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Other urls found in this thread:

based never seen them alive

it's a game that she and cripple plays, it's the same argument style every time

Attached: 1563809932016.jpg (644x869, 98K)

i'm a badster

Attached: jiumeat.webm (1067x600, 873K)

Attached: MOMMY.jpg (1600x1066, 198K)

he is almost as big a loser as that wherlchair guy

Twice covering born this way was bad enough but of course everyone in Newark has to fly their fag flags as well

I hate Cub and I hate Americans

Attached: D_32sykXYAEj-cD.jpg (672x1200, 111K)

i like mamamoo


for me, it's moonbyul's cheeks

Attached: 1563801136528.jpg (1200x1800, 387K)


based & good taste pilled


how can you watch this and not become enraged

Attached: 1563553372813.webm (576x1024, 3M)

i am glad we all agree that eunha is fat, sinb's nose is messed up, and sowon is ugly

you just outed yourself, idiot

What happens when Rocketpunch can't even break 10,000 sales and sells worse than Cherry Bullet

what then?

why would i be enraged?

Attached: 20.png (1125x1500, 2.11M)

leave fag

i dont usually become enraged when I get horny

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Attached: 1559354111767.jpg (1500x1000, 247K)

i think he meant to say engorged

i go into "well maybe i can salvage some lewds" mode

Juri goes back to Japan and does JAV.

thinking about my exobros

she looks like bang chan there

Attached: D-3qB1tUEAEIz9r.jpg (2048x1536, 224K)

best timeline

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I've been here since 2017 and I see the same one guy damage control every time although it's obvious that half of kpg shits on lovelyz

is that why she looked uggo?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (800x1200, 125K)

that was a good one

Attached: 1534340046772.jpg (1400x1827, 196K)

rm is looking bad here

Attached: 453.jpg (900x1309, 135K)

Lovelyz has a following in Japan, maybe they can help rocket punch

you better not have

Attached: chaeyeon confused.jpg (1500x1000, 144K)

a good what

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may i?

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Attached: 1549065499393.jpg (1536x2048, 698K)

nobody cares about lovelyz or gets triggered by them here, it's just you

nice fan fiction tho

Attached: EAFGS4eWkAE_K6A.jpg (1682x2048, 448K)

xiyeon daughter sitting on your lap while you brush her hair

Attached: IMG_9009.jpg (1000x1500, 899K)

fuzzy boi

i feel like i should recognize who this is but i do not

Stop posting the inferior Yuehua

Attached: CX 17.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Be Ambitious

Attached: 190611 BVNDIT Seungeun.webm (606x1080, 2.97M)


it's the same shit every single time
>uglyz can't sing for shit lol
>posts that one streamable
>only kei can sing
>m-maybe the others can sing too but they can't dance and sing at the same time

Attached: 1557316734193.jpg (422x600, 35K)

that went as i expected until she smiled

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

Any Twicechads in?

Attached: 5ei5nhr1dda31.jpg (2047x2048, 452K)

nice fan fiction

dont do that

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

Attached: 1534470448217.webm (1920x846, 2.38M)

You just know...

Attached: D_2FlK1XoAc9KGN.jpg (528x528, 63K)

what happened to jeongerschads?

twice managers look fucking stupid

please do and tell us about it

That momobro promised exclusive pics from twicelights. I'll never forgive him.

Attached: 1555883467396.jpg (1058x642, 92K)

I feel dizzy.

i thought pristin posting was banned here since they are no longer in a kpop group

it was one guy who left

shut up

Attached: 147585885439.webm (720x1280, 2.89M)

that's not how it works you can still post elvis on Yea Forums despite the fact that he's been hiding for decades now

Did mukpg kill chen two again


Attached: _c_3106e2_0_adiUd018svccfcvidceydwm_gyxpqf.jpg (1059x681, 165K)

why would this be from 2016

nice feet bitches

Attached: 1563611321798.jpg (5132x2849, 3.49M)

