Holy shit btfo

Holy shit btfo

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Holy based

Animal Collective are faggots.

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>X is just X with X
XD so funny

t. anco fan

yeah im an anco fan
retarded faggot

this but unironically

AHEM ladies and gentlemen if I could have your attention for just a moment... FUCK ANCO.

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Indeed you are

twice or at least 3 times the band MGMT are, and I like MGMT
call me when they do anything even close to SGTSTV

>twice or at least 3 times the band MGMT are, and I like MGMT
call me when they do anything even close to SGTSTV

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callate pinche maricon

Bruh, this nigga really listens to autistic rugrats music.

>this nigga
back to the genius comments section, please
in what way is anco more reddit than mgmt
were you even here for MPP

back to /pol/ you disgusting faggot.
we here for music not your racewar.
i like fantano, because you faggots hate. i hate hate.

this is the worst bait I've seen in a long time

Oh honey, you are so confused. This is a Little Dark Age only board. Your outdated soiboy memepsych album is not welcome here anymore.

You need to leave

after you fren

you mean the album Ariel made for them because they'd totally run out of ideas

>DOYY synthpop from the 80s only came from another artist who does it too!
Literal retard but I am not surprised


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nah I mean he literally took an active part in writing the two best songs on the album for them
he's in the credits you know
and again surface level acknowledgement of ariel as being an 80s synthpop pastiche guy is a crime that has been committed many times, but is still the domain of dilettantes so congratulations (no pun intended)

> t.maricon poster

people who complain about animal collective can be likened to people who complain about plastic straws at mcdonalds
literally the most generic scum available to music discussion
I mean you flock to pop music and for some reason one artist's sensibilities offend you so badly that it needs to be advertised that you hate this band so much
why? what did they do to you?

She Works Out Too Much
>background vocals
When You Die
>background vocals
Wow what an active part in writing, he definitely made the entire album. If Ariel Pink is the only major influence you hear in the record you are severely mentally deficient. Ever hear Depeche Mode, The Cure, YMO, ELO, Prince, countless bands from the 80s that the album is actually closer to?


so MGMT are now reducible to pastiche is that what you're saying?

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Animal Collective?
more like entry-level hipster trash lmao

Why so much hate for Animal Collective?

Are you avoiding the question because you agree you don’t know shit?

because they're the easiest target around and have been for years on this board

>its amazing
>you would never understand

Because they haven’t made good music for 10 years now

this is true but we at least we got the 00's albums

are you seriously asking me if I've ever heard depeche mode or the cure

It's summer

sleep cycle > whatever they released that year

I love this song but my god this performance is autistic
the individual members have all made something half-decent on their own, and chz wasn't unlistenable

because they're shit

They really aren't t b h


>le epic contrarian face
kill yourself

Why do AnCo goyboys seethe so much when people have different opinions than them

They surpassed every AC album 9 years ago

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>I really wanted to like Merriweather Post Pavilion, even going far out of my way to appreciate the record as it was surely intended: super-stoned, miles from civilization in the northern California woods. Still, no dice. The problem is that Animal Collective are a special kind of unlistenable; their albums don't reward active engagement, but they don't make good background music, either. Their brand of twee is cloying and grating like an attention-starved, sugar-crashing eight-year-old who wants you to admire his finger painting, while you're trying to wash the dishes. -Ben Westhoff

I asked you why they're shit and you didn't answer
>Animal Collective are a special kind of unlistenable; their albums don't reward active engagement
completely subjective

Based. AnCo don’t have the songwriting chops or soul to create a masterpiece of an album like this one.

>buzzword buzzword buzzword
kill yourself

I actually really like this album but it's just average when placed next to MPP, and it shows
RYM knows it
even the billboard charts know it
fuck even pitchfork knows it and they're pretty much always wrong
and for as much of a pretentious cunt he is scaruffi even knows it

Mark Allen Mothersbaugh made the music for Rugrats, so how is that a bad thing?

You’re just proving yourself to be the stereotype of the AC fan who can’t think for themselves and constantly looks for others approval for their opinions

>songwriting chops
you're hardly pulling back the critical curtain to reveal hidden truth about the record are you?
also I'm not sure that this is an anco stereotype, if it is, I've never heard it before
the fact of the matter is, congratulations, for all it's good qualities is a bit of an incoherent mess in terms of structure and tracklisting, and relies way too heavily on the classic dave fridmann/flaming lips owing neo-psych setup (which I like) but isn't really significant of any kind of forward thinking classic

“They’re shit” isn’t an opinion. “I think they’re shit” is an opinion

E;R it's pretty cool

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Strawberry Jam is the most innovative pop album of the 2000s. Fucking prove me wrong.

Animal Collective has at least 5 amazing and creative albums.. not even mentioning their inconsistent but randomly beautiful solo work.

Idk why it has to be MGMT or AnCo? I like both, Congratulations and LDA are great. But I prefer MPP , SJ and just Anco in general


Love this album! Still barely beats out SOME of their albums

MPP, SJ, Feels, and Sung Tongs are all miles better.