yo do you think death grips drink tea?
Yo do you think death grips drink tea?
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inxy? you ok?
what book is that
no, yes, answer the question please it is very important
ввeдeниe в пcихoaнaлиз, Фpeйд
Nice, I'm reading Dostoevsky's The Idiot :) Have a good day user
i think everyone drinks tea from time to time. anymore questions?
thank you, I suggest you also read Crime and Punishment if you haven't already but do you think death grips drinks tea?
okay but what kind of tea, also do they drink it with milk? do they drink it with biscuits?
t. naturally skinny and refuses to workout
I've read Crime and Punishment; and I bet Andy drinks tea, green tea to be more specific.
ah, thank you very, i think i love you
i meant very much of course sorry my mother drank a lot when i was in her womb
no its pfhreaid also do you think deapth greipfs dronk ti?
i don't know dude i just drink blood dude
>Ф = f
>p = r
>e = ye
>й = i
>д = d
But this is correct, isn't it? And I think everyone drinks tea now and then
oh yeah it is correct actually, very nice indeed
i love you too user
>no image matches
O-OP? is that really you? what the fuck is wrong with your toes?
MC ride - black English breakfast
Zach - starbicks iced tea with almond milk
Andy - boba
yeah thats me, whadup fag also what do YOU think? does death grips drink tea?
delightful, thank you very much
you need professional mental help
i don't really like you
Nice sandal gap, ya twink
thank you, the approval of anonymous strangers on an anime image board brightens my day every time. i've been working really hard on learning russian, for at least a few days. after the first success of being able to read cyrillic, i retired and retreated to bathing in the glory of being able to read cyrillic every now and then.