Music Charts

Can we have a music chart tread? The stranger the better. I’ll post what I have

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antarctica by windy & carl isn't even that arcticy

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Sorry didn’t realize how small that pic is

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does anyone have the chart based around albums like steroids by death grips

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anyone have that japanese music chart? im pretty sure it had a pink background

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Attached: Japanese_Music_Chart.png (2681x1573, 2.52M)

what’s that one with the hello kitty sex robot
thank you


Attached: SR.jpg (5099x2997, 3.47M)

When you will release this hello kitty album in another sharethread?

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can u guys post these charts with the album names.

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add Deleted Seniors to this

Attached: essential.jpg (2000x4600, 2.07M)

Attached: Electronic music for people who don't like electronic music.jpg (2672x2176, 665K)

newer edition of above

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Attached: Aeroplane core.png (1383x1700, 2.27M)

Attached: Essential Feels chart.jpg (3800x2504, 2.49M)

how the fuck is fishmans not on there

That daft punk album is amazing

Can you make this one bigger?

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Anyone have iceberg memes for other bands? Not quite a chart, but it's something.

Attached: a343ozbvc9z01.jpg (1280x1704, 328K)

Not sure what this is about but I'm intrigued

Does someone have this pic bigger?

>essential Synth-Punk
>no DAF
fucking dropped

Attached: 70s80s.jpg (1850x2250, 1000K)


Attached: iceberg.png (664x1282, 897K)


thisone looks interesting but its smal

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requesting an industrial chart I saw recently
Saved on my now dead phone

It's not a real album, It's just something random to get people asking which album it is.
See here:

Is that also the case for this one? It could just be some obscure bandcamp post-internet shit that I can't find

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>unironically every level on this chart

I appreciate the attempt at giving a nice introduction at such a cool and underrated genre, but it's pretty fucking shite. This motivates me to finish the one I was working on.

What is PMC btw?

Private Military Companies

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here's some shoegaze.
looking for 90s emo.

Attached: Shoegaze.jpg (1372x1600, 588K)

>essential feels
>Feels not on chart

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idk about the rest but that vangelis album is not ambient

look at this retard thinking it's THAT type of chart thread

Whats THAT type of chart thread? (sorry I'm new)

we're posting Charts of Music Guides for specific genres / styles. not what we've been listening to recently or overall favorite albums

ok thanks

Freak out isn't a concept album. why is it there when zappa has so many concept albums?

i need more oddly specific charts to satisfy my niche cravings

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Does anyone know to find A4 ?
And don't try to find full image, you will fail
heads up: you’re gonna think it’s absolute dogshit the first ~20 times you listen to this thing but then it grows on you

I’m liking a lot on here, this is tight

how would you describe buttnoise?

dark edgy dissonant music

Oh I already think this is great! Thanks!

finally i know where to go from rites of spring

i like the chart btw

Cool one

This is from like 2010
We need a new one

>No Dopeshow

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>arctic ambient
>no hiemal
Gay list

Attached: Industrial Grunge.jpg (764x290, 124K)

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Does anyone have Fall, Winter or Sping core?