New track. What does Yea Forums think of this?
Slipknot - Solway Firth
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pretty good, a lot better than the other two singles.
link because op is a lazy faggot
thanks :)
Is corey trying to look like the joker or something? That new mask with the way he styles his hair makes him look like a washed out has been when he's one of the only metal musicians i've seen who seem to have aged gracefully otherwise
Best song theyve made in years
I hope the whole album will be as good
Love this one. I think this one really shows Mick’s play-style in the works with the tempo and rhythm changes. Always a fan of the way he and Jim write
Not a fan of the video but the song kicks
What a fuckin masterpiece. 6 minutes long and I still couldn't get enough
I fuck with this song
Listen to real metal you scumbags.
Slipknot is horseshit. Grow the fuck up
shut up grandad, I like all kinds of metal.
Slipknot is, and always has been, amongst the top 5 metal bands of all time. They're fucking incredible, through and through. Stop being contrarian.
New mask was designed by Tom Savini I believe.
>blood and gore
since when is this allowed on YouTube?
The instrumentation is so boring, derivative and basic. What's the appeal?
t. guy who listens to Death Grips
what's the appeal of your mother's fat nigger ass? there must be something there considering you're here shitting up my thread.
this and this is coming from someone that actually loves their first two albums. They had this same sound for like the past fucking decade, their music is still technically "good" but its bland and repetitive and is only sinking metal into a boomer music territory
Of you were a real slipknot fan you’d know that the drummer from death grips is a part of the band
>Slipknot is, and always has been, amongst the top 5 metal bands of all time. They're fucking incredible, through and through. Stop being contrarian.
Okay, now im interested
The true redpill. Take any milestone metal band, they are all garbo now. Slipknot gettign better. Holy hell.
>muh nu-metal entry pill
Compared to what Gay Maiden? Cuntallica? Lol. Bet you hard an trve cunts dont even listen to Reload.
Yes and no. The interludes are bland as fuck, the rest pretty good. Especially the intro.
>top 5
Post em. I want to see what edgy middleschoolers are into these days.
I honestly don’t know why Slipknot is lumped into the same shitty genre as faggoty bands like limp bizkit and linkin park other than that it was popular during the same timeframe
Are you retarded? Slipknot absolutely has "nu-metal" written all over it.
Linkin Park was the poppiest.
Because the media (containing of old people or Slayer fans) needed to find one new genre labeling all of them. Compare Wait and Bleed to Nookie. Hilarious.
Even the term nu-metal is lazy as fuck and just shows that the older generation just gave up at this point.
>Hey guys, lets call it some kind of new metal?
>Yeah, like new-metal!
>Damn...that ill! Is this how kids say it these days? ill?
>Listen to real metal you scumbags.
>Slipknot is horseshit. Grow the fuck up
I'd be willing to pay a lot of money you don't even listen to "real metal"
If your favorite bands are extreme metal, it's not "real metal".
>Slipknot is, and always has been, amongst the top 5 metal bands of all time. They're fucking incredible, through and through. Stop being contrarian.
Slipknot is fine for what they do but that's not possible when Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, and Metallica exist among leagues of other bands from the golden age of metal who sit far above Slipknot, just naming the most obvious ones.
Im gonna fucking say it.
Im glad Joey, Paul, and Chris died
>I honestly don’t know why Slipknot is lumped into the same shitty genre as faggoty bands like limp bizkit and linkin park other than that it was popular during the same timeframe
That's because you haven't listened to much nu-metal and only know new Slipknot. Old Slipknot was full of Korn riffs played a little faster, Mr. Bungle and Faith No More esque goofy shit, and tons of hip hop influence. Nu-metal was essentially the streamlining of the genre fusion and "avant garde" shit going on in the late 80's/early 90's. RHCP, Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, White Zombie, and Pantera probably the bands you can hear most in almost any of the 90's nu-metal bands.
The only thing truly lost was Chris' Mask.
I find it hilarious that the video is cross-promoting The Boys from Amazon.
Welcome to the new consumerist age, holy hell.
100% undeniable proof Mr. Slipknot is a nazi:
Corey Taylor plays with Joey Jordison, who played with Kris Norris, who played with Paul Burnette, who played with Phil Hall, who played with Nick Poulos, who played with Dave Boyd, who played with Marc Stauffer and Nick Mertaugh, both of whom played in Arghoslent (a nazi band).
It was a time which labels and media came up with, it is a shitty name, but the term itself has amazing music behind it.
