This is some of the worst, most repetative garbage I've ever heard

This is some of the worst, most repetative garbage I've ever heard

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Welcome to electronic music.


Yeah but is served as the foundation for one of the best live albums in recent history.

daft punk is borderlands 2 of music

I agree, though discovery(and interstella 5555) and random access memories are still worth owning. Their other stuff is REALLY shit though.

but i like it

>random access memories
>not gay shit

Homework is based and better than RAM, dummy


If it's some of the absolute worst you've heard, then you simply haven't listened to very much music and your opinion is worthless.

It's their weakest album but still better then Random Access Memories.

you're not stupid you just have really really shit taste

yup. their discography tanks after Discovery, then picked up a bit at RAM and Alive 2007

>Rollin and Scratchin
>Around the World
>Revolution 909
>Indo Silver Club
>Da Funk
all great tracks

How can it be their worst but also better than one other of theirs?

>>Revolution 909
aka tomato song

simply laughing like fuck

Because only difference is RAM is produced so differently from their old stuff. Also it has other artists besides Daft Punk. RAM is good but too mainstream.

1. Homework
2. Discovery
3. Alive 1997
4. Alive 2007
5. Human After All
6. RAM
7. Tron soundtrack

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they literally spent 5 hours making this album and it shows.

they are fucking retarded and should kill themselves.
RAM is a disgrace to music - the rest is a disgrace to your fucking fingers for clicking on it.

Holy shit.

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The fact that so many Yea Forumstants still use the term ''electronic music'' only tells you how far Yea Forums still is from becoming a serious music board. Europeans have long recognized that their is no similarity between all the genres lumped together except for the plug attached to some of the instruments yet Yea Forums still persists. Good music boards rank the highly different genres and their subgenres yet Yea Forums still calls them all elelctronic. Yea Forums is still blinded by rockism: it all ''sounds the same'' and the instruments have plugs (not true, by the way), therefore it must all be the same genre. Europeans grow up listening to a lot of ''electronically produced'' music of the past, other boards grow up listening to a lot of ''electronically produced'' music of the past. Yea Forumstants are often totally ignorant of the ''electronically produced'' music of the past or anything past rock, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that ''electronic'' is a genre.

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God I wanted Alive 2017 to do the same thing for RAM that 2007 did for this. Such a shame.