Alright, I need to say it and let me be clear:

I feel like Idles is the most important band right now. Full stop.

As a Muslim hearing my beautiful religion of Islam defended by a white punk band is everything.

Attached: IDLES.png (1146x855, 774K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw Punk became what it was fighting against

mfw someone says Islam didn't eat your hamster

Attached: 380134709.jpg (266x310, 20K)

lmao punk is gay af. trap music is the only good music.

Conservatism is the new punk rock

Attached: 4105973.jpg (1703x1080, 543K)

>mfw this piss off tankies like nothing else
Literally punk

>took the mentally ill liberal literally under 2 minutes to respond to this thread and start dumping his "le epic trigger the right" folder

are you literally on Yea Forums all day?


I like their music. Their political opinions are however pretty cringe and also yikes.

holy shit lmao

shut the fuck up faggot don't bring brutalism into this 2nd album soi shit. white privilege's lyrics have nothing to do with the title. the song he is singing for whole working class.
whole Yea Forums loved Brutalism
in the second album they went full liberal identity politics mode. and i hate these faggots for doing it. but despite all this shit brutalism was aoty.

Attached: truth.jpg (526x1258, 304K)

Fascism is the new punk rock

IDLES should boycott Israel if they care about Muslims so much.

>conservatives complain
No one takes them seriously
>liberals complain
Everyone bends over to them

>the status quo are the new working class

Sounds like an Orwell quote from 1984.

AnCap is the new punk rock
check em

Why does this band trigger /pol/tards so much lmao

Here's your problem basedboy

life's unfair, get used to it

>life's unfair, get used to it
Tell that to wahmen and low IQ niggers

I am based, aren't I. ^_^


I'm mainly socially liberal but find Idles to be virtue signaling frauds whose lyrics are painfully bad.

They have a few catchy songs completely ruined by someone terrible lines

That's nice btw don't blow anything up or run people over you disguting inbred sandnigger.

Life's not unfair stop larping as a badass

>life's unfair, get used to it
Funny how libtards only believe this when it's convenient for them otherwise they say how much we need (((equality)))

uh huh lol

>>conservatives complain
That's all they do.

>n-no u
Every leftist meme ever

I'm inclined to agree due to the fact that punk rock is cringy as shit.

Attached: 1562788620712.jpg (559x350, 40K)

Reality has a liberal bias.

Attached: ssdway.jpg (640x626, 125K)

That's a wierd way to spell "liberals"

why do we need to have this same thread every four hours
take your aspergers pills dude

Attached: louder.jpg (750x992, 118K)

nice victim complex lol. in the real world it goes something more like this
>conservatives complain
liberals bend over to serve them
>liberals complain
the media drowns them out.

how many times has an alt-right retard been given a platform on liberal cable news? now think about how many times an actual leftist has.

I really don't care about either the politics nor the band. The shitshow it creates pissing off leftoids and rightoids however, is fucking great. Keep the reply count rising lads!

Attached: IMG_9371-682x1024.jpg (682x1024, 45K)

>Reality has a liberal bias
Funny how moment the west went more liberal 100 years ago slow decline started


Attached: 43c.jpg (480x272, 20K)

>mutt don't know the different between a liberal and a leftist

Attached: 1533580369110.jpg (621x938, 192K)

What decline?

damn, the same two pictures in every thread. this guy might actually be a bot.


>actual leftist
You mean literal communists?

Nice strawman, mutt.

Attached: muh guns.png (500x583, 100K)

Nah, I'm just educating people in the free marketplace of ideas.

i will crossbody and buttfuck every politicsposter

>libtards and minorities constantly cry and play the victims
>the second white conservatives try it they start complaining

Attached: 1561402821449.jpg (356x357, 20K)

I enjoy both memes; leftist for their intellectual depth and critique, rightist for their based and redpillness.

Attached: 1546002451107.png (427x576, 310K)

Both of them are just useful idiots for the elite

Not taking any sides, but...

Who talks like that

there is absolutely no difference at this stage in the game

Yeah those communists who want to kill the rich/elites truly are useful for the elite.

The leftists here aren't even real leftists. Actual leftists know that anyone who comes here is a misogynist, racist, ableist, homophobe.

Attached: 0.png (605x349, 38K)

At least we don't live in dystopian state with no freedom of speech

Leftists only believe in free market when it suits them

literally there isn't.

>people stand up for human rights given how prevalent abuse of women and PoC was (and still is) in America
>conservatives faces when

Attached: overusedmeme.png (1354x784, 869K)

Please educate yourself first.

Attached: 1549221845976.jpg (611x630, 68K)

>how many times has an alt-right retard been given a platform on liberal cable news?
The only time I can think of is when Richard Spencer was on CNN last week.

