Godspeed You! Black Emperor, is a rather big collective of musicians...

Godspeed You! Black Emperor, is a rather big collective of musicians, so I've made this web/chart of all the members from GY!BE and all the other projects and bands they've been apart of, all these bands vary in genre from post-rock to indie rock and sludge metal, what do you think? Any changes I need to make?

Attached: gybe web.png (2767x1418, 2.52M)

Nothing worth listening to.

There's plenty here worth checking out

Thanks, I’ve actually been very interested in exploring this world

Thanks OP!


can't say I'm familiar with most of this chart, but shouldn't Broken Social Scene be somewhere?

>include session work

Some members from Broken Social Scene have been in projects with other GY!BE members, but I don't think any GY!BE members have ever been directly involved in a Broken Social Scene album

One of the most overrated Post-Rock bands in existence.


Awesome that you put this together but there has to be a more organized way lmao

I'd argue that Explosions In The Sky are more overrated

I gotta agree with this guy. The connecting lines chart format works for “how do I get into their work” charts. With something like this, I’d honestly prefer a left-to-right top-to-bottom list of the band in order they were formed or made their first release

Attached: D687BE35-C30D-42D0-AE10-C8A00C1175CE.jpg (736x1396, 232K)

I don't really know if that'd work, I think the connecting lines format works better for focusing on the musicians, letting you know how many projects a specific member is apart of, and showing if one of the bands has multiple of the same people in it, I immediately thought of a connecting web format for this because I think it's the best at representing all these


That makes sense I guess
I’ll definitely be organizing these discographies into a list for my enjoyment

the movie was better


honestly true i fell asleep while streaming it to some buddies once

then again i fell asleep watching stalker and that's one of my favorite movies so i think it's a personal problem

Hope you have fun, user

I used to be obsessed with this (I nicknamed it the “Montreal Musicians Collective”) and very little of it is actually good.

Just don't watch movies at night then

you fall asleep while watching your favourite movie?
then it's not your favourite movie, is it?

So you've heard all of these bands?

Terrible and incomplete chart. Just use discogs.

one of my favorite movies, my favorite is 2001. i haven't rewatched it recently though and i was in high school when i last saw it so i think i got home from school, opened the netflix enveloep, stuck it in, then i just didn't have enough in me

What’s missing?


Friendly reminder that Fly Pan Am >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Poopspeed
The rest of this chart is garbo except Molasses and the first ASMZ.

Basically yeah. I’m not up to date on recent ones (2017 or so is where i stopped caring) but I’ve heard basically everything there is to hear from these groups. There’s a reason people only talk about GYBE/SFTF/ASMZ/Molasses.

>I’m not up to date on recent ones (2017 or so is where i stopped caring)
You should check out Efrim Menuck's newer stuff, Pissing Stars is a really good album, and I hear Are SING SINCK SING is a pretty decent drone album, although I haven't heard it for myself yet

hrsta is godtier

sick opinions brah

Menuck’s debut album was an absolute bore so I don’t have high hopes for anything he does solo. I’ve pretty much grown out of my 1st/2nd wave post-rock phase so I doubt I’ll enjoy much of their stuff anymore. It’s just not interesting enough in the grand scheme of things.

You have three (3) seconds to tell me why you don't like:
1. Fly Pan Am
2. Black Ox Orkestar
4. Esmerine
5. Exhaust

>Fly Pan Am
One good album. (N'écoutez pas). Just don’t care about their other two.
>Black Ox Orkestar
I get that the group are jews but holy fuck I do not need it shoved in my face. Nor do I need their obnoxious communism plastered all over their music (which is one of the reasons why I hate Luciferan Towers)
Honestly not even memorable enough for me to remember why I dislike them.
Subpar chamber music.
Adding cling cling clang clang noises to your music doesn’t make it good.

>don't care
>hate jews and communism
>don't care
>no reason
>no reason

Attached: M9P65TsTZxo.jpg (604x453, 59K)

It’s almost like it’s mostly personal preference that leads me to really not care about them anymore.

Also, check out Shalabi Effect

kys my bro


leaf pseud slow-rock shitters btfo

Honestly i don't even give a fuck about their music only reason I listen to them is because "Godspeed You! Black Emperor" is the coolest band name I've ever heard.