*beats your favorite black metal*

>*beats your favorite black metal*

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Why atheistic libs are turning into national socialists rallied around a different authoritarian state. Nihilism and “fascism” are two sides of the same coin.

>your brain on /pol/

Judeo Christianity far outdates image boards. At least on the Internet.

It's better than your average black metal, but it isn't the best and also has a pure evil ideology attached to it.

Oh boy. That's a swastika.

whats the name, i cant read this retarded font

>a pure evil ideology


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>a pure evil ideology attached to it
Which actually makes it even better. Extremism in art enhances it.

They don’t see it as extreme, so that doesn’t really make sense.

Fanisk - Noontide

>pure evil ideology attached to it.
isn't that the entire idea of black metal

But as a consumer you do.

Wrong type and direction, retard.

Big picture, Nazism is only shocking because of how the mainstream media treats it. So getting really into the ideology when you’re not dedicated to it is just sort of lame

>rotates to the left and not crooked
Imagine not knowing what's the difference between the symbol of many religions and the sick use of it by fucking Hitler.

Meh, the direction of the swastika is found different ways and has more to do with geographic/geomantic reasons than good/evil.

Hitler appropriated it, that’s what I know. They tried to start a new form of paganism, which inevitably involves magic and ritual.

Anti-semitism is bad. Can someone tell me why it appears on the internet so much? Is it a meme? Like how people online saying the N word in a non-serious way? Is that what this is? Or are there really a lot of Nazi’s on the internet?

>dipped toes into fringe history but doesn’t really understand how symbolism works

>Anti-semitism is bad.

why do you think jews have been hated wherever they live among host nations? just because the hosts are all 'bad'?

Success breeds jealousy, retard.

If Roma was successful it might be the same story. The Hebrews were a large people, and the destruction of the second temple they never recovered from.

they weren't all successful, retard. but let me guess, you think just because some were rich off money trading in the middle ages, that's why host nations were mad? really?

Kill yourself

i'd say the same to you but you're already mentally dead

You guys are all little Hitlers in the making.

Exactly. These morons will never learn. Hate solves nothing.

stealing homework of the smart naive kid so you get good grades isn't true success.

>Hate solves nothing.

Agreed. Hate must be paired with love. Hatred of the nation's enemies, and love for one's people is the healthy outlook of any citizen.

>Exactly. These morons will never learn. Hate solves nothing.

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So you're a Jewish supremacist? Are you Jewish yourself?

>hate solves nothing

violence solves everything.

Ye I bet ur mama taught you a thing or two about that huh boi?

Lmao pagan imagery is evil? Fucking pussy hipsters don't even know shit. Stick to liturgy

A Jew by blood. Hates human life as we know it. So do a lot of Jewish Luciferians.

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What did the Jews steal from the poor, naive white race?

Calm down, Moshe

Why do you hate Jesus so much, he was based af

You don't even know who your "people" are.

>8 minute synth intro

You don’t know what the purpose of a people is.