How hard is it to play black metal?

How hard is it to play black metal?

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The endurance to trem pick for 5 minutes is the only hard part

Not very

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post more varg memes, my folder was lost

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Why not just do it for 20 or 30 seconds and edit the rest? Would that be possible? Most BM tracks are pretty monotonous

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can some inform me what the joke is?

There absolutely is no joke. People just love being destructive, take a look Yea Forums if you want to know what Yea Forums hell looks like. This thread being posted every day is nothing.

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so there is no funny story about the girl or anything?

If there is one it doesn't have anything to do with this thread being posted over and over again

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So you can jerk off all day, but God forbid you tremolo pick for 5 mins. I mean don't you jerk of for like 10 mins at least.

are you mad or something? i don't understand

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i mean its as hard as you make it. standard black metal tends to be just fast picked but in pretty standard keys and time signatures often power chords. and the drumming tends to be fast but simplistic rhythmically. yet there are certainly black metal that is more complex or technical. like pretty much any genre you can play it in a relatively easy simplistic way or complicated technical way.

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I'm just saying that you shouldn't be lazy, train your forearms for endurance. I usually can tremolo pick for minutes at a time

I'm not sure who you're talking to, the only instruments I have ever learned to play were flute, clarinette and bagpipes

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very, very hard

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