>look guys, i know how to scream and vulgar retards will love it, although my compositions are all mundane and uninteresting haha
Look guys, i know how to scream and vulgar retards will love it...
Alright, I respect your opinion. What about the compositions/album overall did you find uninteresting?
>look mum, i posted it again haha
>respecting misogyny
yikes my dude
Nope, never said that. Just respect a good music and image no matter where it's coming from.
I didn't detect any misogyny in that post. Harsh and mean, probably. But not that. I do not respect that stuff, I hope you're trolling because that's a fucking ridiculous statement.
Don't impersonate me, I was the one who posted that.
No you didn't.
I'm not arguing about this. I don't know what the fucking idiot is getting out of impersonating me, but they are impersonating me.
It's an anonymous board, you can't "impersonate" a user on here.
great thread
They responded to somebody explaining their intention behind their post when the post was actually mine to begin with. That's why I'm calling it impersonation.
I don't know what this is but it looks like some Ed Hardy bullshit. Pass.
I'm sorry I know this is dumb but this stuff pisses me off. I had to respond.
I have a feeling you don't quite "get" the concept of this webforum. It's okay, we've all been there.
>pissed off at pixels on a screen
Step away from the computer lmao
I am new have mercy on me. I posted the first response on this thread and somebody started acting as if they were the one who posted it. That made me angry. I now conclude I am bad at Yea Forums. I'll try to do better.
Things make me angry, I can't help that. I posted the first response on this thread because I wanted to have a conversation about the fucking topic OP mentioned and some person decided to start playing games. I found that annoying and unnecessary.
honestly, i didn't even listened to the album
Why say it’s bad then?
Give it a listen, I thought it was really good.
I agree OP but really there's no way to enjoy any music like this if you're not mentally deranged at least moderately so there's really no point in arguing about whether its good or bad. Its obviously not good at all to people who are sane. Ive actually met adult edgelords who like this shit genre its fucking sad like if youre a child or a teenager then I can kind of understand but if you're a fully developed grown adult that can really enjoy this bile and even call it AOTY then jesus christ bro what happened in your life?
this is how i feel about most post punk or music thats just droning and angry without much energy. its just music to put yourself in a slightly agitated mood i guess? never understood the draw to it, but a lot of it ends up being critically acclaimed since people conflate negativity with artistry
I don't think it's fair to claim that it's objectively bad. I understand how it could be unappealing to some people, it is an extreme form of music, but I (and I'm sure many others) enjoy it because it conveyed very strong emotions in an intense and dramatic manner. I thought it was compelling and well done.
>prioritising a vocal style you like over composition is an illegitimate way of enjoying/evaluating music
what's an album you like, user?
Dont post for a long long time. Lurk moar
>look mom, I'm being contrarian again!
Who's ready?