>communists who want to kill the rich/elites
But that's anti-semitic

you're gonna need to do better than two memes, one of them being a stolen ben garrison comic lol

>At least we don't live in dystopian state with no freedom of speech

Attached: images (1).jpg (252x200, 13K)

God I hate twitter so much

There are no Jews in the majority of the planet, /pol/tard, try again.

read something written in the last fifty years
historical materialism is not a hyperstition and american social democrats pose no threat to the ruling class
alt right is police
stop making this thread

>abuse of women and PoC
Mostly by other POC

You got loicense for that post m8?

>how many times has an alt-right retard been given a platform on liberal cable news?
the bbc had the head of generation identity on the day after the christchurch shootings

you're using the same structure in your posts, you're doing a poor job convincing me


I'd love to see the look on Ben's face when he realizes reality has a liberal bias.

Nice b8 m8

>At least we don't live in dystopian state with no freedom of speech

Attached: 1550050306780.gif (359x202, 1.91M)

my epic little federal law enforcement face when people stand up for political concessions for themselves

>reality has a liberal bias.
>citation needed

So twice? We're up to twice now? Get lost.

Here you go

damn, now you're trying to steal /pol/ memes wholesale. please keep making these embarrassing posts so I can keep having my belly laugh.

>abuse of women and PoC
>Mostly by other POC

Nah, the mere existence of people of color triggers Trumpy. Ilhan Omar would run the country way better than Trump ever could.

Attached: american-freedom-comic1.png (1000x1000, 89K)

>da joos

Attached: 14brainlet88.jpg (645x1200, 69K)

you police one another and inform on yourselves
why hire surveillance?
girls with warrants got the best pussy

still very unconvincing

Imagine living in United Cuckdom

Attached: migrant-invasion-comic.png (1500x500, 85K)

conservatism is the rape of any and all creativity.

Hey buddy, sorry to tell you this, but, I'm not from britbongland, and you're still living in an actual dystopian state with no freedom of speech.

Attached: le face.jpg (252x260, 6K)

post your nose

Kek you're not even denying it

Attached: 1552931169907.png (3000x3000, 400K)

i told you to stop posting these threads

I saw a brown person today. YUROP IS IN RUINS!

>exactly the same posts every day over and over
I feel like stuck in Groundhog Day

I won't spoonfeed you and if you're not prepared to do some basic research and get your facts right and get a basic understanding of politics and philosophy and not just conform everything to your limited worldview and current situation wherever you live, we're going to end this conversation now.

Attached: download (1).jpg (245x206, 5K)

This is why the right is winning. They're funny as shit and they have the best memes. Leftists memes spew a bunch of sociology vocabulary words and never get to the fucking point.

/pol/tards lack any form of originality. It's why so few artists are right wing.

same pol tweens stimming and screaming
same dipshit responses out of you

I am from Poland and haven't sene a single one in my life

I told you to suck my fat alt-right cock.

>da joos

Attached: 1548532288567.png (988x704, 66K)


>why so few artists are right wing
Because they would get cancelled for expressing their views

Same trannies bitching and moaning

You also live in a shithole, Wojak.


Well maybe they should get some better views unlike unoriginal trite like muh immigrants and muh jews

My country won't turn into african colony in 50 years

>Because they would get cancelled for expressing their views

No, it's because creativity requires empathy and compassion. Lefties create, while righties complain. It's an indisputable fact.

Yeah it'll stay even worse: Poland.

This. Beethoven was a liberal.

Attached: beton.jpg (959x883, 219K)

yeah, this fucking thread again

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Attached: 80d2g57y.jpg (750x932, 157K)

>It's why so few artists are right wing
Look up Mkultra

>efties create, while righties complain
Lmao it's the complete opposite

Attached: liberal 'art'.png (800x450, 520K)

Holy shit how do leftists lack any form of self-awareness?


THIS. The Xutolian race from the planet Klang have BRAINWASHED true patriots into believing conservatives can't make good art. But I know the truth.

>migrants and jews good

Attached: 1544913072217.jpg (644x800, 35K)

rollan' in this shit thread

Attached: Rolling-Dice.jpg (772x603, 50K)

I better take you seriously now that you posted a picture of the fat philosopher

Do you really think your shitty indie rock and rap, awful paintings and Hollywood trash counts as good art?

>if something isn't bad then it's good

I see you weren't able to provide a valid rebuttal or counter-argument. You wanna know why?
[spoiler] Because reality has a liberal bias :^) [/spoiler]

> Unironic fascism in 2019
Come on now.

