>I hate Asukafags
music for this emotion?
I hate Asukafags
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I agree Mi(lf)sato is by far best girl
Something cold and inhuman, utterly devoid of emotion. Autechre - Gantz Graf.
This. If you think Rei is best girl, you absolutely missed the entire point of her character.
Here's the only song fitting enough
Talk Talk's last three albums, Scott Walker's Climate of Hunter and Tilt
>asukafags and misatofags think Rei doesn't have a personality or emotions because she isn't a loud, annoying slut
>I hate Asukafags, Reifags and Misatofags all the same
Music for this feel?
Mayafags only
SOPHIE - Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides
Why is Asuka so popular now?
she's always been the most popular
everyone watched Evangelion now that's on Netflix
Ahh, fellow president-of-the-class bro. Nice
She's a fucking slut.
based yet totally nonsensical
r/music top 10
I thought people used to be more into Rei.
Misato >= Rei > Asuka
In Japan Rei was the most popular by far whereas it was more even in the West. Since the Rebuilds there are probably more Asukafags.
Sigur Rós - Ágætis byrjun
She's trash too
How can I guts fag of all people be so unbased. such a shame
That's because japs are intimidated and offended by imposing females.
Who wants a bossy butch in their life?
Rei is a cold inhuman bitch
Asuka is a dumb bitchy slut
Misato is based
>wanting to be dominated by some self-entitled cunt
can't relate
Rei is the only character that actually empathizes with Shinji, Misato only has sympathy for him
Eiffel 65 - I'm blue
You have to control them, earn their respect. Imposing females are very loyal to those they respect, and counterintuitively very obedient. Often imposition is just a projection of insecurity, a cover for their fear of rejection. Japs dont get this, their culture demands respect and obedience unconditionally. Weak incapable men cannot handle bossy girls.
That sounds like way more trouble than it's worth.
Hikari has no personality
Maybe, I'm just saying there's value in someone like that. What seems like a bad thing could actually be good.
>After all those years and asukafags and reifags shitposting finally get to see Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Realize after all this time they are just a bunch of pedos rooting for a boring autistic ayy lmaoo headed soulless clone and an obnoxious loud mouthed bitch and the only acceptable answer as best girl is Misato.
WTF i hate you all.