Not listening to an artist because you disagree with their politics

>Not listening to an artist because you disagree with their politics

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Don't get Yea Forums started on IDLES, holy shit I'll tell ya

Honk honk clown world honk honk everyone is stupid besides me honk honk so I am le silly but serious intelligent clown honk honk

this is just /pol/fags and IDLES

It's not their politics but MDC just weren't as good as their contemporaries even if they have a couple of memetic songs.

This is just Redditfags on Morrissey

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The Clownworld song was stolen from a Mario remix too. Why can't the right make good art themselves?

>posting /pol/ threads outside of /pol/

>not knowing that all art/music/culture is the promotion of a certain type of breeding selection of the ideal type of man

Ooooh, sounds like somebody has a crush on a reddit moderator. ;-)

>Why can't the right make good art themselves?

Have pity on this faggot. I bet he actually thinks young, ignorant queers in a punk band is making art.

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>yea I know right wing artists
>wagner, the list goes on

I pity the fools that can't make good art themselves. Empathy and compassion are prerequisites to creativity.

Why would anyone want to be on r*ddit where everybody just cirkejerk each other?

*kysses u*

But we both know you wanna kyss AOC's feet



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This, but also election newfags and most modern artists.

how does my dad's penis taste, faggot

That and being a loser with lots of free time

I'll happily listen to anyone from the far left (i.e. anarchs-syndicalists) to the centre-right (i.e. traditionalist conservatives). I just won't listen to people on the far right because they're subhuman vermin and they need to be removed from the planet. The work they produce is only valuable insofar as it can potentially give us insight into their psychology, and by extension help us understand how to exterminate them. :)

dude you arent "exterminating" anyone moron. why dont you just keep taking from your parent's trust fund and enjoy your life?

really yummy actually thanks


this but unironically

I can't speak for the entire right, but I'm right wing and make great art, world renowned

this but without the pretense of intelligence or superiority
rip Marv 2019 - 2019
rip lyl 2012 - 2012

>I practice tolerance and diversity and love everyone


>Not listening to an artist because he is korean

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>dude you arent "exterminating" anyone moron. why dont you just keep taking from your parent's trust fund and enjoy your life?
>we need to exterminate jews, fags, niggers and wemen

Shit... you’re right fuck me let’s combine trust funds

t. triggered NPC

if you get to exterminate us then we get to exterminate you.

>t. triggered NPC

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stop one man spamming

grow the fuck up
far-left more like fake-left

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