Cringe thread

Music cringe thread

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>muh Brian Eno

his vocal albums are legendary (and his producing) but I don't give a flying fuck about the other 95% of his output

Some of his ambient work is still among the most compelling, accessible and listenable in the genre, it was also revolutionary and unique work for the time

this whole video/comments

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Lmfao holy shit

hey this is pretty good, not cringe at all

>1 comment
Kinda sad for that user desu.

This post gave me gay cancer

You just blow in from reddit?

Pretty based, desu. Maybe we can convince zoomers to stop listening to Death Grips, Xiu Xiu, soundcloud rappers and other edgy shit.

Are you 12?

had sex to Ambient 1 the other day AMA

How was it? The album I mean

hisehtp go is neray ttog a critty od, nell

>when Ambient 1, 2, and 4 are Eno but he isn't credited on Ambient 3

>Ambient 1
then you messed up

Attached: Brian Eno - Thursday Afternoon.jpg (1000x992, 143K)

pleasant as usual, though it was a bit quiet and coming from a not-so-great speaker. never been a huge fan of Eno compared to ambient from the late 80s onward but I needed something slow and soothing to put on
he is credited I believe, just did the production. Got to see Laraaji open for AnCo on the Sung Tongs tour last year, really good set

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Heya thees c rrpiing! Not at :)


e i i e o, o i a l


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