We love Everglow

Attached: literally_me.jpg (2048x1536, 412K)

nah, it goes down by itself

you don't seem to mind when it's any other group

whats chen two, im new

>he's been hiding

Attached: 1540770870889.jpg (241x254, 10K)

he thinks he's clever, but he makes it so fucking obvious

why haven't they released a fucking special clip for it yet

im still here

Attached: _c_3109h2_b_730Ud018svcdpwmifihx7dq_fpad90.jpg (640x640, 46K)

and now he's denying the blatantly obvious

stop samefagging chimp

it is really refreshing to see a company ignore visuals and just pick girls based on vocal talent

shut up he's not dead

other way around

Attached: D5lsCvNWkAAoMZd.jpg (1698x2048, 701K)

how come you only get triggered when someone attacks lovelyz then?


Attached: D8y6u85WkAA6Jqlorig.jpg (2048x969, 415K)

>gahyeon is getting thiccer

Attached: 1536099703596.jpg (278x253, 26K)

very fluid but miggy knows what we want

Attached: 1506232743998.webm (1364x768, 2.47M)

ahhhh my vision is blurry again

what is the upper bound on acceptable thickness for gahyeon?

fromis9 is literally a visual group

Attached: D-J5TjYU0AIS68U.jpg (1536x2048, 315K)

>miggy knows what we want

Attached: you are one cheeky cunt m8.webm (640x1136, 388K)

Attached: 22.jpg (1281x1920, 357K)

she needs to weigh as much as the other 5 girls combined


Attached: EAFu1pMU4AAwSfW.jpg (2000x2999, 573K)

gahyeon's upper limit should be a duece or duece and a half i think

i have never laughed so hard before

Omo............. Damn, Omo......................................

>the other 5 girls

Attached: 1541990599667.jpg (720x960, 117K)

blackpink legitimately can't sing

Attached: I.png (1453x1076, 1.22M)

Why do you have a block on remembering DC has 7 members? Handong hasn’t expired from Gahyeon stealing all of her food yet.

Attached: D_0rBvpUcAAb3b9-orig.jpg (1365x2048, 713K)

and she liked it!

BVNDIT is my favorite girl group this year

which group would improve the most by adding a hot 14 year old

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Attached: 25.jpg (682x1024, 96K)

any and every girl group

he's just a dami anti

Attached: 1552456914533.jpg (720x881, 120K)


dong is going to betray any day now


isn't that some defunct boomer group from the 1700s

spoiler that shit

do we know all the rocket punch members yet?


I wish there was more of this type of thing

dong is loyal

Attached: dong_0926.jpg (800x1200, 114K)

but who needs one the most

>he's here


>dong is loyal to the chink dong

china doesn't want dong back

Attached: dong_0760.jpg (1365x2048, 453K)

Is Gahyeon even that thicc anymore it seems like her face is less round recently

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Kim Yeonhee (2000)
Kim Sohee (2003)
Kim Suyun (2001)
Seo Yunkyung (2001)
Takahashi Juri (1997)
Jeong Dahyun (2005)

blackpink is the prostitution

Attached: blacked.jpg (960x638, 79K)

she has a pot belly in the trap video

very gay fit

Attached: IMG_20190722_115022.jpg (1364x2048, 405K)

not a bad number of members

The Poison of Wuhan is going nowhere.

Attached: D5-CeagUcAAsZmI.jpg (4096x2730, 1.23M)

remove juri

are you retarded

Attached: the poison of wuhan.webm (1280x680, 971K)

no u

Attached: D9JrBqCVUAACK5i.jpg (1536x2048, 451K)

The fish-eye effect of the camera exaggerated her thiccness very much.

they're really cracking down on keklo aren't they

Why would juri go to Korea anyhow

Attached: dong_0869.jpg (2667x4000, 2.03M)

I guess she is back to full thicc then although maybe she’ll diet prior to their next comeback like a lot of idols do.

