What The Fuck Was This Mess? You idiots ate this up? Half of these songs are clearly unfinished. They lied to you. And you believed in them...
Just Listened To This For The First Time
they're B-sides from Kid A you dullard
and they're very good for that matter
shut fuck
I meant outtakes
please leave us alone, anthony
You Kid A is amnesiac outtakes
Sit in the dark and listen with your eyes closed. I hated Amnesiac for months even though I warmed up to every other album of theirs but the key to it is it's an album with a very specific mood. It's an album to put on when you want to feel that there's something in the dark that can see you, but you can't see it. It's actually a bit nervewracking in its element.
Their 4th best album
It's one of their best, not as amazing as OK Computer and In Rainbows, but more consistent than Kid A and not as dead inside as hail to the thief
Hail's my favorite because it's so dead inside. It sounds like a sequel to the 3 albums prior in that they've endured so much bullshit that they just can't be arsed anymore. Everything's fucked, it's never gonna get better, we're all just waiting for the end, and I love it. It's so despondent and I dig that.
That's an interesting reading, I just found it dead inside because there weren't that many songs I really liked and even the ones I did I felt their was something just wrong about them that made me like them less than the songs on the previous ones
ITT: retard contrarians.
It’s literally just a collection of half assed ideas from a better album with no cohesive vision or mood like their best works. It has very few standout moments or tracks and one of them is just an alternate worse version of a track from Kid A.
Whether or not you're right, you're a fucking moron because this is the most prevelant view in the music community
> one of the most liked radiohead albums
> the people who like it are the contrarians
Roll that one back chief
No, liking their second to worst album more than their better albums is contrarian
From what I understand it was pretty quickly cobbled together, but even so there's definitely a consistent thread of dystopian oppression and despair through it all. The only real glimmer of hope on it is Sail to the Moon and it's not even that bright. But songs like We Suck Young Blood, Backdrifts and There There are some of the most outright miserable sentiments the band has ever put out there, songs like Sit Down, Stand Up, Scatterbrain and Punchup at a Wedding evoke a sense of almost unavoidable danger, and the album starts in shit (2+2=5) and ends in even deeper shit (Wolf on the Door). It's just a very dour time altogether, even songs like Optimistic and Pyramid Song feel a shade cheerier than most anything on Hail.
Didn't realise music was so objective
Fuck off scruffy
Scraps of rejects from Kid A in a noncohesive collection is better than their fully realized albums?
Pablo Honey is unironically better than this piece of shit. Amnesiac has 4 good songs, Pablo at least has 5.
Filtered. Amnesiac is extremely coherent, acting as a sister record to Kid A in that it feels sort of like the moonless winter night to that album's cloudy winter day. Also, I personally think it has their best singles on average. Pyramid Song, I Might Be Wrong and Knives Out are the 3 best songs on the album and career highlights IMO.
> second to worst album
did you forget about pablo honey and king of limbs?
King of Limbs is at least a cohesive work with one vision and not unfinished b sides
If you think knives out is a career highlight
It really isn't. Half of it is sampling/polyrhythm experiments (Morning Mr. Magpie, Little By Little, Feral, Give Up The Ghost) and the other half is a paint by numbers follow up to In Rainbows (Bloom, Lotus Flower, Codex, Seperator). AMSP was a much more confident and consistent expression of TKOL's ambitions, TKOL sounded a bit like they didn't entirely know what to do after IR.
Amnesiac is better than Kid A though.
I actually think it's their best song, the guitar harmonies on it are sublime.
his face just screams pedo it's not even funny
>watches the Fantano ranked video once
Knives Out is the best song on Amnesiac next to Pyramid Song. Knives Out is amazing, I just started to realize how great it is a few weeks ago.
Yeah it’s close to the best on amnesiac but far from their best song in their catalog. It’s maybe top 30 but idk.
I appreciated it when I realised it was about having to cannibalise a loved one
>I want you to know
>He's not coming back
>So knives out
>Cut him up
>Don't look down
>Put him in your mouth
>So knives out
To each their own. For me, it stands effortlessly with the likes of Let Down, Street Spirit, There There and Weird Fishes/Arpeggi.
I think it's about being used for all you have to give, even after death. About being sucked dry, drained of all you have to offer, and all that you're made of, physically, and psychologically, and how even after death, they'll still have no problem with treating you this way. There's a line about the blood being frozen, as in, it's been out of use for a long time, but there's no point in letting it go to waste. At least that's kind of how I interpreted it.
>5 good songs on Pablo Honey
which ones?
