Dad's really into classical music

>dad's really into classical music
>trying to connect with him
>"here dad, listen to this"
>its Ultra Instinct Mastered - Dragon Ball Z Super | Epic Orchestral Cover, but I don't show him yet
>"This is pretty good, user, who's it by?"
>I make up some Russian sounding name, tell its late 19th century
>"Oh, nice"
>keeps listening, seems to be enjoying it
>"How have I never heard this before? What was the composer's name again?"
>reveal what the song actually is
>his face turns to disappointment, and walks off
What do?

Attached: sadpepe.png (1092x1037, 27K)

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Accept the fact that your father is kind of pretentious.

Let him cockvore you so he can try for a better son

This, if anything Movies, games and TV shows are the only reason classical music isn't completely dead

Is this the track?
It doesn't sound "classical" at all. It's very obvious it's film music.

>in today's things that never happened...

sounds like your dad is a pseud

>Ultra Instinct Mastered - Dragon Ball Z Super | Epic Orchestral Cover
Goddammit, this is cringe af

Leave him alone he's trying to connect with his father

this shit is fucking horrible, based dad

your dad's an ass

Get a job and he will be proud. One step at a time user

>My nigger dad can't separate the art from the artist
>Why is he disappointed in me?
Introduce him to John Cale's viola or Street Hassle

Sounds like your dad doesn't know what classical sounds like because soundtrack music is dogshit for weebs and low IQ individuals compared to late 19th century Russian music.

Attached: Mystic_chord.svg.png (1280x896, 47K)

I see you're a man of culture as well

irrefutable proof that all classical fans are clueless pseuds


Attached: 5b0293e45e3280b8afeb8d89810b6d2b.jpg (400x575, 50K)

All soundtrack music? If you think that you're more of a pleb than OP and his dad

You should get into jazz and then out pretentious him by talking about drumming idiosyncrasies and dissonance.

Protip: if it's composed for a film it's a score. If music is selected for a film it's a soundtrack.

maybe if you weren't such a brainlet, you'd just use the Japanese composer name and say it got licensed to a vidya.

Nah he’s a pseud cause he liked it u til he saw what it was laughing at him

Imagine actually believing and writing this. What about millions of concerts of classical music ocurring in every town in any country at any moment, attended by mostly older audience that knows shit all about games? What about millions of people that attend musical acadamies to study playing an orchestral instrument professionally or just music theory for classical purposes, that didn't get inspired for it because of games or TV? Don't let me even go further. But I'm nit surprised a 15-year-old white biy on Taiwanese hentai site thinkd that.

You're a cocklord.

Get off mu you are too old to be here. Im telling you this for your own good son.

This. Concert halls in my city at least are always full of people attending.

(not true, by the way)

Morricone and Angelo got problems with your statement.


You could have at least picked someone approximating art music like Bernard Herrman, Max Steiner or hell, even Jerry Goldsmith, other than just outright pop music composers.


I meant in terms of new classical music, obviously a concert playing Mozart or something is going to sell tickets

Attached: 1560075072288.jpg (1462x1462, 163K)

>I meant in terms of new classical music

Who is Philip Glass??

Fucking idiot.

>Who is Philip Glass??
exactly, who is he?

wow it's a single name that people only know from music theory courses.

>Philip Glass

That said, it's bloody hard to find actual live performances of new pieces for a plethora of reasons; one of them being, surprisingly enough, the players. There's definitely a certain weight that comes with being part of the canon and that's why people will perform your pieces in multiple instances. Hell, it happened with Schubert.

That's because you're not actually engaged in the creation and practice of new musics.

I live in Cincinnati, dude, fucking middle of nowhere place for contemporary classical.

this. if he thinks the music is good then he thinks it’s good. the fact that it’s from a video game shouldn’t change anything, he’s being a bit of a dick