Attached: EABuq4wU4AAz1hb.jpg (667x1000, 63K)

i think it looks like she is heavier because the other girl are extremely fit


Attached: 1563289900364.webm (1280x542, 2.91M)

you can still see significant spillage over the top of her shorts


could you not
im trying not to blast today


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i refuse to believe asians have pink nipples

he's so chonky

She was always just short of being a true ace in AKB and assuming she wanted to graduate and didn’t want to do more gravure or get into JAV but wanted to stay in the entertainment industry then a kpop debut isn’t a bad move.

I think a lot of people forget that for jpops of Sakura and Juri’s age alot of them grew up with SNSD and Kara so wanting to join a kpop group sounds like a fun dream and then you have Twice showing that jline members can have a lot of success.

Attached: 1547423303031.webm (644x800, 2.91M)

Attached: IMG_20190722_090229.jpg (1261x1892, 160K)

do you think they get nipple replacement surgery to have pink ones?

Is there such a thing as nipple bleaching?

dad no

She’s short and thicc whereas most of the others are either tall and fit like handong, yoohoo and JiU or have very good proportions despite being smol like SuA and Siyeon.

Attached: 1563771345511.webm (480x480, 619K)

sinb is the cutest cutie

gahyeon if she gained 20 pounds

I don't want no troll
I just want a Yemenite hole

Yes, I just googled it

no they get colorization creams or something

those lips are made for white dick

I think we can all agree Cub going full thot is one of the best things that happened to Twice

Attached: 1546686552982.webm (502x800, 2.89M)

punching cub in the mouth for zooming in when i was enjoying the view at the start...

ugly tranny


Attached: d_83jUd018svc7dkm6s5ptn19_pqhqoe.jpg (750x498, 76K)

Why does blonde hair look so good on Bona and Eunseo? Blonde hair can be shit on a lot of kpops

ugly :/

saerom needs to make a slutpop solo debut

siyeon's one of the tallfus. only sua and gahyeon are kinda smol but that's only really from standing next to the others

zoom out bitch
you dont look good up close

why are some people here so obsessed with white penises?

shut up tranny

it's possible

Attached: 1563821788266.jpg (1200x1800, 200K)

When will Cub try to go full Jennie thot?

they are asian women

what we can agree on is that cub is ugly as fuck and anyone who posts her deserves to be kneecapped

still here, no need to brag with her

why is she called that..

yes, you are ugly af user

Attached: 9_i70Ud018svc123ulns9mcw4t_slkbrm.jpg (1920x1279, 440K)

EXO bods >>>>>> BTS bods

Attached: 1563116145554.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

she's in korea because she poisoned 8 people back in wuhan

who was talking about bts

not going to take pics but my nipples look like
t. Asian

Attached: IMG_20190722_090232.jpg (1366x2048, 187K)

She's been doing it

Attached: 1518201928323.webm (640x640, 1.07M)



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love yourself series needs to be left forever, that went on way too long

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Attached: gahyeon.jpg (1001x882, 33K)

dubus the only passable one in the uggo group
twiceboy is the only uggo in the attractive group

why are you shouting

you mean you're not a girl?

Attached: udfhnq0uotb31.jpg (1242x1546, 446K)

The hell you mean it was only three parts

list of dumbasses

xuan yi

more like list of uggos except Momo

it went from 2017 to 2019

Is Persona part of LY?

manmo is a man

shes drunk off my dick


Attached: k3dcubxib9731.jpg (640x800, 85K)

i don't know but it still looks the same

Attached: 56899642_2662516890430223_797424948393017344_o.jpg (1333x2000, 214K)

I had a dream that I saw Twice live and then I realized it wasn't a dream and it happened and I still can't believe it.

I wanna go back bros...

