Why was he such an asshole?

Why was he such an asshole?

Attached: frank-black366.jpg (360x449, 33K)

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Well you know what they say, you are what you eat.

Everyone fed his ego applying way too much praise to the Pixies for things they didn't invent. People still push the meme that the Pixies invented loudquietloud dynamics in music, which is absurd.
They influenced Nirvana on SLTS, the influence is obvious. Verses are just chorus soft bass riff with jangly guitar. Chorus is loud hard rock riff with powerful screaming. But music has almost always had soft verses and big choruses, it's a staple of pop music

Love the Pixies but they took nearly everything from The Gun Club youtube.com/watch?v=6vFZ0Dn4glM

Dude they ripped them off completely. Frank even copped his vocals

aren't all successful musicians assholes to some degree?

most likely an egg suffering from gender dysphoria. she looks like one


cause he fat


Is it surprising that the guy who invented hipster bro-rock is a dick?

He was super creative at that time and the Pixies were kinda holding him back. His s/t record and especially Teenager of the Year are amazing.

kim deal wouldn’t put out

literally turned indie into buttrock for cis white male liberals and centrists instead of a countercultural movment for marginalized folks...

S/T is great, but I find Teenager of the Year annoying for some reason. The Cult of Ray is awesome though.

kim deal withdrew the cunni


he still is even though he has been making only shitty music.

Why did she make Drogon burn him to death? What a bitch...

The Gun Club were so fucking based and underrated.

cuz he’s fat lol

teenager of the year was his only worthwhile solo album for me
then again, the cover art for cult of ray is so repulsive, it always turned me off


I just wish he’d stop calling the stuff he releases now the pixies and just call it frank black or something llke before. It’s annoying how when I say I like the pixies I gotta add in but pixies 1.0 not pixies 2.0

They released a new video the other day the song wasn’t very good but not terrible just kinda middle of the road. The video was kinda cool tho I’ll admit especially for a band that used to be so against making music videos

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Is he trying to grow his hair back?

Joeys the one who should get all the credit for giving pixies their unique sound without his lead guitar they’d just be an average band at best

Holy shit who are those old geezers???

You think he’s giving it to Kim’s replacement?

you just know...

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But if you were following the podcast or watched them play the songs from their new album live you would know that they have some great songs coming out. Catfish Kate is catchy as fuck and has great and Frank Black always delivers great chord progressions. People need to get with the times and get over Kim deal, she is a drama queen and her last breeders album was a 5/10 at best.

he has other albums under the black Francis moniker that are great. Bluefinger, svnfngrs, and a bunch of other collaborations. he has a band with his wife, gran duchy. here are just a few.

black francis - when they come to murder me

black Francis - your mouth into mine :

Paley and Francis - curse :

gran duchy - ermesinde :

he has been making great new songs without the pixies, and now some of that is leaking into the pixies. he is legit one of the best song writers of our time. they were dubbed loud quiet loud by journalists and now that they have that label, people think that they need to stick to the formula. how can you expect an artist to grow if you idiots want the same "where is my mind" or "hey" songs over and over. And I'm really fucking sick of playing them live. and FUCK Kimmy.

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>And I'm really fucking sick of playing them live.

Lol wait a minute.... is that you black frank?

paz fucks everyone

Billy Corgan in the Zwan says definitely

Zwan days*

Wow I didn’t think people who liked the later Frank Black albums past TOTY really existed... hmm think is the real black frank Francis ain’t it??? What’s up frank big fan I was jk I loved cult of ray and the cover art is not ugly at all

Nah Billy’s a confirmed volcel since 92

you just blew my mind, never heard this band before. the pixies ripped these guys off hard, i'm embarrassed for them

Please bring back the Catholics. I need another Dog in the Sand.

>they ripped off their sound!
shut the fuck up frank’s songwriting is obviously way better

They only have a couple of good songs.

respond for me i guess

It's better and more diverse. The Gun Club were a bit of a one trick pony, but 'Sex Beat' and 'Mother of Earth' are as good as anything Frank has written. And people should give them more credit. I can't think of a more underrated band.

No. Almost the entirety of Fire of Love and several later tracks (Mother of Earth, Brothers & Sisters, Bad America) are fucking fantastic. They are only underrated because JLP was a nutty smackhead who destroyed his life and died of AIDS. Doesn't mean he wasn't a genius and I wish more people knew Frank ripped his sound.


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>frank Francis browses Yea Forums
Oh man that's so cool, give us a quality rip of River Euphrates without Kim's grating vocals drowning the mix.

Had there ever been a more overrated band among music snobs? I mean they’re good and all but they get way too much credit for inventing the 90s alternative rock sound. Sure Nirvana was a pretty blatant rip-off but that’s about as much credit as I’ll give em

Had there ever been a more overrated band among music snobs?
A lot actually, Pixies aren't even in top 10 in the most overrated bands list imo
Maybe not even top 20

Damn they ripped them off completely.