Hard mode: no Creep
Creep is literally the only good song on it and it's a meme of a song
Literally nowhere outside of Yea Forums is amnesiac seen as even top 3. Yea Forums just likes saying the less popular album is the best even when it clearly is not.
Not that user but You, Anyone Can Play Guitar and Blow Out are generally seen as pretty solid. Pablo Honey's not a poorly executed rock record by any means, just not a terribly innovative or standout one. But it is an early 90s alt rock record that hits the notes it ought to, if not much else.
How is Creep a "meme song" you sound like a pretentious faggot. Creep is a great song. just because virgins in fedoras holding a copy of Kid A turned it into an unfunny joke doesn't take away from that.
As far as the good 5 songs; You, Creep, Blow Out, Thinking About You, Anyone Can Play Guitar, you can add Prove Yourself and Ripcord too if you want, all good to great songs. Maybe you should give it another listen through the lens of a 90s alternative band rather than "Radiohead"
I agree with him that creep is a meme incel anthem but I agree with you that Pablo honey is about on the same level as amnesiac, they’re both bottom tier
Anyone Can Play Guitar is great in the verses
Prove Yourself is decent
Stop Whispering is alright
You is okay
Blow out is a semi-decent closer
Please stop being retarded.
Amnesiac came out of the same sessions that Kid A came from. Every song from Amnesiac was intended for studio release.
The only contention was which format the songs would be released in.
I meant meme song in the fact that it just gets clowned on a lot, especially by radiohead fans. I think it's a great song but what it's going for has been done better in some of their later songs
You And Whose Army is a kino track one of their best, even if half of it is just the circle of fifths
It''s their best, you low-IQ baboon.
Kid A was their labor of love, a cohesive and groundbreaking album, a masterpiece, Amnesiac was an album of leftovers.
They were made together and almost released as a double album before the band decided against it and staggered Amnesiac's release by 9 months. Kid A gets the bulk of the acclaim because it was released first, that's more or less it.
based, based and more based. This album is absolute garbage.
>the Sardines one is so corny
>People wank over Pyramid Song's time signature, but it's just unpleasant. I've heard unusual time signatures be far more enjoyable. It just seems gratuitous. Only the vocals with the strings (?) are cool.
I Might Be Wrong is a decent song production wise but very repetitive. Knives Out is a song they've done far better elsewhere.
Overall, it's nothing like Kid A anyway, but still way shitter.
And because it’s about 100 times better, there’s also that
Pyramid Song is just tedious and doesn’t go anywhere, it’s overly long and feels unfinished just like half the shit on the album.
It sounds like it should be near the end of the album anyway, it kills whatever momentum the album had going into it and is boring as fuck.
>Kid A was a labor of love
>But the album that was made at the exact same time isn't
Oh and how could I have forgotten about Hunting Bears? Genuinely, 100% mean this, the worst instrumental I have ever heard
Yea that's true, it's the 3rd to last song in my Radiohead playlist, transitioning into True Love Waits and Motion Picture (the spotify morphing feature creates a really cool transition)
but they aren't b-sides
Oh, and there ain't shit groundbreaking about Kid A. It was a group of crate digging nerds using their 15 minutes of fame to take all of their influences and consolidate them into a coherent artistic vision, which makes the album based as fuck since it did give some more obscure ideas some serious commercial spotlight, but while they did do a good job of bringing a lot of ideas together into a fairly digestible piece none of it really broke any ground. You had acts like Public Image Ltd. and This Heat trying to do the same thing decades earlier, just without being arguably the most popular band in the world at the time.
Just to clarify, by that definition Radiohead didn't do anything groundbreaking ever. So it's not a good yardstick to judge their albums. At least on Kid A they were almost, almost entirely original by using the Ondes Martenot on How to Disappear. And it really makes that track in my opinion.
There's no serious basis for that. Kid A's a little easier to get into since its abstract tendencies aren't quite as abstract as Amnesiac's - I highly doubt the people who couldn't stomach Pulk/Pull or Like Spinning Plates were any fonder of Treefingers - but at the same time I'd say it has some more accessible alt rock material than anything on Kid A like I Might Be Wrong or Knives Out. They're both very much two sides of the same coin regardless.
review DAMN already, anthony
>puts the best tracks on their main focus and the b sides and not fully fleshed out ideas on the less promoted and less cohesive release
Well yeah, Radiohead was never a groundbreaking band. They're plenty good but they wear their influences on their sleeves.
They would be if they just called the album what it was instead of selling it as an album to make more money. It’s a collection of b sides spruced up slightly and produced well.
Pyramid Song doesn't have a weird time signature. It's in 4/4.
