I'll never understand why this tepid hamburger music is in Scaruffi's top 100

I'll never understand why this tepid hamburger music is in Scaruffi's top 100.

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cause its good

there’s no way every song on this album is good

I've listened to it before, not every song is good but there's no bad songs.

The River [Columbia, 1980]
All the standard objections apply. His beat is still clunky, his singing overwrought, his sense of significance shot through with Mazola Oil. He's too white and too male, though he's decent enough to wish he weren't; too unanalytic and fatalistic, though his eye is sharp as can be. Yet by continuing to root his writing in the small victories and large compromises of ordinary joes and janies whose need to understand as well as celebrate is as restless as his own, he's grown into a bitter empathy. These are the wages of young romantic love among those who get paid by the hour, and even if he's only giving forth with so many short fast ones because the circles of frustration and escape seem tighter now, the condensed songcraft makes this double album a model of condensation--upbeat enough for a revery there, he elaborates a myth about the fate of the guys he grew up with that hits a lot of people where they live. A-

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Heh, what’s the matter? Lil zoom zoom can’t handle the Boss? Many such cases

damn this could have been based quints
probably went to kpop unfortunately

lyl white males right? XD

it's got a great atmosphere

i’m anti-american to the bone, but the river is such a beautiful album.

White people have the strangest behavior of any race. No one else in history has been so ravaged by guilt and self-loathing and filled with motivation to destroy everything they've created.

Plus, white girls fuck their dogs. That's just gross.

feels good knowing people like this always existed, they just didn't have as much voice pre-Internet

>no other race is self-loathing
LMAO tell that to the bleached skin blacks shrinking their noses and Asians opening their eyes to look more white with surgery

>ravaged by guilt and self-loathing and filled with motivation to destroy everything they've created.
could you be anymore vague? what the fuck are you talking about?

You say that as if every white person is like that, yet it’s just modern self-proclaimed progressives who feel that way

i’m a communist, i don’t want to “destroy” anything white people “have created,” or whatever that means. you both need psychiatric help.

I wonder how common white girl dog fucking is. I’ve seen an entire vid of that shit, it stays with you for life.

Someone posted a list of the original 50+ tracks that were recorded for the Darkness sessions (the album that came before The River). They included several song from The River. Bruce should have released a quintuple album in 1978 with all of those tracks included; it would have been one of the greatest albums ever released. The River IS kind of tepid compared to what the Darkness album could have been (or even just the final studio version).

A) The things you will never understand could fill a warehouse.
B) Why does it matter that you disagree with Scaruffi?

>i’m a communist
Stopped reading after that

1. no you didn’t
2. as if you could even define communism for me without googling it first

don’t you have a penis to be sucking on, fag... o wait ur a self proclaimed commie lololol

bc Scaruffi is retarded