Had a panic attack in the grocery store and had to sit in a bathroom stall for an hour

>Had a panic attack in the grocery store and had to sit in a bathroom stall for an hour
>Probably won't be able to go outside for a couple months

Music for this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Chief Keef

If you were a female I would immediately get angry and claim you are full of shit and playing it up, but youre not so damn that sucks man.

Gagging Order-Radiohead

Leng Tch'e by Naked City. Literally breaking down as a person in every way turned into audio.


Ramleh - Hole in the Heart
I'll be wishing you all the best user, I hope life starts treating you kinder

I would give you a hug if I could user

Absolutely gorgeous ambient music and one of the most soothing albums I've ever heard. It's on spotify.

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I'm laughing at you right now, you pathetic excuse for a human

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thats really not nice man

i want you to know that you’re not weak for this. this isn’t your fault, you did nothing to deserve this, and i know you must feel so disillusioned, isolated, exhausted and tired right now. but just know you have so much worth, you’ve got a purpose, and i’m sure you have people who love and care about you.
i’m not going to say things will immediately get better and be perfect. that’s not how this world works, bad shit happens to good people. but what i am saying is i know you’ll get stronger and you’ll learn how to cope with the awful things that life throws at you.
you’re not weak, you’re not pathetic — the fact that you’re still living and breathing right now is something im proud of.
don’t be so harsh on yourself. get off this mean spirited board and please allow yourself to get some rest. you deserve it


Some nice melancholic Power Electronics to drown out the thoughts

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Why are left-wing people always so mentally fucked up?

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this thread had nothing to do with politics until you brought it up you fucking faggot

>go onto generally right wing discord server as a left winger
>after a few discussions get multiple dms from people venting to me scared they're being too weak

the most human post i've ever seen on this godforsaken site. good on you user

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My gf (22 y/o) gets these debilitating mental attacks frequently. They can happen ANY TIME. The most dangerous time is when she is driving. When she gets them, it's as if the world is ending.

And you can't reason with her about the attacks. Like, if I hit her with, "How many panic attacks have you had?" "Hundreds." "And all the other times, did the world end? Did you die? Did you go blind? Did the car blow up?" "No." "So, why would any of these things actually happen now?" "I don't know. They just will."

You can't reason with someone who suffers from these things.

Pic semi-related.

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this song is nice

I desperately want to see the girl in the pic do cocaine.

I hope you're doing alright user

Frail mentally, easier to bully into acceptance and tolerance

please never come back

The album cover is from the movie Lilya 4-ever extremely depressing film

right back atcha reddit

>no u. reddit LOL

Ironically the weirdest parts of panic attacks for me is how inane it was looking back onto it. This is kinda how I feel about myself afterwards but obviously not in such a degrading way

Pic related is what I'm listening to chill out

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>/pol/brainlet uses the most obvious and low quality bait possible
>Still manages to derail another thread
What's wrong you guys, why do you even give these underage attention

what exactly does a panic attack entail?

It's ok fren. Nobody will care or remember about that.

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being a major baby

Make this a banner

>tfw actually have major anxiety that im on medication for
>have weeks long panic attacks
>called OP a major baby

When I have panic attacks they give me the water shits. Like ill have a panic attack in the am and at noon the back of my doodoo train is all muddy waters

pussy ass bitch music

woops im retarded

Most people who aren't aware of them usually think they're having a heart attack, to give you some perspective. For me feels like you're going numb and everything is buzzing, feels like something bad is going to happen, heart starts beating fast, I need some form of escape into a bathroom or somewhere private or it will be even worse. It's all in your head mostly and stays there, but I've occasionally thrown up because of it too which makes it even worse

i throw up from my panic attacks
sometimes itll just happen and ill immediately have to go vomit
when im anxious i also have constant nausea


yeah its bullshit
i dont let it stop me from doing what i want to do

what if what you want to do is not throw up

then usually its happenin but if it takes me off guard like some shit happens that spooks me then it aint

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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i like Ween for this type of thing, Chocolate and Cheese, White Pepper and Quebec
What Deaner Was Talking About is about this type of thing and I think it really hits the nail on the head
i've had a few of these over the last couple of years and, as far as i have experienced, it's pretty much the worst sensation imaginable
godspeed man, there is a way out and if you can, try and get out of the house and talk to people, i found this to be very healing

listen to You Are Invited by the Dismemberment Plan. i've always interpreted the lyrics as a lesson that your life is made so much more fun and beautiful if you're willing to face your fears, go outside, and experience life. you've got this, friend.

