Mozart when you're an innocent child

>Mozart when you're an innocent child
>Beethoven when you're an angsty teen
>Bach when you're a mature adult

Attached: mozart-beethoven-bach.jpg (1280x720, 191K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Gene when you're a kid
>Ace when you acquire taste
>Peter when you've given up
>Paul if you're a gay

>Schoenberg when youve ascended

>Händel when you reach nirvana

I used to think this but came around

Based Space Ace

all these composers are great

Take the divinepill.

Attached: lanad8npozgy.jpg (475x473, 88K)

>Chopin when you realize literally all you need is a piano

>mozart is good
plebs and contrarians
>mozart sucks
>mozart is good

Atonal is for pretentious brainlets.

>atonal bad!

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He's right, it's kicking yourself in the nuts while feeling smug that no one else wants to do it.

We get it, you don't like it; that doesn't mean others can't though. Stop projecting.

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>Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven

Give me a fuckin break

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Shit’s 100 years old, get over it already my child.




Pick one and only one

firetruck emoji

Literally the exact other way around.

>Mozart, Beethoven and Bach
You should listen to some real composers like Maderna, Boulez and Babbitt instead of this kiddie shit

There's a reason SVS is still widely derided whereas Stravinsky, Varese, Schaeffer, Reich Penderecki et al have all been accepted given time. It's because serialism was a musical misstep.

Kids don't like Bach. Any age can get into Mozart.

composers are gay and don't know shit about music
