The synth riff in the chorus of this track was swiped from something, but I can't remember what it is now. 100%...

The synth riff in the chorus of this track was swiped from something, but I can't remember what it is now. 100%, it's a direct lift. Some late-80s mid-90s dance track, I think.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-03-29-at-12.57.16-PM-Cropped-1553878552-640x427.png (640x427, 399K)

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yeah that's what we need a 4th thread about her


fucking this. Yea Forums is a joke now. when i first came here people were talking about lorde but it wasn't like at all this.

This hoe is already known as a plagiarist and gentrifier. Are you honestly shocked?

Well this is the only thing that reminds me

Btw im not into kpop dont judge me

giv me her milkers

How about you post the fucking song op, that way people can know what you are talking about
Im assuming you are asking about bad guy because It sounds a lot like this

I think I had a dream about her, I was hanging with her and she was like a kid and I didn't want to fuck her any more (very strange). I didn't even listen to her album, what does this all mean?

she's pretty young, that sounds accurate

that's some real skinhead 2tone my lad

maybe it was that interview I watched where she said she took 8 poops in a day

I really don't understand what those words mean

black skinhead by kayne west


Lorde is trash you zoomer. Fuck your industry plants

5 minutes of a fucking ad for a fucking thing that I don't care about.

Billie Eilish is an industry plant, too. They liked her persona, demeanor and looks, that's all. That soft-voice shit can be done by almost anyone.

it's really lazy, like a pop mumblerap (yuh)


Haha cool dude

guys haha it’s freakin BILLIE!!! I swear I have never posted her before but please reply and let’s make this an awesome thread Billie bros!!!