Stereotype someone based on their chart.
Chart thread.
Stereotype someone based on their chart
Other urls found in this thread:
Watches Fantano and regularly uses social medias.
busdriver - perfect hair
pusha t - daytona
pines for an art hoe
too much tryhard
wannabe patrician
I hate prog, but I can appreciate that WYWH is the best pink floyd
wears rolled up chinos
with the album names
dude, shoegaze
isnt anything BEFORE loveless? daring today, arent we?
looks like someone just got into shoegaze
new wave sucks, britfag
practices guitar late into the night
has one friend irl you can geek over Yea Forumssic with
wears strictly jeans (usually black)
is an art hoe
has made out to an inanimate object
scoffs at ppl that don't take their coffee black
fuck you... I have 2 friends :'(
Doesn't brush their teeth every day
Balding and sad about it
you permanently sit right on the edge of being based
your room is half decorated like an Urban Outfitters kid and half like a white hippie mom
hears a rapper talk about something other then sex and/or drugs and makes a social media post like “mf doom influence”
listens to jack stauber but pretends they dont because “muh authentic eyy dees”
based and accurate
You're probably socially anxious
you deal with your sadness by shouting at the people you love
your middle school friends older brother who always had his bedroom door closed and punched holes in walls
sounds good
Listen to Generic Flipper as soon as you can.
How did you make this?
celeste is a good game
Is only half black, wishes they were full black.
cries when he hits his funny bone
you don't like facebook much but you keep in contact with friends on it
you've recently felt more unsure about what to do with your life
holy shit i just wrote with a friend on fb
ive been living in germany
i hate my life lately
plays pyro and owns a fursuit
sits inside all day moping
don't own a fursuit
play a lot of pyro
In distress
Stepford smiler
Nice riddims
Try Beak or Avarus
Thanks 4 the recc.
I would try to recc but I just don't have a clue on what for you.
Fantano drone, indieheads poster, has not heard half of the post-punk bands his favorite modern post-punk bands are ripping off.
Is involved in his cities "art music scene". Wears a black beanie everywhere he goes.
High schooler who smokes too much weed.
Says he's "a big black metal fan" but has only heard like 5 BM albums and listens to generic Yea Forums chart shit otherwise.
Chubby art hoe with milky thighs
Softboi trying to fuck art hoes. Probably grew up in a small town and now goes to a university in a big city.
Cool guy with a nice record collection.
Has let irony destroy his life
Uses black slang despite being a suburban white kid.
Mall goth who graduated into real goth.
if soundtracks don't count you can replace undertale with uh wowaka - refrain girl or something
half japanese - half gentlemen not beasts
savage republic - customs
browses r9k
Never grew out of numetal, was and always a hardass
Summerfag underage who has decent taste in vidya
Based social outcast who could fit in but feels no need to
tumblerfag who converted here after they banned porn, also is 15 and a tranny
weeb, generally optimistic about life
somewhat pretentious, still listens to live music
probably spends too much time online
wants to be a dad but is too young
soccer mom
college kid with an okay future if they dont fuck it up soon
still in the high school state of mind
spends zero time searching for new music, but also probably the most functional member of society here
has tried brewing beer
would be a middle schooler if it was 15 years ago, mentally unwell now
always second guessing yourself
Just started listening to music as a hobby within last year-year and a half
there we go
uses words like "slaps" and "bop" to describe music
tries to bring up guitar gear in conversation frequently
still listen to most of the stuff you liked shortly after discovering Yea Forums
owns an overly expensive multi-effects pedal
cool dudes, probably both used to be into shitty "post-hardcore"
is in Angel Du$t
still trying to define your taste
owns a shitty record player
owns lots of sweaters and a few beanies, mostly black and earth tones
Offline is the new online
Convextion - Acido
Dif Juz
thanks for the rec. added one of the tracks to my space music playlist
I love flipper
actual oldfag or the music your father played when you were young had a big influence on your taste
Art school dropout
angsty even though you're not 16 anymore, introverted.
>select all images with crosswalks
>select all images with chimneys
>select all images of frogs
early 20's
likes drinking
great albums but no originality
prolly skateboards or bmx
i regret not putting rodeo on mine but
o h w e l l
introverted liberal arts student who spends too much time in his dorm room
aye math major but the rest aint wrong tee hee
really gay
could be worse
this is retarded
holy shit you fucking retard
this is a joke right
mostly gay
good god
jesus christ dude
gay except for ratking
good lord
Absolute shit
thanks I'm new here, haven't found any sorta niche albums yet
shut up
Either a hipster or an oldhead, has watched Fantano before. Might've passed down parent's music tastes.
Edgelord or just a Goth.
never moved on from the nu-metal era
a lil outdated but still
job: walmart clerk
hair colour: black
relationship status: single
not gay i swear
the human horn> anything you like
bump this
teen who smiles a fucking lot
some very normal kid who thinks watching sam hyde videos is a defining characteristic
drifting through liking whatever
whats to be stereotyped like the hypothetical goth girl they wanna fuck
talks about how good fallout new vegas is on discord servers, people like them because they're just sort of a steady force
pretty based actually
sort of a neet if i have to guess something though
has sex haha
actually pretty cool
violently dances at shows
monitors Yea Forums daily
know as "the music kid" at his high school
misses the early 2000s
Listen to Clouds Taste Metallic- Flaming Lips
Kyuss > Queens
You're Living All Over Me > Bug
You're a white knight ;~D
you give close to 0 fucks about reality, you own your life
worst kind of tourist normie but then i saw kinoko teikoku and i kinda dont want to name badly someone who appreciated (kino)ko teikoku, so you're a tourist on a path to redemption, i hold my thumbs for you! try newest kinoko album if you havent i think it was called time lapse, its really fucking based and has no bad tracks
i think someone wants to fuck a girls puss badly
there are different shoegaze bands you know?
you have powerful aura
stop touching your cock, and use lube when you do
you are afraid, try letting go sometime
very brave, but also kind of fucking stupid
you are enigma to me
normie but based
cool and nice
you listened to that gorguts album for the sake of having something heavier on your chart?
i used to do that color stuff with my chart but after i updated it i cba
you're probably ocd-ish but not real ocd, you just like to keep things in order, you check if doors are closed couple times, before you leave house you make sure everythings in place so that you can have a peace of mind when you leave
no fucking clue, you put mcdemuro on your chart so kinda cringe, dont get me wrong, i like him too - theres just no point on putting such popular artist on chart, everyones listened to him at some point
based and OSTpilled, and kinokoteikokupilled
i could hang with you and do some fun stuff (no homo)
you jerked your fat cock with lots of lube and you came so much you accidentally came on the wall at some point, that kinda upset you and ruined your orgasm and whole day also
i tried to get into the drift couple of times and god fucking damnit the vocals just dont cut it for me, if you put it on you chart you must be indeed eccentric type