Underrated Albums

ITT: The Underrated Album in a popular bands studio discography

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everybody liked amsp

pic related is actually underrated

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True, however I think that AMSP is underrated compared to KID A, IR and OKC

better than Music for Airpanes

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I've hated when it came out and I still hate it to this day.

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the Basement version of TKOL is better. it is a shame that it isn't available as an actual album

pic related, the 3 covers are a bit much but the original material is utterly moving...especially Slip Away and Heathen (The Rays), which is a track about Bowie's mortality, way before Blackstar came out

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if any of their albums, this one. It was an awkward transition time between the teeny bop shit and their mid-phase where they started to do more shit. You can tell they were sick of touring by this point from the performances and original material. and no one talks about the album ever because it's not as exciting but it's still alright

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my favorite Eno record as well, good taste bud

Yesss, Definitely.
The first Beatles album I ever heard in full and it is not their best, but by no means a bad album

yeah but at least the bootleg is real easy to find

hell yeah, this is maybe my favorite early-period beatles album and I've always tried to hype it up when beatles conversations happen. it's just perfect front to back

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Yes, but also No, but also Yes

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I dunno, most people love this album

Also I am the Walrus, Hello Goodbye, Strawberry Fields, Penny Lane, and All You Need is Love are all considered quintessential Beatles songs

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My favorite.

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Radiohead niglets make the worst threads.

for sale and help is peak underrated beatles
mr. moonlight would like a word with you

they make the worst threads because you have a prejudice against their threads. You don't contribute because you think their music taste is superficial and just keep consolidating the notion that you aren't contributing to the decay of the board.

This is as interesting as smiths, mixing postpunk jangle poppy guitar licks, with (somewhat cliche) detached vocals. Surprised they aren't given more credit

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it's cliché NOW, but it wasn't necessarily a cliché at the time

not that user but I kind of like Mr Moonlight. It's definitely a meme but I guess it depends on if you like organs or not

Based. The Face of the Earth is amazing, as well as The Other Side, Ellen and Ben and Sentimental Man. Like most of the songs in there are really good.

I agree that it's great, but don't act like it's not constantly praised as some of their best work.

easily AnCo's best

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Why? Call me pleb but I find most of the songs in that record just bland. For the record I love Spirit they're gone, Merriweather, Feels, and Strawberry Jam. Maybe I should listen to it more?

the title track is phenomenal but i really don't like the rest of the album at all

Lizard is my choice for "underrated KC"

It's hard to describe, I can't really force you to not find it bland. Admittedly I found it extremely bland at first and found tracks like Visiting Friends to be unappealing, but they grew on me. I've always preferred the production and style(s) of Sung Tongs over anything else AnCo has produced. If I were you, yeah, I'd just listen to it more.

The king of limbs is lacking any of the transcendent moments typical of any other Radiohead album. It is definitely not underrated, its reputation is well deserved. Lotus Flower is great, and Separator is pretty nice, but come on.

Angles by The Strokes. I don't know why people ignore it/dislike it like they do, it's a very good record

Scaruffi gave it a low rating, so everyone thinks it's her worst when it's really her best.

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To be fair...I havent listened to that yet but if it's anything like her other releases they are just completely different. I don't think she has a best they are all really solid

Underrated Radiohead is actually Pablo Honey. Yes, it's their worst but people treat it like a shitstain to be forgotten instead of the 6/10 rock album that it is.

Great album. I think Is Terrified is more overlooked though.

I will give it another chance then, thanks. Also I really like the first three songs from that album, it's mostly the later ones.

Is Terrified has a good sound but the lyrics are more dorky than usual

>he Basement version of TKOL
fuck off and take your In Rainbows 2 bullshit out of here, the UNIQUE studio experience is superior in every way

>the lyrics are more dorky than usual
Can't disagree there. Still, it deserves just a bit more love.

this and wild honey are criminally overlooked

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May I ask where you heard of this album?

I found this band via Belle and Sebastian, but I think it's pretty clear why they never became big. Still, I have a real soft spot for the first album and for Pictorial Jackson, which is like 30 minutes pretending to be Dylan than twenty minutes pretending to be Keith Jarrett.

Hell yeah
That song is top 5 Beach Boys


Fuck I even like the album art

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honestly, i've just always felt that album was more of a 'grower' than the rest of their discography. the first time i heard it, i was underwhelmed, but over time it grew into one of my favorite albums by any band. it's concise and has some very intriguing production choices. like, how little by little has two parts of the beat that could be called the '1', and both feels are technically correct because of the layering of percussion. it just doesn't fit in i with the other radiohead albums, and that's why i love it.

t. Doesn't understand minimal music