For me, its this girl. What kind of music?

What kind of music do I need to listen to in order to get a girl that looks like this?

Attached: arthoe.jpg (960x960, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: bossadellic.png (750x475, 659K)

It looks like somebody came all over forehead and glasses.

I'll bet she has vocal fry.


>Changing your interests for women
You've already lost her



Get this daddy issues ass step dad finger banged ass Alice Glass wannabe lookin ass Xanax gobblin ass bipolar ass "choke me uwu" moanin ass Starbucks barista lookin ass Arctic Monkeys bandwagon listenin ass Doc Marten wearin ass light menthol smokin ass art school droppin out ass tumblr browsin ass anorexic ass mascara wingin ass tiny ass thigh cuts havin ass Bernie Sanders supportin but not votin ass manbun lovin ass septum piercing havin ass Skins watchin ass lace wearin ass dye my hair every week so someone pays attention to me ass cryin after her hymen broke ass wishin she was a qt azn ass adidas not Nike lovin ass Fifty Shades of Grey lovin but vanilla and motionless in bed no head givin ass my older brother's kinda hot ass choker wearin ass won't do anal ass flat ass havin ass my mom hates me ass can't cook ass FKA Twigs listenin ass wish I had sullen cheekbones ass tooth gap havin ass I'm a pretty pink princess thinkin ass rape fantasy havin ass couldn't get on the cheer squad ass iced coffee sippin black coffee is gross ass Ryan Gosling is hot but I've never seen The Believer, Drive, or Only God Forgives ass I'm a good girl never been to church ass I had 4 wine coolers blacked out and got raped at a party I need feminism now ass only seen the 90s Lolita never seen the original Kubrick one or read the book ass former scene girl ass wish I was a secretary so I could fuck my boss and maybe get a raise fantasizin ass THOT outta here.

>Henry Cow
>Univers Zero
>Aksak Maboul
>Soft Machine
>Etron Fou Leloublan
>Art Bears
>This Heat
>Tom Cora
The list goes on and on....


sex, have it. incel



I mean if ur an unconfident lil bish boi than I don't think it matters what you listen to desu

Get me a girl that unironically listens to Etron Fou Leloublan PLEASE


fairly large uncut sneedis

The OST for "hypergamous flaky trust fun hipster that's always had daddy-funded plan Bs (lol) and will hop relationships after crashing them three months in until she's 30 and marries a military guy (who she ends up cheating on)"

>fell for the dependapotamus meme

Your penis and your wallet are all that matter. And perhaps your relationship with your mother.

Look, you don’t want full on art hoe, those are the ones with borderline personality disorder and will fuck your life up. Find yourself someone with some minor art hoe tendencies and aesthetics but who isn’t too far gone, it’ll be much better.

When you guys say you want this kind of girl is it just for sexual reasons or is there something in her style that says something to you and what is it? Unironic question I'm just curious and autistic

they're desperate and have bad taste in women
simple as

I know tuning circuits, what's the rest of this stuff?

girls like that are slutty cunts. are you a soiboy who can't even bang one?

They’ve ornamented themselves to be as desirable as possible for incels like us

I only want this kind of girls

Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282. Raymond Scott, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram, Terry Riley, Peter Sotos, Boyd Rice, Henry Flynt, Kazumoto Endo, David Tudor, Half Japanese,Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krusi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Loren Mazzacane Connors, The Dead C, Comus, Cromagnon, Eliane Radigue, The Red Krayola, Opus Avantra, Pan.Thy.Monium., Murmuüre, Gong, cLOUDDEAD, Muslimgauze, the list goes on...

I'm so fucking horny for art hoes. I want to fuck a coked-out tumblr hipster DIY aesthetic astrology thot in her lip gloss DSL mouth. I want to cum all over a girl with thick frame glasses and edge dyed bobcut bangs. Everytime I hear a THICK, waist-high-jean-clad braindead choker-wearing slutty wiccan minx say "yikes," "y'all," "big mood," "cancelled" or "this is a bop," I get an uncontrollable urge to run up to her and fondle her d cups and sweaty fat thighs. I want to pour my white olive oil onto their contoured cheeks and neotenous faces and rhinoplastized nose. I want to finger an art hoe through her jean overalls while pretending to be interested as she talks about van gogh and arctic monkeys and how david foster wallace fans suck and gilles deleuze and VICE news and 'union pool' in williamsburg and steven universe and homeopathy and saveur magazine and taking adderall to pass exams. I'm SO. FUCKING. HORNY.


Attached: 1534529590274.jpg (720x1280, 181K)

hahahaha i lost it at the union pool part

Yikes, that does not suit her boy body.

Attached: yep.gif (480x360, 2.15M)


Is she supposed to be an Art Hoe? If so she's a lazy one. She doesn't have anything going on. This doesn't get me diamonds at all unlike the Art Hoe in the original post.

Attached: 1563591302262.jpg (1067x1912, 909K)

Attached: arthoe2.jpg (933x852, 133K)

couldn't you have at least picked a pretty one

don't forget the stick and pokes

more plz, I'm feeling it grow

Gimme an Art Hoe like this with a full bush that maximally traps all her pheromones that will cause me to fill her cervix to full capacity.

Attached: hola.jpg (904x573, 244K)

A picky fucker eh. Fuck off to /soc/ with your picky ass.

i wouldn't call myself picky, but straight-cut bangs, oversized glasses, and a healing crystal does not a pretty girl make. bitch has lips like a catfish

Unironically get me a gf who listens to at least one of these

Go to your local art school and whip out a CD of this bad boy.
Also say Bona Drag is Morrissey's best album.

Attached: R-3875413-1505990446-5606.jpeg.jpg (498x794, 113K)

when i was in school they listened to mumford, ratatata, and fotc

>THICK, waist-high-jean-clad braindead choker-wearing slutty wiccan minx
god damn you just described my ideal female

probably Ween