Attached: 4v3sl069gkw11.gif (429x318, 1.92M)

Repeating something doesn't make it true
>doesn't know how to use spoilers
Newfag confirmed

Hahaha, oh wow. In I stated "Lefties create, while righties complain". Guess what you're doing, righty

I award this worst thread in the catalog

Are you a jew or nigger?


Still waiting on that rebuttal tho

>immigrants and jews aren't bad

Attached: IMG_2810.png (419x238, 84K)

I'm white, unfortunately. Where did society fail you?

yea try b for that kind of shit

>Lefties create, while righties complain

Attached: conservative and liberal art.png (686x524, 189K)

liberalism and leftism is totally different unless we want to project 21st century "progressive" values to the past and claim some cultural points


so you are brainwashed white leftist which is even worse

Attached: 1548005454373.png (643x607, 576K)

jews aren't white bro

>supported the french revolution
>liberté, égalité, fraternité
Yeah, Beethoven definitely wasn't a liberal.

Attached: nazi autism.png (1664x521, 87K)

t. alt-right cryptofascist who never even read about communism and thinks communism is a superstate with no freedom of speech.

>preserving your country and people is fascism
top cuckold

>baby killing
>encouraging self-mutilation
>empathy and compassion

Harris is based. How did he manage to btfo Joseph Paul Watson, Sargon, and Ben Shapiro all within the span of one year?

>>preserving your country and people

Attached: _85950985_85950984.jpg (976x549, 116K)

If it looks like a cracker, tastes like a cracker and smells like a cracker, it is a cracker.
"Brainwashed". Right. Because you don't just blindly follow far right propaganda.

Attached: Iknowyoueatshit.jpg (322x255, 22K)

Proving my point, lad. There's no creativity in the upper one. A mindless recreation by an automation.

he was also pro trans rights and insisted that homosexuals should be able to be legally married

>>empathy and compassion

Attached: vN6biZB.gif (260x146, 1.14M)

Things change get used to it you fucking snowflake.

those aren't illegal immigrants, they are german just like everyone else

Why do people do this? when you're this overtly political its so fucking obvious you have a personality disorder and are seeking attention. do they just lack all self-awareness?

This thread lacks self-awareness.

>I like the taste of shit as long as I'm eating my own shit

So long as it's left of centre, it's no longer political, but a matter of truth, versus the lie enforced by the rich, white powers that be.

matzo balls don't taste like crackers, but I can understand why there would be confusion

Dude, why are you eating your own shit? I know Hilter did it, but he's really not the kind of person you want to idolize.

jewish powers that be**

he also had one ball, was a pansexual dragonkin, shot meth into his penis and loved the sound of music

You see what I mean? I bet you guys believe in loxism and the kalegri plan.

Attached: 1492188211513.png (835x787, 1.53M)

the kalergi plan is 100% real, loxism is not

Dude no.
Complexity isn't necessarily good, you can throw together a bunch of big jazzy chords with tons of tensions and added notes but that doesn't guarantee good music.
Contrary to that look to some of this boards fav albums, itaots's title track is literally a chord progression so old it was a thing before my 90 year old grandpa was born (doo wop progression, 1 6 4 5) , or take loveless which has a simple power chord riff of a 1 2 4 5 progression throughput the whole first song (except the power chord riff of 2 4 5 4 in the verse).
Simple art can be beautiful, complex art can sound and look like shite without inspiration.

>the kalergi plan is 100% real

>ten points for griffindor
awful, simply awful

Attached: 1554042784741.png (783x630, 430K)

agreed, but there is only one piece of art in while the other picture is a tone of red

This is every leftist meme.

Attached: image_resizer_1_1400x1400.png (1400x1400, 2.16M)

sorry, meant to say it's 300% real

You seriously believe that reasonable individuals wouldn't object to that, if it was real? It's an excuse to build death camps on the US/Mexico border. Time's ticking for you, fascist.

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that's a weird opening comment, I'm objecting right now

Opening comment? No, it's judgement, for your retrograde beliefs. I'm not on the side of the human cheeto building death camps and killing immigrant children.

Name a more cringe album title than Joy As An Act of Resistance

believe me, trump would have my full support if that were true for these "immigrants"

The tone of red may be like aeroplane, visually/musically not complex at all but for the viewers/listeners it may be holy sincere and amazing, and don't look at this as a critique of aeroplane, it's one of my all time faves, but you gotta admit its simple to a point where you could probably learn the whole album in a month if you've been playing guitar for like 6 months (except the vox, those are pretty hard)

lol I bet you like sniffing your own farts

we know he likes masturbating his "genius" on a scandinavian svið cooking forum at the very least