Can anybody tell me what song this is interpolating from 1:15 to 1:20?

Can anybody tell me what song this is interpolating from 1:15 to 1:20?
I'm losing my mind

Attached: 1546293558646.jpg (1600x1200, 288K)

Who's the chick in the pic?

idk. she only exists to capture your attention.

she went by 'kittens' years ago, i believe she was a regular on /soc/ IIRC

tons of pics/gifs of her out there some nude




it's the boy from 2 and a half men. he went hardcore christian and left the show. rip

literally this
like this comment if you would copulate with her

Liked (Upvoted too, tbqhwyf)

Attached: e4299734559659.56d57de04bda4.gif (500x500, 247K)

it's not interpolating anything. But I suppose you mean what does it sound similar to? I hear something vaguely but not enough to remember what. Sorry.

Fuck yes bro. More

This is the only reason I don’t completely regret ever coming here.

literally search kitten from /soc/ on xvideos
One reverse image search led me there from OP.

that room is depressing af

More fun like this

yeah, thats what i meant.
i thought interpolating was like when it copies a melody or tone or something. i'm not an elite music mind.

thanks for trying :'(
im thinking it may be rihanna who sang whatever im thinking of but IDK

I think you mean “interpreting” which is giving your own take on a song

upboated and motorboated

I didn't mean you were using the term wrong. I meant that it's not an interpolation in the sense that artist wasn't copying anything intentionally.

ohhhh i see

i thought it was possible its a nod to whatever line it sounded like
but on 2nd thought that's unlikely

WHo is this does she have any lewds i'm a total newfag haha