Stop listening to Nine Inch Nails
Stop listening to Nine Inch Nails
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Take the midlife crisis pill
I thought about this a lot as a Christian, and honestly I think because you changed on the inside, your taste in music changed. There’s nothing inherently wrong about someone who has a certain condition in their soul being attracted to music, but I do think Trent and 9 inch nails is a part of the pop music industry. And big entertainment is nefarious, everybody knows that. I still appreciate Reznor in the same way that I appreciate Leonard Cohen. Neither of them have beliefs that reflect my worldviews, but they make me think about mine in a certain light. Most Christians I meet don’t appreciate Nietzsche and postmodernists/existentialist thinkers like I do, so I don’t expect you to agree with me.
no, that guy's a fag and reading way too much into Trent being an edgelord
That kind of music is still used as form of mind control
As a Christian, anything other than spending time with our Lord is a form of mind control.
Shit thread, fuck off op. I bet you think classical music is good.
Classical music is objectively the highest form of music
Most of it was written by religious people
What do you think of U2?
>song says edgy things so it’s part of a brainwashing scheme
These types of conspirators are unfortunate, focus on bullshit red herrings while ignoring real important shit that’s far worse.
>real important shit that’s far worse.
Such as?
Pretty good until Achtung Baby
Right on
Jesus christ your pearl clutching moralist faggot thread is so annoying. Stop spamming it you actual mong. Music isn't mind control, you're legitimately schizo if you think that.
Trent Reznor is someone a lot of Christians grapple with, I think. Just hide the thread.
This video was only posted once before and I didn't make that thread
okay, dad
>Black Pilled
some MRA bullshit, no thanks
He doesn't talk about that
Jesus Christ, the alt-right is unironically going full "rock and roll is the devil's music" now. Good luck getting anywhere with your lame moralizing, you already tried this in the 90s and failed miserably.
Listen to Skinny Puppy instead
what the fuck is this Ott?
>Trent still triggering christcucks twenty years later
The absolute mad man
what fucking losers you and this youtube channel are
>Black Pilled
>Get my book "Day of the Rope"
Yeah, no, fuck off with that cancer.
right, because god definitely wasn't created as a means to get people who don't speak the same language to fight/farm/build together for the same cause
*fedora intensifies*
Capitalism (not talking about the "degenerate" aspects)
there's nothing wrong with having a personal conception of faith or relationship with whatever version of god/gods you want, but falling for the dogmatic principles of an organization that considers its followers to be a literal flock of sheep is just ridiculous
More popular than you will ever be
Kys commie