How is This a 10/10?

How is this a masterpiece if there's only 10 tracks and one of them is an instrumental interlude that goes nowhere, the second half of National Anthem is unbearable, and the vocals on Kid A are unintelligible trash? The rest of the songs on here excluding HTDC, Idioteque, and EIIRP sound like less exciting versions of songs that might've appeared on OK Computer. Motion Picture Soundtrack is good but even that sounds like a Jeff Buckley rip off mixed with electronics.
Why didn't they just combine the best from Amnesiac and Kid A together? Now THAT would've been a masterpiece.

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you're opinions are fucking retarded

Kid A is not a masterpiece but your opinion is retarded
Lurk more

Okay, what would you rather; Let Down, Climbing Up The Walls, Lucky, Exit Music
Optimistic, In Limbo, Morning Bell, Kid A?
The majority of the songs on Kid A are inferior, and Treefingers is redundant. It's a good album but not a masterpiece. OK Computer is better. Hail To The Theif is better. In Rainbows is better.

>the second half of National Anthem is unbearable

I'm 24. Explain to me where I'm wrong.

Sorry, but it's true. It doesn't make for an enjoyable listening experience. It's not even cool or experimental, it's just annoying. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

its pretty fucking cool

it gets me excited every time
you just haven’t listened to it enough

you're retarded but kid a isn't a 10

According to most people it is, I agree with you, I'd say it's around a 7.5 for me.

Kid A grows on you honestly,
it's more of a listening home alone during a t-storm kind of album desu
it's not an album you could just listen with friends on a car ride like OKC

Almost this whole thread retarded. Kid A is a contender for best LP ever.

It's cool as fuck
You have been filtered

You're obviously not an adult, you haven't acquired a taste for free form jazz

probably my favorite bit of their entire discography though desu

>the second half of National Anthem is unbearable
Holy pleb

>one of them is an instrumental interlude that goes nowhere, the second half of National Anthem is unbearable, and the vocals on Kid A are unintelligible trash?

This post is bad and you should feel bad. Title track is best track, by the way. We've got heads on sticks, bitch.

Fuck, didn't mean to quote. That was for OP.


>and one of them is an instrumental interlude that goes nowhere, the second half of National Anthem is unbearable, and the vocals on Kid A are unintelligible trash
Im not even the biggest fan of Radiohead but jesus christ