Can anybody tell me what song this is interpolating from 1:15 to 1:20?
I'm losing my mind
Can anybody tell me what song this is interpolating from 1:15 to 1:20?
Who's the chick in the pic?
idk. she only exists to capture your attention.
she went by 'kittens' years ago, i believe she was a regular on /soc/ IIRC
tons of pics/gifs of her out there some nude
it's the boy from 2 and a half men. he went hardcore christian and left the show. rip
literally this
like this comment if you would copulate with her
Liked (Upvoted too, tbqhwyf)
it's not interpolating anything. But I suppose you mean what does it sound similar to? I hear something vaguely but not enough to remember what. Sorry.
Fuck yes bro. More
This is the only reason I don’t completely regret ever coming here.
literally search kitten from /soc/ on xvideos
One reverse image search led me there from OP.
that room is depressing af
More fun like this
yeah, thats what i meant.
i thought interpolating was like when it copies a melody or tone or something. i'm not an elite music mind.
thanks for trying :'(
im thinking it may be rihanna who sang whatever im thinking of but IDK
I think you mean “interpreting” which is giving your own take on a song
upboated and motorboated
I didn't mean you were using the term wrong. I meant that it's not an interpolation in the sense that artist wasn't copying anything intentionally.
ohhhh i see
i thought it was possible its a nod to whatever line it sounded like
but on 2nd thought that's unlikely
WHo is this does she have any lewds i'm a total newfag haha