How the fuck can anyone say this with a straight face when /pol/ and /r9k/ exist?

fucking retard

I thought Dream Theater Panic Attack did pretty well.

>you did nothing to deserve this
First of all, if you assume people CAN deserve shit like that happening to them, then how can you assume OP doesn't deserve it? Just admit you just believe no one deserves that.
>You have so much worth, you've got a purpose
What? Who says? You?
>I'm sure you have people who love and care about you
lol. How does that change anything.
>you deserve rest
Could he not deserve it?

God fucking dammit. That kind of beliefs are so damaging.

OP, I hope you get better and seek some help, you can get better. Only if you want to, though.

d-nald tr-mp deserves everything he gets

Minutemen- Maybe Partying will help
Cause maybe partying will help

Let me just be serious for a moment: get help. For real, anxiety is a debilitating condition, it's not your fault, but with the right help, you can fight it. Stay strong user.

If you process stress by mirroring it with music, put on Roly Porter - Third Law

If you process stress by counteracting it with music, put on Sweet Trip - Halacia: Bliss Out v. 11

lol you can't stay in a bathroom stall for months you'll die ;^)

no but seriously user I'm sorry to hear that I've been there, sorry about that

yes remedios the beauty is one of the most summerlike hopeful pieces of music ever made

you're a good person user

eehh, the second disc of Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence did all that better

cynically destroying people's honest attempts at showing people their concerns are valid over their wording never helped anyone

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Celer - Sunlir

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I listen to this on repeat to relax

Fucking lmao

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Absolutely based

my dude, if you just push yourself and go out every day like normal, it gets better.
I had panic attacks every day for like....months, and didn't let it get me down.

Daily reminder that anxiety isn't a disorder it's just your body telling you that you don't exercise enough

Thinking everything is wrong, and you're going to die or pass out, but literally, nothing is wrong.


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this but unironically

>panic at the thought of leaving the house
>actually do it
>everything is completely fine or even great
why do i keep putting myself through this dance

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based and positivity-pilled


Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

Kill yourself

pick up smoking it helped me

Fact: No black man has ever had a panic attack.

>'blah blah you are not alone you are special"
Lol please fuck off.

"it's a black male thing"

Fact: the only invention by black people is peanut butter.

they have, that's what ever instance of "chimping out" was

hey dude what are you getting out of being so cynical ? i’m sorry my attempt at comforting this dude wasn’t meticulously edited and written lmao
cool your jets man i’m just trying to help out a bit, i know what this shit is like and sometimes it feels good to hear things like that
also OP sorry this has become such a shitshow filled with edgelords
listen to some cat stevens or bob Dylan or something, nice soft folk music always helps me out


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donald glover has probably had a panic attack

The duality of man

Chimping out is simply unleashing the raw bestial aggression which every Melanated Man inherently possesses. Cumskins are like domesticated dogs who get nervous during a thunderstorm.

Based and Brotherhoodpilled.


le epic hotep poster

What the fuck user you're not allowed to do that. Die.

i too suffer from panic attacks and this thread was very comforting

sometimes when i had nowhere to masturbate i used to go masturbate in the one-person washroom at the grocery store

The Boy Least Likely To - I See Spiders When I Close My Eyes

Rob Tanchum - IDFSG (I Don't Feel So Good)

Titanic Sinclair - Losing My Mind

Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta

MSI - Hey Tomorrow Fuck You and Your Friend Yesterday

Those are a few off the top of my head. I have anxiety too. It fucking sucks. I hate feeling vulnerable. Now the whole world can see when I am.

Do you work there or something? If not you are clearly in your 20's and need to understand that no one is actually looking at you or thinking about you. This is your only life and you must set the tone of your interactions. In a few years you will realize no strangers you encountered were really judging you as hard as you were judging yourself.

death/grind or 89071966
go take life's testes with a damn vice grip sailor

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try Kratom, it's not a meme