>r. Bungle and Faith No More esque goofy shit, and tons of hip hop influence.
not nu metal
not nu metal at al
>White Zombie
Industrial Metal
Groove Metal
>I'd be willing to pay a lot of money you don't even listen to "real metal"
Then prepare to lose your wage poser.
No shit...I didn't say any of that was nu-metal, those were the bands nu-metal took influence from and streamlined into one style
"Nu metal" was not a style until Korn came along and synthesized a bunch of late 80's/early 90's sounds into one thing, and then other bands came along and put their own spin on it, utilizing some influences more than others or adding new ones, but all within the same formula that Korn created.
slipknot is garbage but I watched the whole thing because of this. all is saw was .5 sec of some chick sucking a dude's foot
hard pass
Iowa by Slipknot
Haha, show us your playlists
Who cares. Music videos died a long fucking time ago.
The superior album is LD 50
For me
Sure, why fucking not. He's, in my opinion, the top 5 metal bands of all time
Linkin Park
See how are you a poser?
I was listening to this this morning, just one song from this shits all over your mallcore crap
>Welcome to the new consumerist age, holy hell.
Yeah because it's not like Slipknot EVER had a music video promoting a movie or something's not like one of their biggest hits back in the day was a movie tie in or anything, ha ha....I sure don't remember anything like that...
This isn't even new, all jokes aside...bands were doing this shit in the 80's brah
Vol 3 was a welcome change, almost switch from complete screamo nu-metal to unbelieveably hard rock. I put Vol 3 on par with Iowa
Is it bad that I actually like .5 The Gray Chapter the best?
Vol. 3 was their pleb filter album
this is awful. Literally every fucking band from the 80s sounds like Guns and Roses. I understand the importance of the era, but every fucking band is just a mishmash of Iron Maiden, Guns and Roses, and Motley Crue.
Guys come on this is music for white trash five finger death punch fans.
Guns and roses have written like 10 songs lol
fuck that. Five Finger Death bunch is fucking garbage. It's like what would happen if Limp Bizkit and Hollywood Undead took themselves seriously. Every Death Punch fan looks like Florida trailer trash that got lost on their way to a Godsmack concert. Saw them once at a music festival and it was so fucking lame. Their DURR VETERANS USA USA shit is so fucking forced and gay
Most of this is hard rock. Slipknot is hard rock as well these days.
They’re just a heavier nickleback
>this is awful
says the Shitknot fan
>animu poster
Neck yourself
Yeah and Slipknot is on the level. Have been since volume 3 when they decided to basically merge with Stone Sour.
anime >>>>> slipknot
based and redpilled
is this pokemon or digimon
You’ve now confirmed your taste is shit
You're really showing how much of a moron you are now.
I was defending Slipknot as much as any metal fan ever could, but now you're exposing yourself as a poseur and making me side with the anime faggot over here. Slipknot is good at what they do....but they make music a bunch of 15 year olds could play, I should know, I suck at playing music and I could play Slipknot songs.
1. Nobody mentioned anything about playing the music, just how it all sounds the same from the decade.
>using cookie-cutter terms like “poser”
SUPER boring. Never been a HUGE fan of slipknot but I enjoy them a bit. This song was so boring, nothing interested me.
>Slipknot is good at what they do....but they make music a bunch of 15 year olds could play
The smartest thing I ever read about Slipknot is a review for their debut that pointed out how professional they actually were for having 9 guys in the band and showing enough restraint to not constantly play over one another
No one can compare to Slipknot's first 2 albums. Not even Slipknot.
>The smartest thing I ever read about Slipknot is a review for their debut that pointed out how professional they actually were for having 9 guys in the band and showing enough restraint to not constantly play over one another
Slipknot started out as a chaotic and quite shitty overly busy amateurish band due to their members, till Ross Robinson got hired to make them write concise songs like Korn and Limp Bizkit who he produced prior. First there was Korn, the weirdo nu-metal prodigy....then there was Limp Bizkit, the less weird and more rap version, then there was Slipknot...the ones who were edgier than them all and made kids think it was death metal even though it wasn't
Amazingly generic, like a 2000s metalcore band.
First three albums were amazing, nothing ever came close to the brutality of the first two (maybe the first DEP album, but that didn't have song writing on par with Slipknot), but ever since they've been on a steady decline into generic chugga metal. Doesn't help that they're getting older. They probably should've gone in the direction of the Paper Chase and similar acts; slower, more groove, but still fucked up. Instead it's just Stone Sour: Edgy edition.
Just another lame modern Slipknot song. Should have stopped years ago.
Nice playing but that doesn't deny the fact that Shitknot is pure garbage for mallcore kids.
Is it cool to like slipknot again?
We’ll see once the new album drops