Listening to rock music released in this century

>listening to rock music released in this century

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I do
stay mad

you willingly waste your time?

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keep on foaming

what should we listen to instead
I'm braced for pseud impact

trap rap and new age

there is fantastic electronic music being released practically every day

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no there isn't

>he posts wojaks

there honestly is

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>Being so pleb you don't know about all the awesome rock releases over the past 19 years

shit guess there is

Truth, I only listen to music sent back in time to us from the far future paradise under Islam

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we've had electronic music for the last god knows how many years who fucking cares bleep bloop is basically the same as twing twang in my book

if by "all the awesome rock releases" you mean "the handful of somewhat good rock albums that came out in the early 2000s and then the deluge of absolute shit that followed in the late 2000s and 2010s"...

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>Not knowing The Growlers

I've never known a pity so deep as this

>The Growlers
you mean 'one of countless third rate imitations of the strokes (who were themselves a third rate distillation of various significantly better artists)'?? is this really the best you can do??

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Nickelback is the greatest rock band ever. No band has more hits, more sales and more listens.


Behold, children. An actual retard

I listen to niche rock genres that have yet to stagnate like their mainstream counterparts. Math rock is still good

shoo shoo back to your spotify algorithms were trying to discuss music here you peon

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>hasn't stagnated yet
>math rock

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>b-but black midi are ok


why wouldn't i want to listen to rock.

it takes up time that could be spent listening to good music instead

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Retard wojak poster