And you have to choose between
>paying thousands of dollars to travel to America to see a proper concert of your favorite artists/albums
>waiting years for them to come to yurop, only to perform in some shitty euro festival where they only play a set of five of their most popular songs
No wonder they're so fucking poor. I'd rather kill myself!

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>American artist comes to your country
>Throw him in jail before he can even perform

imagine believing everybody is a concert fan and mostly listen to artists who are still active

this is some weak b8 kid

Based Ingmar

Tell me where I'm wrong. It isn't even bait you stupid nigger.

And then you see him ''the American star'', he is very short in real life, something you can hardly call a man by normal standards.
And you think to yourself, have I been worshiping this, a literal midget? And you suicide.

Cringe and underage

come to brazil

Fucking kek


>every Yea Forumscore band is american or british
>european bands worth a damn tour in america regardless

The point would be....all good bands play in Europe

Don't know what your idiotic point would be

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i live in France and I saw MGMT twice, Xiu Xiu, Michael Gira also and many many many american artists i enjoy.
The only thing we're missing in concerts is probably some shitty rappers but how is it a bad thing .

France is such a fucking shithole


Europe has a much better concert and festival scene than the USA. This is shitty bait.

The US is fucking shit for concerts. All of the best artists are European and most of them only tour in Europe.

>waiting years and years
What are you taking about, I live in Croatia and there is always someone playing in Hungary, Austria and Germany and it takes few hours to go there

>be american
>go to concert
>get shot


The two biggest concert shootings of the decade were in the Manchester, UK and Paris, France you fucking delusional yuropoor.

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better artists too, and there are more american artists that tour mostly europe than european artists that do the opposite

Does someone actually judge a country JUST by how many artists tour there? Pretty sure things like welfare, education and medicine are a tad bit more important than say getting to see a dude perform a song you like a few METERS from you