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men don't have enormous breasts

Attached: 66416636_882832305422903_496510099343096941_n.jpg (1080x1350, 135K)

wonho does



Yeah but Mina wasn't there so did you really see them

she looks underaged again

>chanyeol mogging

Attached: 1563822653660.jpg (1100x1650, 288K)

I feel like this is transparent request for Wonho shirtless pics

well that's dissapointing. Answer would've been a great place to stop for a new trilogy.

sehun is 47 years old

i wish they came to eu

you wish

Attached: dr sehun.jpg (1075x1613, 192K)

It felt like she was there in spirit desu

look at this dudes ears

not freakin true he looks 19 or something

a faggot and a chad

shut up neklo

Attached: 1535103563215.jpg (1365x2048, 426K)

Attached: 1556044919324.jpg (3834x2556, 1.01M)

I mog this man

CBX btfos both of these uggos in every single way

he likes jungkook these days

i would rather have blackpink posters than gayposters

the problem is that they are the same people

theyre the same people

somebody post MOMMY

it's not a competition

Attached: 1533822983095.jpg (1264x1788, 300K)

Attached: 212.jpg (1264x2048, 377K)

same shit

>photoshopping away his jowls

I'm not.


Attached: _b_31090f_8_23eUd018svc1sgfvae08ab2s_yr4mg3.jpg (576x1024, 239K)

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Post more Jeongers
What is NCT doing

It would feel like nothing

Which bangtan is this?

i fancy her

Attached: 1547287304809.jpg (4852x3367, 2.55M)

Attached: Hayound Dva.webm (1920x1080, 1.35M)

fuck off kai

i got the horses in the back

Attached: 94379CD0-9683-4E0F-9B0E-1BEDB72B73AE.jpg (1043x1043, 167K)

they dropped soty

definitely not, twice and gaypop posters were even trying to forge some embarrassing alliance against us when ktl came out lol

Attached: 1558649158819.gif (700x391, 3.8M)

she is not kpop any more

Attached: 1562932086940.webm (720x1080, 912K)


any twicebros out here can webm this video under 3mb? i am unable to get it under 3mb using those apps

little yiren

Jihyo and Momo are Twice's top fitness freaks

ding doing diddly yuck

Attached: eunbi.webm (1034x1080, 2.96M)

why are they debuting without chaewon? it would be better to wait for her

kys pedo

vs bon bon chocolat

Attached: 6d37f99792b50909cd437b66bd114e826c745263.jpg (839x837, 162K)

>who slept with old men more

Attached: 9lz55.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

i get the vibe jeongyeon secretly hates gays

so who tops in chanhun

What if Chaewon doesn't want to join a nugu after izone?

just rescued these two lost girls

Attached: EAFS25nVAAUwq2g.jpg (1082x1440, 153K)

don't say eu unless you're referring to everglow eu

Attached: IMG_7871.jpg (1000x1500, 825K)

throw the one on the left back into the sea

yiren little

Because they have 6 ready to debut now and can add Eunbi and Chaewon once their exclusive period ends.

absolutely based, how do you do this effectively? I would like to learn to make some good WEBMs

is she 18?

Attached: cute.webm (578x562, 1.61M)


if she's a smart chimp she'll just go to university after iz*one

that whore doesn't deserve to be namedropped


Attached: sexual predator.jpg (479x510, 60K)

I'm not sure about Mina's form but I won't complain about the view

kagami boram
there's probably more effective ways that don't fuck with the bitrate as much but I'm too lazy to find that out

she's born december 29th 2000. so you can do whatever you want but you shouldn't

Attached: yirensucc.webm (988x996, 2.27M)

i was using it, just didn't know what bitrate and stuff like that to choose

Attached: mina cheer up.webm (494x840, 600K)

Attached: sniff.webm (700x566, 296K)

assault me

Attached: 1556620987067.jpg (1024x512, 86K)

set limit to 3

whore!? yo... you wanna die?

Attached: sumSmash.jpg (720x960, 126K)


you can set the maximum filesize and it'll set the bitrate for you

siyeon is a real work of art