It has weird syncopation, a slowed bossanova groove (3-3-4-3-3) adding to 16 countable beats (4/4).
The chords also change on weird beats to add to it but when the drums come in, it all falls into place and sounds epic.
I stand corrected, and kudos for explaining. But past the 2 minute mark, you mean? I really don't find it epic at all. Actually, I'd say in general Amnesiac really lacks power. I don't feel in awe at all compared to how I feel during Daydreaming, or at the climax of Present Tense, Street Spirit or Motion Picture.
I think a similar but better song is The Tourist. Thom sings it way better. More crude in some ways, but more impressive. As I said though, really really like the strings in Pyramid.
There's that term again
Sorry if the truth hurts you
Neither of these albums have Separator on them, so who cares
who said i loved it?
it's nowhere nearly as good as Kid A, but some of the "Amnesiac" B-sides are interesting like Worrywort and Cuttooth
Are you kidding me??
Morning Bell!!! Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors! Hunting Bears!!!!????!
This album Rocks!
Morning bell is one of their worst songs
Amnesiac is a very quiet and introspective album by design. So is AMSP but I think the difference there is that AMSP is rooted in much more personable emotions, it's driven by sheer sadness and loneliness, whereas Amnesiac is much more cold and unfeeling like an aural expression of a fear of the dark. There's really nothing warm or relatable about Amnesiac, and the same can be said of pretty much everything between The Bends and In Rainbows, it's all very distanced and neurotic material.
Not related to this but I just realised how gorgeous the bassline on Bulletproof is
Okay maybe it's not as great as I remember... but HUNTING BEARS!!! Bow that's great.
Yeah, not to sound like a melodramatic dipshit but I felt Amnesiac fucking hard when I first started college and was severely depressed and thought of killing myself every other day.
Amnesiac sounds so sterile and hopeless-- complete disillusionment. I felt especially drawn to the robotic vocoder and more "noisy" elements that almost resembled that of a sound collage.
If I wanted cold and introspective I would listen to AMSP over Amnesiac 100% of the time. They aren’t even comparable, Amnesiac isn’t even in the same league as AMSP
No honestly, I don't find pyramid song to be extremely impressive. Try Reckoner.
And that makes some sense if you want relatability. AMSP is an album to be sad to, Amnesiac is about as comforting as a dystopian future where the sun's gone out.
This is b8
>The btec morning bell over kid a
>bu bowun booowwwww
I like Amnesiac but Life in a Glasshouse, I might be Wrong, and You and Whose Army are the good ones.
Not that user but I find Reckoner to be one of the band's most overrated songs. Probably my least favorite on In Rainbows.
I agree with you Dad
>If this isn't bait
>House of Cards is way worse
>Reckoner is the most interesting innovative track on the album
this is actually really interesting
you must be a tool fan
House of Cards is cooler after seeing the ITB rendition. And I would say IR's most impactful song is Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, with its swirling, building textures basically acting as a proto-AMSP effort.
I enjoy the more dingy sound of this album, plus the lyrical and overall aesthetic of it reminds me of reading up on old civilizations and myths. I hated it at first, but it grew to be my favourite record by radiohead, thom seems less self centered on the album and the albums highlights outshine the rest of their discography. Then again one of my other favourite albums is the pod by ween, so i can look over shittier elements in recording and unfinished songs if i still find enjoyment in the overall tone and lyrical content.
This, it drags and rhymes in a way I find extremely irratating
I agree user, that's one of the most beautiful songs I've ever listen in my life
>dingy sound of the album
Wow are you a music reviewer
To be fair, it does start on that note with the steel drum sound of Packt.
This, also hunting bears and dollars & cents have a similar crispy reverb going on that made me describe the album like that.
which is shit btw
i'll kill you mate
underrated boast
They literally are b-sides. They’re material that wasn’t good enough or didn’t fit into Kid A so they decided to market them as a new album despite having no cohesion and it ended up being their second worst album.
outtakes. b-sides are quite literally just 'songs from side b of the record.' It really only applies to the lesser-known second songs on singles. Kid A vinyls are double-lps, so the b-sides are just on disc 1, and include 'the national anthem', 'how to disappear completely' and 'treefingers'
you're conflating b-sides with outtakes, these are two different concepts
Why do you keep repeating "no cohesion, no cohesion" when that's patently false? Some of the songwriting on Amnesiac is undercooked but it absolutely has a consistent aesthetic, arguably more consistent than Kid A.
You’re right, it isn’t that great, but it’s still one of the two best albums they made. Sad.
fucking based
always remember to check the ratio before posting. this is a /pol/ tourist thread