You’re appropriating Snoqualmie culture,” she says. Cox asks her to explain — “Is there something about North Bend that I should know? I’d like to hear it.” — but she declines. “Why should I, as a person of color, have to tell you about it,” she asks to collective booing. “So that I can empathize and relate to your point,” Cox responds.
“Ideas are traded between cultures through communication, not by insulting and yelling ‘fuck you’ at people,” Cox says. “I have been marginalized my entire fucking life…marginalized by heteronormative culture, marginalized by socioeconomic situations, marginalized by being differently abled.”
“What is your assumption about my life that makes you think that I am somehow privileged or I represent someone appropriating your culture? I believe that you have a very good point that you’re not going to share with me out of arrogance.”
“You obviously as a white person, male,” she begins. Cox interrupts, “Did you just call me male? I don’t even know that you can assume my gender, my friend.”
lol.@ even Reddit/stereocuck comment section calling out virtue signaling now
only they refuse to use that word amd say "performative wokeness" instead
Jonathan Butler
How retarded you have to be to call someone with Marfan syndrome privileged? Based Bradford should have kicked that bitch out of the stage.
Gabriel Bailey
>thread about retard heckling bradford >your response is to post le epic anti pol folder, for some reason
you need to be banned
Chase Thomas
Remember when based Bradford played My Sharona for an hour in response to a heckler?
Dominic Lewis
He’s “appropriating” the culture of a town in Washington? Lmao what
Nolan Harris
she was probably mental or something
Gavin Barnes
Sounds like Cox btfo out of them
Jayden Ramirez
I understand that others might not agree but this was just so hard to watch- regardless of opinions being expressed or levels of eloquence, it was just an unfair position for him to put her in.
If he truly wanted to have a dialogue he wouldn’t have done it in public, in a position where he is holding all of the power. i understand her not being as articulate/less able to express her views, but imagine all the pent up anger and emotions that come from years of being systematically and culturally marginalized. policing her language and tone and abilities seems unfair to me.
Justin Davis
Nah she was a retard and Bradford did good exposing her stupid ass in public
Brayden Diaz
shut the fuck up she is a retarded cunt. "systematically and culturally marginalized" lol kiss my ass faglord.
Nicholas Cooper
Her fault
Hunter Hill
That's it. Me and my Antifa crew are firebombing the nearest Deerhunter show for sure.
>Bradford tries to meet her halfway >"it's not my job to educate you" why even bother then. Communication is impossible i guess. Did she really not expect to have to explain herself, while at the same time drawing attention to herself in the most disruptive and obnoxious way possible? Everything here is fucking embarrassing
James Perez
t. pol conservaHICK
Andrew James
brad definitely aint redpilled dudes just not a fucking dumbass
I get where you're coming from. But she's the one that decided to pull this stunt in front of a crowd. She should be prepared to have a dialogue in front of them if she's willing to start shit in front of them
Owen Perry
Holy fuck, this reads like a made-up pasta but it's actually real
Luke Nelson
i look up to bradford cox/deerhunter and their work but shoving a microphone in a woc's face and commanding her to speak is not equivalent to "giving someone a platform" like come on
she's also trash for misgendering cox (purposefully and she knew it). My point: everyone sucks
Colton Powell
prob a cuck deerhunter fan who "doesnt want to start an angry internet mob at this person of colour, bradford said enough!" if i had to guess
Joshua Bell
It's Washington state in Le current year. She'd have to go out of her way to be oppressed.
Elijah Ward
all twitter trannies go back to twitter or i will say nigger and start posting botched tranny pusy
Christian Jackson
if you're gonna talk shit the best case scenario is that you're given a mic so you can air your genuine grievances, but she had nothing to say, so she stayed quiet
Elijah Peterson
Is there a reupload?
Sebastian Gray
he should've asked her to come up and perform a ghost dance on stage if she really wanted to shine a light on her culture
oh wait no she wanted to hijack a fucking deerhunter show because she's seen women do it at political town hall meetings. sorry if you're gonna heckle, you've gotta be ready to rock, you can't ruin a show with bad vibes and then expect to get your ass kissed.
Hunter Roberts
Bradford Cox's response is hilarious
Nathan Jenkins
People choose to get angry about what they want. It's a sad reality when people think there's some sort of equivalence between some overwoke randos out there as opposed to the flagrantly bigoted occupant of the White House encouraging violence at his rallies, nevermind the beliefs of a significant portion of his base.
Brandon Diaz
It seemed like she did not expect to have him hand her the mic and ask her to elaborate. When she got flustered and declined to give any reasoning, that's when it felt kind of ugly. He came off more defensive than he could have been.
The crowd fed off of this defensiveness and did not help things. Once they started turning on her, it felt kind of ugly and gross. Maybe she shouldn't have heckled him and ran to the stage, maybe she has a good point to make and just didn't articulate it very well. I don't know that it's for me to say.
The person I went to the show with heard people in the crowd, white men in particular, yelling things at her and C-wording her as she left the front of the crowd in a hurry. That is not ok.
Easton Carter
>as opposed to the flagrantly bigoted occupant of the White House encouraging violence at his rallies, nevermind the beliefs of a significant portion of his base.
Ah, I see damage control procedures have already begun.
Joshua Reyes
BASED AND REDPILLED. Haven’t listened to Deerhunter since high school. Gunna go revisit some of their stuff now. ;)
Justin Clark
b-but antifa
Elijah Lopez
Pretty much this.
It's not a dialogue when it's you alone versus hundreds of fanboys who will boo you and stare daggers at you the entire time it's your turn to speak
What even is his gender identity? Wikipedia calls him "he". He has a male name too. His overall gender expression and visible sexual characteristics are overall male, so he gets gendered male, he's not even trying to be seen as anything else. Even trannies understand this shit.
Jaxson Cook
Inb4 Fantano does a video about this where he takes the girl's side
Ian Kelly
I can't tell whose side I'm supposed to be on.
Angel Gutierrez
I don’t understand what he is appropriating
Andrew Cooper
go ahead and do it you fucking spaz
Wyatt Walker
Neither, because they both played the unwinnable game called identity politics.