!!!
Nice strawman ya got there
Music for chads.
Went to a GO show once and everyone was romansaluting and I didn't have a fucking clue what was going on
real Nazis listen to Wagner and Beethoven at home and pretend to like everything at the office because it is easier to just agree with everyone that negro wailing is music than argue with some cunt in HR about diversity bullshit again.
im what most of you alt right toxic masculine losers would consider a onions king but i love tht album
Fuck Trump, fuck fascists and fuck white people
It's literally the opposite. Those who experience the nigger in its natural form grow to hate them, while those who are surrounded by the peace of white people with the occasional contact with a cherry-picked, well-educated nigger in college remain in the ignorance of liberalism.
Speak for yourself you cloth eared yank
>all this shitty "artists"
I didn't know basedbois actually have great taste
You're proving him right yet again. Fashscum.
I only buy albums from the 54 bands identified by the SPLC as authentically Nazi.
Basically unless a band has been removed from Spotify for thought crimes it is just more corporate kike jigaboo trash to me.
but you asslickers should just stick with your vanilla tunes from Shekelstein and Jiver.
Absolutely this. Morrissey is what I listen to to get in touch with my onions side, why does he trigger nu males so hard?
Whoever made this is incredibly insecure and unhappy with their "nu-male" personality
Incredibly based, where is this list?
Because he has the wrong opinions
For this onions boy the only thing that white supremacy "triggers" is my camera