The Bends>Kid A
The Bends>Kid A
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King of Limbs > all other radiohead albums
The Bends is unironically the worst Radiohead album
i'll concur Pablo Honey has some fun tracks (Creep, Blow Out, You) but The Bends is obviously better
That would be Amnesiac/Pablo Honey
Amnesiac has Pyramid Song, Knives Out, Dollars and Cents and Life in a Glasshouse. All of them are better than any song on Pablo Honey.
Pyramid Song and Knives Out are grear but the rest you just named are overrated, Pakt Like Sardines is good too though, Pablo Honey has You, Creep, Blow Out, Anyone Can Play Guitar, Thinking About You. Amnesiac has higher highs but it's still just as inconsistent.
>Kid Amnesiac>The Bends
hail to the thief > Kid A
based and true
This too.
I think I like most of Amnesiac, except from maybe Morning Bell, Like Spinning Plates and Hunting Bears. But yeah I'll give you that, both of them have highs and lows. Life in a Glasshouse is amazing though, probably my favorite from the album desu.
Yeah everyone loves Life In A Glasshouse, never really clicked with me though
no but Amnesiac > Kid A
why would they make the title track the worst song on the album
It has a shitty unintelligible vocal effect so it's "experimental bliss" bro!
what a shame because the instrumental is actually great
Even Thom said Amnesiac should've been an EP. Shit's trash.
i disagree. Amnesiac has a better narrative flow and better structure as an album. Kid A had interesting enough arrangements but the songs don't really go anywhere
In Rainbows > King of Limbs > all other radiohead albums
What narrative though? It just seems like a disjointed mess. If Kid A had Knives Out and Pyramid Song instead of Kid A and Treefingers I'd consider it a 10/10. But those are the only good tracks from Amnesiac. Even though they're masterpieces.
HTTT is their worst album followed by Amnesiac
You're kidding. HTTT is their most underrated album.
Amnesiac track list was entirely random.
This but 200% unironically
the bends for sure
imagine being this rarted
Go listen to Treefingers and cry yourself to sleep pretentious autist.
>he doesn't like Dollars and Cents
i think there's a sort of basic structure on Amnesiac of energetic electronic song followed by more melody focused ambient(y) song. i think the main reason reason i prefer it over Kid A is that the instrumentals stick with me more after i've listened. the only two tracks that really stuck with me from Kid A were HTDC and The National Anthem. the rest of the album seemed to sort of wash over me with the arrangements seeming hesitant or trivial. in general I think the music of Amnesiac is much more self-assured
Pyramid Song, Knives Out, and LIAGH are better than anything on KidA
nice trips. Packt Like Sardines and Pulk/Pull are pretty great as well
Kid A
In Rainbows
OK Computer
The Bends
Moon Shaped Pool
Hail To The Thief
The King Of Limbs
but i m a crepe album
They never got better than this.