How do you like this generation of dark music?

How do you like this generation of dark music?

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>Nine Inch Nails
>this generation

There's always been music as dark as this being made.

They came out a few years ago, so yeah


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>no billie eilish

add humid limbs of the torn beadsman from abu lahab

>no chelsea wolfe

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Or Anna Von Hausswolff.

or zola jesus

just reflects the state of the world
the world exerts a powerful influence on music

or xxxtenctacion

I'm enjoying it quite a lot :)

This. Dead Magic was my AOTY holy shit that album was spectacular. Anna is great.

Noise music just keeps getting better imo. This might even be it's peak

I agree, and I love noise so this is an exciting time for me. It's really cool.

haven't heard that The Body release but their Full of Hell coab is good
To Be Kind is pretty good
Dear God is one of the weakest Xiu Xiu releases, would be better replaced by Angel Guts if you're going for 2010s output


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Please halp I noob. What artists are these. All I see is a baby. Weird face.

That's Babyface and Ghostface Killah

2010s darkcore

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>puce mary

swans - to be kind
daughters - you won't get what you want

Such awesome. Thanks anons

I heard everything on here except for No Youth, I just put that on and holy shit this is good

Their new album just dropped, too