So what does this “”Wall”” represent exactly? To this day I can’t understand it. Is it like a literal wall or something?

So what does this “”Wall”” represent exactly? To this day I can’t understand it. Is it like a literal wall or something?

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you just don't get how deep The Wall is. it's like, there's a wall around him, and the wall symbolizes a wall

>So what does this “”Wall”” represent exactly
a wall you fucking goon

thanks RYM

In what sense?


It's his (Pink's) defence mechanism against a cruel world. He starts building it as a kid after his father dies, continues through the oppressive school system, later uses drugs etc to hide from fame and publicity, then as a politician/fascist (?) its fear and hate that he deflects towards others. In the end they tear it down and he is "free".

The movie makes this a bit clearer, but its kind of a shitty theme really. Entertaining album all the same.

It represents the walls we build around ourselves. Are you dense?

it's about building regulations in the UK
Specifically Richmond, where he was living at the time.

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who really cares, but the story still makes more sense than The Lamb Lies down on Broadway

The Wall is also one of the most quotable albums of all time


He builds a metaphorical wall around himself to become isolated from the outside world

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It's pretty much a metaphor for isolation from the outside world.

And that’s a good thing?

no one implied it was

no of course it's not a good thing
it's a coping mechanism that leads the character to madness. I don't have the exact quote here, but he said that the "message" is:
if you isolate yourself - you decay.
that's why the worms are there, towards the end.

Oh shit...

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Its a metaphorical wall that the protagonist builds around himself to block out everyone thats hurt him. But towards the end once hes safe inside his wall he discovers that everyone that hurt him hasnt gone away and is stuck inside the wall with him. They put him on trial and tear down the wall against his will. He never gets to escape his demons.

Well, I guess I’ll have to listen to this album now

When I was in High School they decided to renovate a big part of school, meaning a lot of the school was closed behind these walls they use in construction sites.

As a response the next school play was about the wall, and was a homage to Pink Floyd in general (only played another brick in the wall because they're plebs). I was very high when I watched that play and had an epiphany. I finally understood what Pink Floyd meant. The wall blocks freedom, it blocks fond memories (since the school you can't see the places that remind you of better times), it splits our community in half.

But you know what? After we got rid of the wall, everything was better. The wall was my enemy, but after all was said and done the wall just helped me. And without it, I would probably walk into a crane operation area and get an elevator dropped on my head.

To sum things up, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

That depends on your interpretation, the wall could represent society where you're just a brick off or you can see the wall as what the characters have built around themselfs to defend themself from the real world. I've also seen readings that say it's a literal wall like the berlin wall or Trump's wall (lol)

This is the best Pink Floyd album to listen to in full. Oh and scaruffi dislikes it because there's no questionable pedo references

you mean like a literal wall or something? i dont know anybody who has built a literal wall around themselves. you mean like a house, like he built a house or something?

better album about isolation coming through

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Walls are bad, mmmkay?
look at Phil Spector.
He built a wall of sound
then went nuts and shot some woman.

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